Showing posts with label corporate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporate. Show all posts

Stray the course

"Stray the course every once in a while.  Be innovative and a creative thinker."
~Jeannette Marshall

It has occurred to me that so many of the world”s woe would be mended and solved into a peaceful Utopia of world reviving the sun and our major offtime is shrouded in darkness,  probably fine for the fewer nocturnal humans - if we stopped “if” or “either” “or” one or the other of just about anything.

Brilliance would abound if companies stopped either your the doers or the workerBees.

I’ll show a third component strongly urged to consider: remove the worst factor in most employees’ minds: to fall onto either heep where the “either” is the most repulsive to you xx you never hear the good news first in an either or situation.  

Thinks about it as you take a few deep breaths: I am just guessing without any evidence, just instinct with logic stealing my course.

I reported to an executive once who’s favourite directive, delivered with flourish would say: “Stay the course!”

In the end meaning either you produce OR perish was the sizzle amongst all that steak where you were a workerBEE or you are a DOer.

Looking back now, I’ve had this attraction to reading my RECOMMENDATIONS on +LinkedIn when I’m going through turbulent waters whether Work or Personal life.  One of my former colleague wrote one for me stating that I “stay the course” just now realizing it.

In general, in life there are the matches by culture, upbringing, beliefs of multitude categories and sub sections which spread out as waves upon the ocean making it infinitely more possible that no two opinions match, merely bounced off one and another of either conflict or harmony.

Taking this as a hypothetical example, either seem to be in a state of either conflict or chaos with the longing for harmony.  By bringing in a third element infused with technology you are more likely to thrive.

I’ve bounced from a DOer to a workerBEE and fell into a cultural shock.  Not really too bad unless you’ve acted like a queen before the high/nose dive into the pit.

Injecting a hyper performer among coasters or followers can create havoc.

tenacity TRUST follow up

I'm pretty pleased with myself because I am here once again, in my commitment to give insights to what characteristics identify a potentially top performer in sales.  

Just so we're clear, however, I want to emphasize that the three qualities identified:  tenacity + TRUST + follow-up are inter-twined.

I recognize that I may have made recruiters' jobs a tad more challenging by stating that these three characteristics go hand in hand with the ideal candidate for sales superstardom.

  • Tenacity:  those that are committed to a career in sales have one common trait, that is uncommon. They don't give up easily.  If you happen to be in their horizon or sphere of targeted prospect, be ready for a ride.  They might write, call, email or post to get your attention that you should be talking to them.  They have a value proposition that will solve a business need that they just know will make your business' life easier.  Why? Likely because they have an uncanny ability to instinctively identify the ideal prospect and set out to understand everything that makes you tick.  That is before they even hit a keyboard or pick up the phone.  They more than likely know who your customers are, who your competitors are and play to that.  They may sense that their offering will be a winner for you, even if you haven't figured that out yet.

  • TRUST:  they give off the air that they are not solely intelligent, charismatic enough to be on your team.  They portray an aura of trust.  You instinctively sense that they have your best interests at heart while simultaneously achieving their own goals.  They call or follow up when they say they will.  They start at the top, because really only the important top executives will recognize that this smart, pro has communicated in a fashion that mirrors your values, image and goals.  In other words, they will make you look fantastic in others' eyes for trusting this new avenue or approach ... and it pays off.

  • Follow up:  Forget the over-promise and under deliver -- these keeners will do what they say they will.  And, if you think you're savvy, you've got nothing on them:  they have a diary, calendar, Outlook system that would make the most gifted project manager blush.  They may have their own system for following up, or they may utilize the tools available to make them a stellar professional:  a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool.  When they are following up, they have all the details on what they perceived resonated with you, or you told them.  They know the who, what, why and where your problem lies, or what they have to solve them.  

Pretty simple?  You'd think so.  Yet, only the very BEST have these combined attributes.  Your talent recruitment system may have some identity metrics, but not as captivating as this.   Think about it, your recruitment process is to try to fit a
square peg into a round hole.  Yes, you have search power to make it easier to cast out a web of candidates, but you haven't identified these important qualities have you?  Trust me, they're important.  

