Dynamic players of media and marketing

I was starting to look to order pizza tonight, enticed admittedly because of the repeated appealing look of their square edged, cheezy, peperoni pizza, I went to Little Ceasars with a boost from Google to intuitively populate my search based on my location, sprinkled in with identity for my preferences.  WOW!  Talk about a bonanza of opportunity for the mighty Google.  

I am giddy with excitement.  I'm not sure I went on record and blogged about it, something tells me I did.  I had explained why I chose Google's Blogspot for launch of my blogging adventures.  Knowing back then, the instincts screaming at me when I was absorbing, watching, reading what others were saying.  Like trying to pick a rain drop in midair.  

The internet has been a bonanza for everyone.  Things like pen pals, handwriting, put a stamp on an addressed envelope, post it and wait at least 10 days with anticipation that the recipient may just have received your handwritten letter with a few photos you had choose from after you took them to the photo finisher and wait 5 to 10 days before they came back from you.  Regretting you hadn't taken multiples of a captive scene unfolding, surprisingly, before you like a speed forward opening of petals of a flower. 

SOURCE: http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/celebrity/heidi-klum-unrecognisable-in-jessica-rabbit-halloween-costume-20151101-gkoa43.html PHOTOCAPTURE: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/showbiz/news/a676734/heidi-klum-lives-up-to-her-tease-of-sexiest-halloween-costume-yet-with-jessica-rabbit-reveal.html#~psQzaDCcqR4dLo 

Guess what's trending on Google right now? 

Take that wonderful experience, remove any cost, use any materials, avoids any environmental footprints because its transmissions are air, blown like a soft puff of smoke from the minds of incredibly talented people:  the social media rock stars:

Google is outrunning, outpacing everyone else in the social media space, contrary to the mass perception that is on a battlefield with Facebook and Twitter.  Google is not cutting corners, my friends.  It has been a steady, organic exploration into our minds.  I will insert the number of GMail subscribers Google really has.  Expodentially spread that out to get hooked on to a potential brand, then sell that audience to that brand.  

Google is assembling our behaviours, our desires, our political beliefs, our financial picture just by what we ask of it.  To Bing's and Microsoft's dismay, Google outsmarted them on marketing synopsis.  Company's like Nike, Apple subscribe to this information to design, predict, guide, influence our choices today.  Compound that with the very tiny percentage paid to traditional media that still equated to massive revenue to traditional dominating medias like television, which outranks radio, newspapers, magazines combined!

I am so lucky.  I hitched my star to Google early.  Like five years ago.  It is like you are building your Google loyalty, just by the amount you rely on it to extrapolate that information to basically glide you to your true desires.   Like a teeth whitener appearing as you are just consciously aware that you are rolling your tongue across your teeth, before it registers that you should go see the dentist and/or get your teeth whitened.  White teeth symbolizing health, never hidden yet always beaming with happiness ... this strong perception driving you to this new purchase, having delved into your hidden desires.

Google's nod to celebrate Alan Turing.  

I hope my loyalty will continue to be rewarded by vague Google searches, freely displayed as a strong suggestion based on top Google results and positioned first.  I am going to be really happy that I am not relegated to the puny vertical ads beside the real meat, the ideal stuff, people are looking for before they realize they want them.  Soon to be credited to the genius of Apple's Steve Jobs as "Thejobseffect" a new Wikipedia identity is enhanced by their creation of a definition, reference, bio, history, images, dates, numbers or anything else related to that identity.  Google has responded in kind by ensuring that me, and only me, can be identified as anyone else.  I own my personal brand #optioneerjm @optioneerjm +optioneerjm because I started at the beginning, as a student of observation in the university of knowledge.  
The smaller, more inconsequential contributors like Twitter, Facebook, InstaGram, twist in agony when the lightbulb explodes into large fireworks of vision was before you at one point, whether by instinct, advice, greed for financial gain you took your eye off the holy grail that Google has launched.

The power of #everything will define the masses, the desires, the history, the honesty and the truth.  It will not be determined by being fed hysteria or alarm or warm feelgood mind mapping.  It will be true to many selves.  The power of determining fates, success or failure of an organization, without the mischievious hackers impeding progress or restricting it to the very few.

