Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts

Don’t treat customers dumb

If you have any APP or service, it is imperative you remove any team members who interact with customers that come off horribly with the people who give them a job (the customer), that includes everyone from the CEO to janitor.

Rinse the toxic culture of sexual harassment or bullying.

It doesn’t matter how far up the chain you are, you are directly negatively impacting your company when you turn a blind eye.

Worse, if you’re part of the problem.

There are telltale signs.

Good people leave

People with bad behaviour settle in and stay.

Pay attention to employees with accolades who leave.

If harassment or bullying exists, turnover is really high.

Bullying supervisors fire outright or push to the edge.

Look for increasing doctor mandated “stay at home” orders.

Customers who leave don’t tell you goodbye 

Like the Titanic, it may be a hairline fracture, to be misdiagnosed.

Listening to recorded interactions with customers violates your people’s rights.

If you know how to hire trustworthy, professional, talented folks you won’t need to spy on them to drum up mistakes.

If you value yourself above your customer, you will eventually will fail.

Arrogance has no place in business.

Don’t mix up arrogance for confidence.

I’ve seen several men hire cocky, arrogant little bastards.  Is that because they connect at a deeper level?

Men aren’t threatened by cocky, arrogant other men.

Women are threatened by confident, capable, committed other women.

If a woman is considered cocky, she’s out the door, especially if she’s opinionated with lots of ideas and leanings towards fixing.


Things are starting to pick up and after 75 percent are fully vaccinated, will we be in Post Pandemic.

One of the first questions I ask in any interview is:

How was the position opened?

See, the job seeker can disguise craftily created questions that says tons more just as HR has done.

Your employees are your customers

Too many, misalign themselves.  Even CEOs are fired.  The reasons much different.

Who is the influence?

It doesn't matter whether you are an individual, an identity (music), or brand, you can carefully craft your audience based on who resonates the most with you.

Something I discovered lately:  the masters of algorithms like GOOGLE, TWITTER, LINKED IN are identifying content creators as the next big influence wave.

Maybe I had that hunch 10 years ago.  I recognized how important it was to establish an identity that could be synonymous with brand.  There was no question who was behind the brand.  It would develop a following because of integrity and authenticity.

I wrote early on, that I was putting a lot of my apples on the GOOGLE cart.  It seemed logical that the super power of information > GOOGLE SEARCH > was going to lead the pack.

If you compare that to TESLA and ELON MUSK, then we're missing the point.

The strongest voice, the most authentic voice, and the voice that resonates with the majority of people online are going to be the most powerful disruptions.

These entities are corporations with investors and shareholders that demand a return on their investment.  Fast.  No hassle.

I've watched both Facebook and Twitter evolve as they tried to drift away from a social network to becoming a viable tech stock.

The secret to longevity is going to be who lasts.

What has happened with these two startups with imposter's syndrome is they forgot the main course.

In launching any new venture, you have to be able to answer, unequivocally, succinctly, resolutely 

Who is your customer?
The ship can sail once you've anchored that

Most companies mistakenly steer the ship towards shareholders and miss the wind for their sails.

Okay, then let me ask:

Who did you have in mind when you created it?

We should all be well-versed on Steve Jobs' and Bill Gates philosophies, however, the main opportunity they uncovered was looking at who their customers were and what was available to them, and make something better, easier.

My point is that Twitter and Facebook did exactly that:  

Forgot who the customers is

The idea that resonated to allow either to grow was the adopters, users, and spreaders of word-of-mouth (still the most effective way of spreading good ... or bad news).  Social Media just trumped it up on steroids and removed barriers by beliefs, geographic location, race, culture, love interests.

As a consumer and marketing intern, it is not surprising to see the numbers.

They tell the story.

Once Facebook and Twitter tried to become corporations, they fell down the rabbit hole because they forgot who got them there to begin with.

One just has to watch not even 5 minutes of Facebook's Zuckenberg interviews in the US, and you just can't help but get the sense of a really lucky genius idea run by someone still in High School.  Someone who ignores advice or heeds wisdom from others.

The baby shoes is starting something.

The first steps is becoming an economical climate or environment with a loyal following who have trust that they have your best interests at heart.

FACEBOOK abuse of trust is a story of "how to get away with privacy infiltration".