Get out of your own self-absorbed importance and open your eyes to what qualities make the best in your camp:  tenacity, TRUST and follow up!

May the force be with you

"Strike me down, and I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine." 
                                                      ~Star Wars Quote

I read a great definition and explanation of SEO on Linked In by Danny Todd, self-dubbed "The Cleveland SEO Guy".  He takes away a lot of the mystery by so many executives and non techno types that can avoid addressing the need for SEO or Social Media stemmed simply from lack of understanding. 

 It reminds me of a business owner whom is close to me (bro-in-law) who almost avoids tackling it from the inability to grasp it, or know who is the best source to manage it.  

There is the power struggle between IT and Marketing that armwrestles over it, whom they themselves don't walk the walk (i.e. by having their own force of reputation or brand).

The real sources are the ones who put themselves out their and risk their own personal necks to test whether they have what it takes -- would people heed them if not for the corporate entity that protects them or they hide behind.

"Who's the more foolish; the fool, or the fool who follows him?" 
~Star Wars Quote

So many very talented people expose themselves and surge forward, not because they want to but because circumstances forced them to.  i.e. layoff, unemployment.

I'll give my own example without naming names (to avoid creating a controversy).  I have broadcasted and shared that I was launching and doing the Social Media for my brother-in-law who owns and operates a fairly successful furnace cleaning business in Edmonton, Alberta CANADA.

I offered to help him with his social media, not for monetary gain, but to test the strength of my own knowledge from delving into the complex world of brand, marketing blended with technology:  which really is what defines social media.  It is the combination of all of those elements.

Once I had launched his social media platforms, Gerard removed himself from running the day-to-day of social media.  He completely trusted me and a sign of a true entrepreneur, recognized that there were some things he was good at, other things he wasn't, and many he had no interest in adding to his already very hefty plate.

Part of the launch was getting his SEO going.  He handed me the name and contact information of the gal who was doing it for him.  Like a cat who sees itself in the mirror, this gal arched on all fours with her hair standing up in either defense or attack mode.  
She would only do what Gerard actively asked her to do.  When we spoke and I made a request (i.e. follow me or share icons on the website) her response to me was always that that was outside of her accountabilities and commitment.

"You do have your moments.  Not many, but you have them."
~Star Wars Quote

It was perceived as too assertive when I asked for that information:  what exactly were the services she was providing and how much was Gerard paying for.

Like Harper discovered with Trudeau, you don't tend to go on the attack unless you have a concern.  Even more often so, when you have a weakness that you may consider could be exposed if others catch on.  So what do you do about that?  You fight it.  You go on the offensive.

What happened, I found out just a couple of months ago was she flat out told Gerard that she didn't want to work with me.

"Would somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way?!"
~Star Wars Quote

I can tell you why, here and now.  I asked her for the analytics from the website.  Why?  Because I wanted to see where the website traffic was coming from.  Anyone in my same position, would understand that data provides a roadmap to where you are getting traction from.  It answers:  where are your best sources of clicks coming from?  

Not only was this gal parading herself around as a marketing expert, she was also saying she was a SEO and social media professional.  I may sound catty when I say that someone with only a few hundred followers on Twitter and a Klout score barely registering is not.  THAT, is one of the true identifiers of expertise.  Hardly rocket science.

What happens is these persons baffle their audience with B.S.  They have so many buzz words and key indicators that they must sure the hell know what they're talking about ... right?

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."
~Star Wars Quote

Gerard didn't seem to relate to my convictions that the reason this gal was not providing that information was because she had a conflict of interest.  She was not providing website design services (hardly stellar if you look at the poor quality and lack of crisp, articulate design one should expect paying anyone other than doing it themselves).  

This provider was also hosting the website.  She was secretive as to who her source was.  Transparency conveys honesty.  I stand by that observation.  

Likely, she knew if I broke it down into bite size pieces, he was paying for more than he was getting.  People, if you pay for a website hosting service, part of the bundle is your analytics.

I was offended when she said that Gerard was not paying for that part of the service:  the analytics.  It sure sounded like blackmail to me.  A normal, trusting executive or business owner is trusting that the person they are paying are looking after their business' interests, and not their own.  This gal proved to me that she was not reputable based on her protectiveness and blanking me out.