Information is the king of this new wide world we have before us.  Where we will only find information on health, wellness, beauty, fashion, true love desires.  Blogs like Meanderingsabout will explode into the radars of unsuspecting receivers of said information, rocketing them into the Generals position on the new checkerboard of Googles invention, influence and capabilities.

Back to Little Ceasar's adventure in webland blends into real life:  my order HAD to be a minimum of $20 then was proceeded to be asked what area of the city I lived in (which the number was driven from the website, which really should have a different telephone number based on the location of the website click, to be able to accurately populate printed menus, coupons in our dusty illused mail boxes.  

Sidebar:  brilliant already by Justin Trudeau to emerge as a man of his word as his first known action based on the reaction of those voting him in, is to bring back the Canadian Postal Services, the brainchild of the Liberal Party in _____________ insert date and fact check here ________________ .

SOURCE:  BestofCheesiestMovies 

Then finally, and fatally, because that pizza is going to have to be as memorable or better than its cheezy commercial that began this research uncovering as I write.  

#dontletcheesygetyoudown hashtag revolution as part of the #bestofeverything experiment where thousands, then millions will inspire, share love, overcome diversity by the people for the people land of opportunity.

First envisioned and reported here by Jeannette Marshall aka +optioneerJM this November 1, 2015.

Vlogging it

Here is my second attempt at Vlogging.  I can only say one thing, I can certainly improve.  It's all about just doing it and practice makes perfect.

It is one thing to write and quite an intimidating thing to put your face and words out there in person live.

I can't say it is thrilling yet, it is invigorating to test oneself and put oneself outside of the comfort zone.  

I hope to accomplish more great things by being able to share my thoughts on sales, leadership, loyalty, and social media.  From time to time, I may single out a brand and speak to it as it speaks to me.

We're all here together to learn.  So if you have any comments or suggestions, I'm a sponge, ready to soak up the wisdom of many other trail brazing before me in the world of video blogging.

Tell me what you think? 

October 2015

May the force be with you

"Strike me down, and I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine." 
                                                      ~Star Wars Quote

I read a great definition and explanation of SEO on Linked In by Danny Todd, self-dubbed "The Cleveland SEO Guy".  He takes away a lot of the mystery by so many executives and non techno types that can avoid addressing the need for SEO or Social Media stemmed simply from lack of understanding. 

 It reminds me of a business owner whom is close to me (bro-in-law) who almost avoids tackling it from the inability to grasp it, or know who is the best source to manage it.  

There is the power struggle between IT and Marketing that armwrestles over it, whom they themselves don't walk the walk (i.e. by having their own force of reputation or brand).

The real sources are the ones who put themselves out their and risk their own personal necks to test whether they have what it takes -- would people heed them if not for the corporate entity that protects them or they hide behind.

"Who's the more foolish; the fool, or the fool who follows him?" 
~Star Wars Quote

So many very talented people expose themselves and surge forward, not because they want to but because circumstances forced them to.  i.e. layoff, unemployment.

I'll give my own example without naming names (to avoid creating a controversy).  I have broadcasted and shared that I was launching and doing the Social Media for my brother-in-law who owns and operates a fairly successful furnace cleaning business in Edmonton, Alberta CANADA.

I offered to help him with his social media, not for monetary gain, but to test the strength of my own knowledge from delving into the complex world of brand, marketing blended with technology:  which really is what defines social media.  It is the combination of all of those elements.

Once I had launched his social media platforms, Gerard removed himself from running the day-to-day of social media.  He completely trusted me and a sign of a true entrepreneur, recognized that there were some things he was good at, other things he wasn't, and many he had no interest in adding to his already very hefty plate.

Part of the launch was getting his SEO going.  He handed me the name and contact information of the gal who was doing it for him.  Like a cat who sees itself in the mirror, this gal arched on all fours with her hair standing up in either defense or attack mode.  
She would only do what Gerard actively asked her to do.  When we spoke and I made a request (i.e. follow me or share icons on the website) her response to me was always that that was outside of her accountabilities and commitment.

"You do have your moments.  Not many, but you have them."
~Star Wars Quote

It was perceived as too assertive when I asked for that information:  what exactly were the services she was providing and how much was Gerard paying for.