I'm still there:  it is still one of the best homes to my loyal tribe.  I haven't cut off my nose to spite my face by deleting myself there.  I did remove the side, personal one as I wanted to focus the energy on only a few areas.

TWITTER abuse of power is a story where they are now trying to dictate who and who cannot be on their platform.  What is acceptable in their terms are not necessarily good for its users.  PURGING, SUSPENDING accounts would be an example.

ONCE users start to lose the glimmer then the answer to who the customer is becomes realized:  the users, members, audience and clicks determine the outcomes now.  What is becoming more suspect is the usual technology trick of try me, test me, but if you want this or that THAT IS better it will cost you.

That's a failed business plan
The one where shareholder price or value is where they determine the executive board's ROI return on investment of the CEO and whether they stand behind mostly him (less than 10% of executives on Fortune 500 are women).


A fantastic site for art projects you can do with kids as a parent or grandparent.  Step-by-step instructions.  Or, as a teacher:  pick an art project the kids work on while you read something to them.  My Grade 5 Teacher, Mr. Quigg, did that when I lived and went to school in Germany.  We didn't fidget, distract each other we were rapt by the narrative of The Hobbit while we were gobsmacked by our own creations.  I was often chosen to read to the class, my articulation developed early.  A budding leader in the making.  I'm not sure that is what Mr. Quigg saw.  It was probably just obvious:  the kids would listen better if it was from one of their own.

When I look back 40 years.

Since I graduated from High School in 1979.

Thrust into the 80s without any choice.

Those graduating with pending career jobs, had them revoked at the 11th hour.

Ronald Regan was in the American White House and Pierre Trudeau Canada's Premiere.

One of the most untold business stories that I still recall, was when the airline aviation navigators went on strike or threatened a strike, I don't remember.  (Will need to fact-check)

It was power or might.
The government trying to bust up a powerful union and force them to go back to work.

A lesson of how stubborn man|woman can be when defending their position.  We just act differently.

Flash forward to 2020.
20/20 yes.
It is clear.

The state of the world can be communicated by the state of the airline industry.

That is just my opinion.

Looking back to the early 1980s, there were hijacks and embassy ambushes, health uncertainty because of AIDS, a recession with negative growth.

Then there were the Cinderella stories.

Certainly Apple and MicroSoft top the list.  So does Wayne Gretzky, the greatest hockey player to ever lace skates on.  

A lot of airlines went under in the 1980s.
Economy carriers started to emerge.  The BIG airlines were flailing.

Look at now:  with Boeing's scarred reputation and dismal ratings.

2020 and the next decade about to become, will continue to be marked through aviation.  Of the galactic kind.

"Do the impossible 
because almost everybody had told me
my ideas were merely fantasy."
~Howard Hughes

Elon Musk is on his way to being the Howard Hughes of our era.  

Latest story posted: on Bloomberg

He is defining the era.
He is a maverick.
He faces the impossible every day.
He doesn't sway his passion from public opinion.

~Jeannette Marshall

When opportunity knocks: take a seat and be prepared to listen

This is where I will blog about a buying experience and the lesson to be learned extracted by defining how I want to be treated as either a consumer or a buyer (corporate or entrepreneurial).  Foot for thought on starting at the bottom and working your way up the food chain.

My Editor:  Oscar the Pug is a no nonsense taskmaster who does not heed excuses, nor does he rely on warnings, he wants to be objective and come to his own conclusions.  Thankfully, he reflects many of the qualities I like to think I have or continue to work on.

I did set up a website so that I can help others create their own online social media personality, whether by authentic name or invented character of charm.  It is called  I did launch a Blogspot blog for this graFX > see right sidebar link by scrolling.

I have to practice what I preach by setting up, executing and successfully launching a self-sustaining identity.  As always, I share my learning and leanings along the way.  Shortly after I launched this blog 8 years ago [ March 2010 ] I caught on to the numbers that there seemed to be some nibbles on the stories where I used social media experiences and education accumulated from trial and error.

I've used some blog space to opinionate on how current world events are in line with demographic trends based on numbers, which are based on hard facts.  

I've used another to exhume frustration and avoid rantings on meanderingABOUT singularly focus on my generation of inBETWEENers (those born 1960 to 1965/69 inbetweeners born after BABY BOOMERS and faded as GENx boomed and how those hitting 50+ are facing some events unprepared for:  YUPPYdom; family dynamics, blending families, being a mother, wife, daughter, sister.