Out of frustration, I walked away.  Anyone who knows me intimately or worked alongside me or I worked for as clients, knows that if I hitch my energy behind someone or something, I go full tilt.  It can blast the hat off anyone's head who doesn't get that.  Fortunately, I've had some colleagues and employers who've understood and unleashed that vibe, even encouraged it, knowing that it often paid dividends.

Perhaps my style doesn't always compliment others.  I can definitely say it more often rubs the people like this gal the wrong way.  If you have nothing to hide when my tenacity gets into overdrive.

I realized my lesson through all of this.  When you pay someone for anything, that signifies that there is perceived value.  When you do something for free, what you are doing has less perceptual value.  It's a kick in the behind when you realize it.  Your energy, your talent and your belief in doing the right thing gets the steam taken away when the trust and loyalty isn't there.  Zero is zero in that equation.  A losing proposition to anyone who is working for free for all the right reasons and for the right company or individual.  

"You'll find I'm full of surprises!"
~Star Wars Quote

Walking away is probably the best gift you can give yourself.  It is a waste of energy, hardly worth any frustration and importantly lacks the integrity that drives someone to want to help someone else succeed.  
Be willing to put yourself out there and let the force be with you.  The best use of your skills are rewarded by the right alignment of personal relationships with the foundation based on trust.  It doesn't matter what the people like this gal do, that bad business behaviour eventually catches up with them or they remain in hiatus, never really going beyond a small paycheque with no vision and less risk.

If you are willing to do what you do today without earning a paycheque signifies you have fallen into the real force to be reckoned with:  YOU!  You would do it 24x7 and love every minute of it.  You're probably really great at it.  You live it every day, risk a part of yourself, to prove only to yourself and nobody else what you are capable of.

"Power on people and let the force of yourself be with you."
~Jeannette Marshall

SOURCE for Star Wars quotes:

Keep calm and color on

This blog was originally written about Business, Sales, Leadership, Social Media  optioneerJM since May 2010.  As I was critiquing myself, I recognized that I strayed from its main purposes with reflections on matters that are unbusiness-related. 

 I have since branched out to Meanderings because there are many issues I want to write about that don't fall under business.  I hope you will visit, follow, share and help me there.  It is your support that inspires me to write.  If you have an idea or question you would like me to write about on optioneerJM or Meanderings, drop me a line and let me know

SURVIVAL of the Fittest: Cheaters or Bullies?

Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right.”
Theodore Roosevelt

Let me start out firstly by underscoring the fact that I am not an advocate of cheating or bullying whatsoever!  What inspired me to write this Blog is the fact that there is a growing enlightenment that bullying by managers is an epidemic that is rampant in corporate America.  Not really surprising  is it?

These stories shed light on the pressure organizations put on managers who in turn bully employees into productivity levels that are so high that the ones that are achieving them are putting their home life aside, long hours without claiming it as overtime, while those Managers are using those superhuman employees as examples by casting them as superstars and the benchmark for performance yardsticks. 

Regardless of what the marketing, website or PR machines are saying, the management style of telling, not asking, never mind showing, is prevalent in corporate culture.  Sadly, it is those same managers who haven't even been in the trenches doing the work to understand the demands they are asking for.  Their middle managers are under the same stress and are more keen on being surrounded by those that support them, do what they ask without question, rather than examine how they are getting those results because they have to continually showcase their own worth and face similar expendable threat.  Or, in some cases, they are the ones who are asking their managers to do it.  Leading by example? 

Sadly, motivation and inspiration deteriorates as employees are under pressure because wherever you look, the media is saying basically that "you're lucky to have a job" with so much unemployment seemingly the norm.   Gone are the days when friends or colleagues layoff are shocking.  We've become more conditioned to it rather than historically wondering if they did something wrong to actually deserve it. 