Like Harper discovered with Trudeau, you don't tend to go on the attack unless you have a concern.  Even more often so, when you have a weakness that you may consider could be exposed if others catch on.  So what do you do about that?  You fight it.  You go on the offensive.

What happened, I found out just a couple of months ago was she flat out told Gerard that she didn't want to work with me.

"Would somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way?!"
~Star Wars Quote

I can tell you why, here and now.  I asked her for the analytics from the website.  Why?  Because I wanted to see where the website traffic was coming from.  Anyone in my same position, would understand that data provides a roadmap to where you are getting traction from.  It answers:  where are your best sources of clicks coming from?  

Not only was this gal parading herself around as a marketing expert, she was also saying she was a SEO and social media professional.  I may sound catty when I say that someone with only a few hundred followers on Twitter and a Klout score barely registering is not.  THAT, is one of the true identifiers of expertise.  Hardly rocket science.

What happens is these persons baffle their audience with B.S.  They have so many buzz words and key indicators that they must sure the hell know what they're talking about ... right?

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."
~Star Wars Quote

Gerard didn't seem to relate to my convictions that the reason this gal was not providing that information was because she had a conflict of interest.  She was not providing website design services (hardly stellar if you look at the poor quality and lack of crisp, articulate design one should expect paying anyone other than doing it themselves).  

This provider was also hosting the website.  She was secretive as to who her source was.  Transparency conveys honesty.  I stand by that observation.  

Likely, she knew if I broke it down into bite size pieces, he was paying for more than he was getting.  People, if you pay for a website hosting service, part of the bundle is your analytics.

I was offended when she said that Gerard was not paying for that part of the service:  the analytics.  It sure sounded like blackmail to me.  A normal, trusting executive or business owner is trusting that the person they are paying are looking after their business' interests, and not their own.  This gal proved to me that she was not reputable based on her protectiveness and blanking me out.

Out of frustration, I walked away.  Anyone who knows me intimately or worked alongside me or I worked for as clients, knows that if I hitch my energy behind someone or something, I go full tilt.  It can blast the hat off anyone's head who doesn't get that.  Fortunately, I've had some colleagues and employers who've understood and unleashed that vibe, even encouraged it, knowing that it often paid dividends.

Perhaps my style doesn't always compliment others.  I can definitely say it more often rubs the people like this gal the wrong way.  If you have nothing to hide when my tenacity gets into overdrive.

I realized my lesson through all of this.  When you pay someone for anything, that signifies that there is perceived value.  When you do something for free, what you are doing has less perceptual value.  It's a kick in the behind when you realize it.  Your energy, your talent and your belief in doing the right thing gets the steam taken away when the trust and loyalty isn't there.  Zero is zero in that equation.  A losing proposition to anyone who is working for free for all the right reasons and for the right company or individual.  

"You'll find I'm full of surprises!"
~Star Wars Quote

Walking away is probably the best gift you can give yourself.  It is a waste of energy, hardly worth any frustration and importantly lacks the integrity that drives someone to want to help someone else succeed.  
Be willing to put yourself out there and let the force be with you.  The best use of your skills are rewarded by the right alignment of personal relationships with the foundation based on trust.  It doesn't matter what the people like this gal do, that bad business behaviour eventually catches up with them or they remain in hiatus, never really going beyond a small paycheque with no vision and less risk.

If you are willing to do what you do today without earning a paycheque signifies you have fallen into the real force to be reckoned with:  YOU!  You would do it 24x7 and love every minute of it.  You're probably really great at it.  You live it every day, risk a part of yourself, to prove only to yourself and nobody else what you are capable of.

"Power on people and let the force of yourself be with you."
~Jeannette Marshall

SOURCE for Star Wars quotes:  http://thoughtcatalog.com/oliver-miller/2013/03/100-quotes-from-star-wars-in-order-of-awesomeness/

Social media works

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."
~Oprah Winfrey

Firmly at the bottom of my social media scale has been firstly, the great people whom I am connected with.  Without people, you will go nowhere.  That lesson resonates with everyone everywhere.  It is a leadership principle and a people principle.

Social media personalities are there for the duration and the long haul.  They are never scattered, nor a politician, celebrity or brand looking for a boost in numbers.  Or more aggressively trying to innovate a hashtag (#) to trend by money or influence.  The real social media superstars make things happen and inspire others to reach out to absorb their message.