I started using forwarding technology to customize my relationship with followers as normal day to day life or life threatening crisis happen, tend to interfere and hamper.

BAIT and SWITCH: is NOT the RIGHT way to SELL

Since I began writing this blog 8 years ago (Happy Anniversary to me .... la la la LA LAAAAaaaa) I have written mostly on sales.  That is what I know best and if I had to be honest:  my sweet spot.  I was only good at the whole thing because I could juggle a lot of things at once, more than just multi-tasking.  Juggling rapidly while balance with one foot on a big rubber ball!

The other thing has been honing in my judgement skills.  For the most part, I've been optimistic, naive, and too trusting.  There might be more things others would call me that would ruin the positive spin that I try to churn out:  believable, honest..... to ... will she ever shut up?  To a talent at being able to drown people out (my husband).  

Maybe there is some loneliness that is escaping in bubbles, where every day seems to be like climbing Mount Everest, in slow motion, more tiring the next day than the day before.

For entertainment while I am doing some dreaded chores, I'm releasing a zest of battling so much negativity and worry in my world to a more peaceful and calm one.  

The rollercoaster I knowingly and if not completely willing to the wolves of sales people (my ulter ego) to do a few of the things that Rob would have on his HONEY DO list.  Since he has passed 9 weeks of remarkable progress, I have given myself permission to write a little and express myself so that I don't keep everything up inside or explode!

Looking at the opportunity to purchase things as a responsibility, when you partner is out of the picture in more ways than one, left solo to buy things that I would push and he'd try to push back on his domain.  We'd compromised by having our home tactically divided, evacuated by four, now adult [Millennial] blended family children.  Too big practically for two of us, but easily filled up with our respective and joint treasures.

So I tippy toe into trying to get the roof fixed on my home.  Something that I had thought I had signed off on almost two weeks ago.  Sending an email yesterday after visiting Rob at the hospital, a 6 days a week devotion.  I asked the insuror if their company was taking their business for granted, because to make my life easier, I had said to whomever that had called that I was not going to project manager them, just let me know when they will be here, what do I owe, and when will they be done ETA.  John left a card tucked into my door jam, along with the Census Taker's postcard.  

I took it to meaning that John was from the company that the Insuror had designated and I'd excepted.  It wasn't until halfway that I figured out where both John and I were puzzled:  I explained that I had assumed he was from the contractor to do the roof sent by the insurance company.  John was puzzled, because he usually had really great, efficient records, even able to produce a print out of all the homes he'd done in the area (this was a follow up from his cold call because I thought he was really from the Insuror).

Call it fate.  Regardless.  He sent me his quote.  I sent him my answer, which I am transparently sharing.  I only used John's name .... no privacy was infringed upon.

I'll let you know how it pans out.


Hi John 

Nice to meet you earlier today.  Apparently, confusion on my part pending completion of our roof stumbled you into the opportunity.  As I mentioned, as a sales gal by heart, I'm a big fan of giving people a shot just by the fact that they do a face-to-face OR telephone cold call - really, a lost art. 

One of my former bosses eventually figured out after a few years when I was in sales, that part of my skill had nothing to do with what was coming out of my mouth (which usually is exhausting enough) or how I was able to configure or negotiate a deal.  I became skilled at reading upside down.  So usually I can remember something that is being said and what had been coming out of my mouth resonated in some way, thus the note.  I just began to read upside down.   

Your whole proposal and Compliance Information is superb and REALLY nicely done - where did you come up with that idea?  I'd love to create one for my brother-in-law's business because when he does well in his business and my sister is happy and he is sending us to Mexico together ..... he has a furnace cleaning business with 15 as an entrepreneur -- you'd actually find value by networking or having a coffee in your MAN CAVE -- I'm pretty certain you'd find synergy and pockets of knowledge each other would learn mostly because of your shared interest of living a quality life and doing what you have a passion for, which is far more rewarding than the baZILLIONs you made a stock broker.  That IS amazing! 

I was wondering ..... I saw you wrote the number of Insuror payable $5600 dollars down and $2600 what my contribution should be for a total of $8200.  Did you factor these numbers into your equation when you came up with your price?

  I did really like the bait and switch technique:  give me comments that hint of a better deal from you with less out of pocket expense and a better product.  I do have a sharp memory when it comes to numbers and the visual of what you wrote down. 