Repeating myself: I'm not condoning the behaviour of cheating or bullying.  I'm just thankful that more awareness is being brought forward that this is normal practice.  However, what I'd like to see are stories where management bullying and superhuman expectations are not condoned by executives who really believe what their PR states:  they promote life/work balance and want happy employees.  Let's hear more stories where managers are held accountable, if not fired for bullying or threatening behaviour. 

It ain't rocket science:  happy employees are productive employees.  I'm sure somewhere, scientific data demonstrates how this counterproductive culture ends up costing the company more.  Unfortunately, forcing employees to cheat or managers to bully isn't the way to solve the problem, it just compounds it. 

I was floored the other day when I read an article from a CEO who has earned the distinction of having their PR stories shared.  Makes one a little skeptical whether they wrote it themselves or had their marketing or PR team tell the tale ... It was along the lines of getting the right people in the right place doing the right things ... blah blah blah.   I know for a fact that the same organization does not examine its managers style in garnering performance.  Sure there are feedback surveys but who in their right mind wants to be honest when they're already insecure enough as it is.  The executives appear to either turn a blind eye to the extent to which managers are meeting KPI (Key Performance Indicators) or under the false impression that they are following healthy avenues to get results.   Perhaps their own executive team is encouraging the dysfunction based on their own insecurities?

In today's world, HR has a lot of pressure placed upon it:  recruiting the "right" people, sometimes onboarding, managing benefits, offering training,  mediating conflicts, terminating employees, etc. etc. while they are suppose to be the watchdogs of a positive corporate culture.  The sad fact is, like everyone else in many corporations, they are being tasked to do twice as much with half the resources ... those key resources are human capital.

I had dinner with a couple of mentors the other night and one was sharing a story on how they tried to follow the company complaint process broadcast on its website and HR policies yet was not supported by HR who immediately appeared to believe the manager immediately before the employee.  This same staffer ended up resigning because of the disappointment and embarrassment for doing the "right thing".   Another situation I recall hearing is when communication was specifically forwarded to a CEO and its HR executive on bullying and favoritism by a manager ... the HR executive responded in a couple of hours to say that the matter had been investigated and was unfounded.  Sounds rather quick for an indepth investigation doesn't it? How does that sound about caring about employees coming forth with the truth?  Then there may be the question of whether they are following the right channels or process.

It doesn't take a genius to understand that employees are one of the most expensive and quickest ways to eliminate costs to corporations and many make it a acceptable practice to play with employees lives by eliminating jobs or backfilling offshore because it saves money.   Who really feels valued when they're shown time and again that they are easily expendable or can be replaced at a heartbeat.

Recently, I heard a new term to me on CNN called "Moral Capitalization".  Basically,  the interpretation is that it is perfectly normal for organizations to backfill people with offshore workers at a fraction of the salary or hourly wage to save on the bottom line.  It came up at least, but not a heck of a lot of indignation.  The threat is real yet I'm not hearing much about it.  I consider myself rather tuned in.  Maybe I'm not.  I'm a cup full person I like to think ... if I'm not questioning where the rest disappeared to?

“Men occasionally stumble over the truth,
 but most of them pick themselves up
and hurry off  as if nothing ever happened.”

~Winston Churchill

 Granted, executives are under extreme pressure to provide shareholder value which fuels the engine and pays their big salaries.  It is fine for the media to examine whether executives earn their inflated salaries and bonuses but really who ends up being held accountable?  I respect the pressure they're under but isn't it normal that you are paid for doing your job which equates with the responsibility you have!?! 

One of my wishes would be more accountability and media stories about those who fall into the habit of bringing costs into check by eliminating jobs as a quick out to savings.  Isn't it kinda like knowing your fuel gauge is showing you're almost on empty while you try coasting downhill with your foot off the gas thinking you'll get further?  It doesn't eliminate the fact that you need to refill the tank.  