What can you do to merge with the crew and start the climb?  I would have to say, you have to adapt a "do-it-yourself" attitude immediately after you start making the connections.

"Dream on it.  Let your mind take you to places you would like to go, and then think about it and plan it and celebrate the possibilities.  And don't listen to anyone who doesn't know how to dream."
~Liza Minnelli

Only YOU can build your brand.  That is what social media tends to forge ahead by:  what resonates with you personally?  Is it something you like to do?  Do you jump up to write, take photographs, create scrumptious dishes, read, debate, view, leverage, learn, lead, quote, inspire others?  

The ones who have gained followers, are heeded, invited to speak, write a blog all began somewhere near the bottom.  They had the commitment and work ethic to start at the bottom and build up what they tend to love.  

They do have a photo everywhere that is recognizable because of the consistency it portrays.  Their bios can set them apart but the gracious wording with boasting humbly set aside.  The proof is there.  Simple.  It shows in the numbers.

Do you ask others or ask those you find appear to have found the secret formula on creating massive followings how they got there?  I asked one of my earliest friends within a group:  what makes you so special?  How did you get so many followers?  I pause for the holy grail or secret ingredient.  I hesitate a few minutes wondering if he will even respond.

I shouldn't have been surprised that he did respond.  These rockstars are everyone's people and they practice what they feel is relevant to those who have joined their crew.  They are self-made socialpreneurs or omnipresent everywhere it seems.

Stephen's response was mild, simple and a little amusing.  He said:  "I just show up."

Remarkable isn't it?  The best of the best are more than likely do-it-yourselfers.  They craft their home pages and bios with a dedicated eye for standing out in the crowd, with simply an self-image that presents a "normal" person and a short concise bio.  

I'm sure if I had a private conversation with each and every one of them, there would be that common thread of being true to themselves and not the narcissistic personality many off the mark will identify them to be when they are far from the truth.

What is certain is that singing is not merely modulating a song by means of the voice: we sing and we celebrate the beauty that we can grow and live every day. If you want to sing and give emotions to those who are listening, you must have something to tell through your singing; you have to use singing like an instrument to tell something.
~Andrea Bocelli

You see, friends.  The true, great, superstars are people.  They have uncovered their true calling and hitched on to a passion that was bubbling below the surface just waiting to escape as more than steam.  

The overnight, viral campaigns that catch on are fleeting.  The social media super stars show up daily, evening, morning or the wee hours.  They stroll through the information, images, quotes, knowledge to disperse with and share.  Some have become lucky enough to be travel bloggers or convention speakers for sums of money.

I'm not sure who really has made a bucket load of money from their notoriety.  Money seems to fall far below on the list of must haves when they are gaily enjoying what floats their boat:  a passion, a cause, a knowledge morsel, travel, writing, creativity.

A Bad Hair Day by Aaron Karnovski on Fivehundredpx

It isn't really who you know either.  That eventually works itself out.  People recognize authenticity, a magnetic force that other talented people gravitate to.  If you are good at something, it is usually because you love it.  

The irony of being this do-it-yourselfer is that I am not really an artist nor a photographic genius.  I simply think my eyes seek beauty.   It could be artistic, word, graphic, illustration, advertisement, photographic objects or people.  I just love looking at visuals.  I like when my brain softly says:  "huh".  That translates to my internal mechanism that something I am looking or reading is striking.  

The challenge of being a do-it-yourselfer is balancing the real world, life, family, work, friends with the online one.  Some may believe it is an addiction of sorts.  I've never missed a birthday celebration, work event, training schedule, taking my dog for a walk or cooking dinner.  

My social media world continually inspires, amazes and pleases me immensely.  I can turn off the computer, I don't stop to do selfies everywhere, and take pleasure in many offline interests.  I garden, I paint, I text kids, have phone conversations with friends and family or meet with them over dinner or a coffee.

Life outside social media is more enjoyable.  I have discovered ways to continue my gardening as a fledgling green thumb, I recycle things daily with my blue box, I commute to work and see things with new eyes.  I try adding a new menu element I wouldn't have otherwise tried.  I volunteer to do a gingerbread house for my team at work.  

I have at my disposal the wonderment of the outside world, embellished by the knowledge and discoveries I find online.