That is why I was wondering why you would come in more expensive or whether this is a negotiation technique of barter ready response? 

Sincerely, Jeannette 

If you want to resend a new estimate, that would be fair for another 24 hours -- it is 1
 a.m. MST Calgary, April 27, 2018.

Defining a productive and successful business relationship

If you say you are going to do something either as the client or the service provider/vendor make sure that you do it!  Most executives, buyers are skeptical that a sales professional will do what they say they will do, when and in the manner promised.  Be known for being either an organization or sales professional who is valued because they deliver on their promises, in the time frame and at the agreed price. 
It is often forgotten, on purpose, to outline what both parties expectations are.  Clear communications between whoever is making the promises with whoever is tasked with delivering on those expectations.  i.e.  Quantity, quality, dates, service, follow up.  With big companies, it is often drawn out as an implementation plan or shown as an SLA -- Service Level Agreement -- and updated frequently to show the HOW both parties will define successful delivery and/or completion.  
Often the company offering the product or service allows its representatives to blindly make promises without comprehending shortcomings i.e. inventory, personnel, scheduling, quality.  Don't allow anyone who represents you as either the seller or buyer to bait and switch.   On the flip side:  be apprehensive of clients who make promises on huge volumes that dictate discounts and reality is far below projections.    It shouldn't be left up to the seller to accept honoring lower prices on higher volumes without the expectation that the prices will reflect the correction required until the volumes are met, or agreement is made on how that will be handled/communicated/

The perfect business relationship is when both parties respect and honor their commitment.  Many think that is one-sided with the buyer in the power position.  However, a respectful business relationship ensures that the buyer pays promptly under the terms that is agreed upon.  The value of a buyer can be undermined by late payments or having to be hounded for payment which drains resources and distracts from the forward momentum initiated by agreeing to do business together.  Having said that, the seller has to ensure that its vendors are paid promptly to avoid a service freeze due to timely payments.

A better, stronger business relationship is when both parties understand their role, lay out the expectations, AND deliver on their commitments.  If the seller is a start up, an internal road map is drawn to visualize how they get from Point A - a sale to Point B - being paid.  All the nuances in between should never be explained to a customer because showing customers that you are an organization that takes its customers seriously and ensure that whoever is selling for them is set up for success.

​This article was originally posted as a response on Alignable to the question: 

What do you feel helps build strong business relationships with clients?

 Jeannette imparts wisdom and sales savviness on her blog optioneerJM where she has developed a reputation with her audience to share helpful answers for business.

Stray the course

"Stray the course every once in a while.  Be innovative and a creative thinker."
~Jeannette Marshall

It has occurred to me that so many of the world”s woe would be mended and solved into a peaceful Utopia of world reviving the sun and our major offtime is shrouded in darkness,  probably fine for the fewer nocturnal humans - if we stopped “if” or “either” “or” one or the other of just about anything.

Brilliance would abound if companies stopped either your the doers or the workerBees.

I’ll show a third component strongly urged to consider: remove the worst factor in most employees’ minds: to fall onto either heep where the “either” is the most repulsive to you xx you never hear the good news first in an either or situation.  

Thinks about it as you take a few deep breaths: I am just guessing without any evidence, just instinct with logic stealing my course.

I reported to an executive once who’s favourite directive, delivered with flourish would say: “Stay the course!”

In the end meaning either you produce OR perish was the sizzle amongst all that steak where you were a workerBEE or you are a DOer.

Looking back now, I’ve had this attraction to reading my RECOMMENDATIONS on +LinkedIn when I’m going through turbulent waters whether Work or Personal life.  One of my former colleague wrote one for me stating that I “stay the course” just now realizing it.

In general, in life there are the matches by culture, upbringing, beliefs of multitude categories and sub sections which spread out as waves upon the ocean making it infinitely more possible that no two opinions match, merely bounced off one and another of either conflict or harmony.

Taking this as a hypothetical example, either seem to be in a state of either conflict or chaos with the longing for harmony.  By bringing in a third element infused with technology you are more likely to thrive.

I’ve bounced from a DOer to a workerBEE and fell into a cultural shock.  Not really too bad unless you’ve acted like a queen before the high/nose dive into the pit.

Injecting a hyper performer among coasters or followers can create havoc.