What about stupid spending and inflated salaries?  Maybe we're getting there slowly in my own country, Canada, who is fielding a rather large controversy of out of this world spending by Senators.  Subnote:  which is being overshadowed fiercely by the drama unfolding of Rob Ford, Toronto's Crack Mayor.  It appears human nature prefers scandal over fairness.  Even in my own City, Calgary, in the final weeks leading up to our Civic Election, the media was catching momentum on sharing how taxes were escalating like crazy.   Yet, the leadership was re-elected despite what was unfolding.  I can't help but wonder when the poor workers at City Hall are going to be laid off as a means to get costs under control because the media exposure causing the populace to complain resulting in a show of fiscal responsibility?  I know, it is a vicious cycle.   One can't help but think change will not occur if the same people are continually rewarded for unacceptable behaviour.  Have we just been conditioned to accept it as normal?  What does it say about the generation who is being raised under this picture?  How to you secure your future so it isn't your kids responsibility when you are being squeezed so tight to make ends meet that putting away a nest egg so we don't have to rely on those kids to help us when we retire because we aren't saving enough for our golden years.  Not sounding like golden years to many anymore.

I've openly been a huge advocate of Don Collins book "Good to Great" and know leaders who personally are invested in creating the culture promoted that creates a self-sustaining company that will serve generations to come.  I know of two executives that I know are disciples to the lesson unfolded in the book that come to mind:  One is actually doing a phenomenal job of following the practices demonstrated in the book and the other "thinks" it is being done. One does it by default, unconsciously and would never condone it what I'm talking about here.  I would even go so far as to say that they would fire a manager who was caught bullying employees never mind making them fearful of expiration if they didn't produce more.  Another biggie is one of the companies in his book ... are practicing this horrid behaviour ... the founders are likely rolling in their graves!  Don't get me ramped up on Code of Ethics.  We've all signed them.  Even the organization that says that inter office affairs lead to disciplinary action, including losing one's job, if a manager engages in a relationship with a subordinate.  Never mind if that subordinate just had a brand new baby and a wife dealing with post partum depression, escapes through the affair.  What happens to the employee who brings it up to the person responsible for upholding corporate morality?  If they aren't so uncomfortable they leave, they may have a cause for termination surface.  That, promotes keeping your mouth shut if you know what's good for you doesn't it?

Bullying and making employees fearful of keeping their jobs or being replaced is real and happens daily. Will someone please start bringing to light the organizations where executives are not examining their managers' behaviour?  It seems to me that the only way the unscrupulous behaviour will be stopped is when the media or someone starts uncovering dysfunction and the horrid practice of eliminating spending on the backs of real people.  These are the same people who when employed, buy cars and upgrade homes, AND fuel the economy!

If one is constantly under the fear of losing one's job, they are not going to spend money.  Even more realistic, groceries, gas and sundries prices continue to rise, yet salaries don't increase at the same pace.  Fearful employees don't ask to collect overtime for doing a job that a manager has set at superhuman levels and bullies staff and more often holding them fearful.

What a vicious circle!  Eventually it is going to cost more than just money.  What about health?  Heart attacks, stroke and many ailments are compounded by stress.  Does it make sense to allow companies to boast about employee value but nobody monitors it?  It sounds good to increase shareholders or attract customers.  How about citizens, customers, shareholders rally together and stop supporting organizations that don't practice what they preach?  How about they start asking if the only way the corporation saves money is from layoffs or offshoring jobs?   Or, how about turnover being monitored more closely so that the investment in an employee isn't being lost because they leave before they become honest and say how they really feel?   That drains corporate finances but why isn't anyone really bringing forth these exits.  I should back up, I did read one article a couple of months ago that a powerful organization was dealing with a mass exodus of some of its people. 

Nothing is going to change unless every single person thinks that they can make a difference.  That their voice will be heard.  That they can be honest on feedback without repercussions of losing their job or made to feel so uncomfortable that the morals promoted when they were hired were not just blowing smoke.  That executives are more concerned with the health of the organization through its employees being productive by moderate means and real life balance than its financials.  Sounds like Utopia to me.

Let's start the dialogue now!  Let's stop promoting the IPO of Twitter, who the average middle wage employee couldn't dream of investing in because they're planning for not if, but when, their job will be eliminated.

I would rather be a little nobody, then to be a evil somebody.”
Abraham Lincoln

Do you have a story to tell?  Do you know someone who has been bullied at work, or was it you?  Do you agree with what I'm saying?  Let me see your comments, please.

“No, you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No, you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life

Simple Plan