That, my friends, is the secret to an online social media personality.  Be authentic, read, watch, listen or view what rocks your world.  As you continually fill your mind and brain with wonderful things, your world and karma evolves to attract only those great things.

"How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and sheroes."
~Maya Angelou

Sweat equity

 Social media is not just an activity; it is an investment of valuable time and resources. Surround yourself with people who not just support you and stay with you, but inform your thinking about ways to WOW your online presence”

It goes without saying that I am lucky.

I am honored to be amount a distinguished group who continuously inspire me.  

They are the true champions that demonstrate that you can find your path to 

freedom which is gained by freedom from employment. 

These people are the gutzy ones.

 They have taken their gift of liking people and people liking them to a whole 

new level.  They have awesome personalities that have won fans because

they have consistent, positive messages, images, share knowledge for the 

good of the people worldwide.

Social media superstars

Social media superstars by my own definition are those that have been able to

 take their talent to attract multiple fans and turn it into a business adventure.

They are not famous musicians, artists, actors, writers or heads of large 

corporations (that can they can leverage to increase their presence and where 

people pay heed to them solely because of that fact).

They are not power hungry politicians.  They are not followed because of who 

they are but by what they represent:  social media power.

At the feet of these powerhouse social media rock stars is information, images,

quotes, advice, smarts, intuitive ability to tweet, post or share what resonates

most with the average person and the not-so-average.

Many are following their dreams hitched to their passion:  whether it is

 statesmanship by  +Sean Gardner country music from   +Jessica Northey or

or wisdom from +Libby Baker Sweiger  or +Leanne Hoagland-Smith  or a 

contagiously positive personality like +Dave Reynolds .

I had coffee with a former stellar colleague Philip 

yesterday.  We all know those people who stand heads

 taller philosophically than most with whom we

 stay connected with.    Having coffee with Philip 

restored my faith by the reminder of how lucky I am to 

have so many great experiences I have and the 

opportunity to have learned from the best people and

honored to have worked with.

I often credit Linked In

Linked In was where it all started for me.  I was driven by the desire to keep in 

touch with the best of many who have  something unique to offer:  Like 

Philip, I have found my former colleagues from Xerox to be the most talented

 and positive people to have been worked with.  Thanks Michael R.

 Kimerbly O.  Then there is a great mentor Rodger G. (President of a very 

important big company) and There were many others, but they haven't been into 

the commitment of keeping in touch.

Some have helped me, supported me, worked with me, mentored me, or shared

wonderful friendships without any expectations of  reciprocation like May C. 

Donna D. Evelyn J. Jay D. Kathy C.  Jeanne P. and others who  remind me daily 

how faith and friendship, firmly at the core, can help rejuvenate one, inspire 

others, and motivate many.  My best source of learning are rooted firmly with 

my kids:  Kyle, Chantal, and Kelsey whose conversations frequently push me 

outside my own views to see things from their young, up-and-coming and 

youthful perspective.   Fortunately, they are have an entourage that count me

among their unique adult source of information, philosophy and most of all


There are those who only know me from

 social media that optimistically sense

 would expand their great connection of

 friendship if I were lucky enough to 

meet personally like +Sandy Hubbard 

+Mike Lehr +Joseph Ruiz to name just

few.  Gems in their own aura of giving, 

knowledge, sharing and gift of relating to

real people.  There are a couple whom

 I would like to recognize for their constant

 support of my posts with a like or a share.  I

 look forward to the opportunity to work

 with you in the not too distant future when

complete my website and engage your

 SEO savvy knowledge and graceful 

imagery -- the best the world has to offer:

 +Syed Mazhar Shah +EsmatMorshedy who 

exude talent combined with humility while 

making inroads towards fame.  You are

 always there Mazhar and Esmat, and never

 go unnoticed.

Watch for updates in the upcoming couple of months while I put sweat equity to

 task to help someone launch their social media for their service offering that 

will revolutionize an industry and follow the mantra by Steve Jobs that

 inspires endless +SteveJobsFans across the universe:  find something that the 

populace of people don't know they need yet will enrich their lives.


Dear friends, readers, followers, subscribers:  thank you for your faith and 

commitment in watching me grow.  

You can #follow me here: