Showing posts with label Advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advice. Show all posts

BAIT and SWITCH: is NOT the RIGHT way to SELL

Since I began writing this blog 8 years ago (Happy Anniversary to me .... la la la LA LAAAAaaaa) I have written mostly on sales.  That is what I know best and if I had to be honest:  my sweet spot.  I was only good at the whole thing because I could juggle a lot of things at once, more than just multi-tasking.  Juggling rapidly while balance with one foot on a big rubber ball!

The other thing has been honing in my judgement skills.  For the most part, I've been optimistic, naive, and too trusting.  There might be more things others would call me that would ruin the positive spin that I try to churn out:  believable, honest..... to ... will she ever shut up?  To a talent at being able to drown people out (my husband).  

Maybe there is some loneliness that is escaping in bubbles, where every day seems to be like climbing Mount Everest, in slow motion, more tiring the next day than the day before.

For entertainment while I am doing some dreaded chores, I'm releasing a zest of battling so much negativity and worry in my world to a more peaceful and calm one.  

The rollercoaster I knowingly and if not completely willing to the wolves of sales people (my ulter ego) to do a few of the things that Rob would have on his HONEY DO list.  Since he has passed 9 weeks of remarkable progress, I have given myself permission to write a little and express myself so that I don't keep everything up inside or explode!

Looking at the opportunity to purchase things as a responsibility, when you partner is out of the picture in more ways than one, left solo to buy things that I would push and he'd try to push back on his domain.  We'd compromised by having our home tactically divided, evacuated by four, now adult [Millennial] blended family children.  Too big practically for two of us, but easily filled up with our respective and joint treasures.

So I tippy toe into trying to get the roof fixed on my home.  Something that I had thought I had signed off on almost two weeks ago.  Sending an email yesterday after visiting Rob at the hospital, a 6 days a week devotion.  I asked the insuror if their company was taking their business for granted, because to make my life easier, I had said to whomever that had called that I was not going to project manager them, just let me know when they will be here, what do I owe, and when will they be done ETA.  John left a card tucked into my door jam, along with the Census Taker's postcard.  

I took it to meaning that John was from the company that the Insuror had designated and I'd excepted.  It wasn't until halfway that I figured out where both John and I were puzzled:  I explained that I had assumed he was from the contractor to do the roof sent by the insurance company.  John was puzzled, because he usually had really great, efficient records, even able to produce a print out of all the homes he'd done in the area (this was a follow up from his cold call because I thought he was really from the Insuror).

Call it fate.  Regardless.  He sent me his quote.  I sent him my answer, which I am transparently sharing.  I only used John's name .... no privacy was infringed upon.

I'll let you know how it pans out.


Hi John 

Nice to meet you earlier today.  Apparently, confusion on my part pending completion of our roof stumbled you into the opportunity.  As I mentioned, as a sales gal by heart, I'm a big fan of giving people a shot just by the fact that they do a face-to-face OR telephone cold call - really, a lost art. 

One of my former bosses eventually figured out after a few years when I was in sales, that part of my skill had nothing to do with what was coming out of my mouth (which usually is exhausting enough) or how I was able to configure or negotiate a deal.  I became skilled at reading upside down.  So usually I can remember something that is being said and what had been coming out of my mouth resonated in some way, thus the note.  I just began to read upside down.   

Your whole proposal and Compliance Information is superb and REALLY nicely done - where did you come up with that idea?  I'd love to create one for my brother-in-law's business because when he does well in his business and my sister is happy and he is sending us to Mexico together ..... he has a furnace cleaning business with 15 as an entrepreneur -- you'd actually find value by networking or having a coffee in your MAN CAVE -- I'm pretty certain you'd find synergy and pockets of knowledge each other would learn mostly because of your shared interest of living a quality life and doing what you have a passion for, which is far more rewarding than the baZILLIONs you made a stock broker.  That IS amazing! 

I was wondering ..... I saw you wrote the number of Insuror payable $5600 dollars down and $2600 what my contribution should be for a total of $8200.  Did you factor these numbers into your equation when you came up with your price?

  I did really like the bait and switch technique:  give me comments that hint of a better deal from you with less out of pocket expense and a better product.  I do have a sharp memory when it comes to numbers and the visual of what you wrote down. 

That is why I was wondering why you would come in more expensive or whether this is a negotiation technique of barter ready response? 

Sincerely, Jeannette 

If you want to resend a new estimate, that would be fair for another 24 hours -- it is 1
 a.m. MST Calgary, April 27, 2018.

Can you beget wisdom without any pain?

Isn't life suppose to teach the parent a lesson so that they are able to head off their offspring to the same crumbling fait?

I say potatoe, you sound like potata.

I roll my eyes and you purse your lips, when you want to emphasize your point.

A very wise man (my father) often asked: "What's the payoff?"
With my dad, that was the clue  we were to shut up and really reflect on the question and be very sure from the curl in our toes before we would dare speak up!  Never mind answer the question.

Well, dad.  Rob was the pay off!

I never quite knew the answer when it came to Rob and you'd ask me those 12 or 13 years ago.  His daughter would be double the age now from when we first met.  Definitely, because of my dad, I had to have really opened my eyes into what I was getting myself into.

Fear:  that's natural,
so many would say ... even today
as a daughter embarks on a marriage
I hope her father will be asking her
from the beginning, these wise WISE


While I become weary of family dynamics that are far worse than I could imagine for myself now, nor anyone I know.

Try being the legally married spouse to a man whom I adore, and my one great love [that's the easy part].

Try that man's life probably saved because she was there, acted quickly upon by his spouse, in every form imaginable.  When speaking to the Chief Resident on the neurological team, who asked me to call him by his first name [ undisclosed to secure privacy ].  I was asking him a few questions, or many as I am oft to do, whether genetics, health of the patient or whatever is the main reason for Rob's remarkable recover?

Kind Chief Doctor Resident said that the quickness to reaction and the outstanding diagnosis of The South Campus, was likely a highly contributing factor to his amazing recovery.

What's the PAYOFF       in keeping me around?

For someone who is often considered arrogant or cocky, as you can imagine, the list may be very sparse.

To that I say:

I am not perfect
... it is not something i could promise now or even from our beginning

Sometimes I talk too much
... with only the kindest and heartfelt intensions

I don't like what you say
.... not because it is true is it?

If you like what I say
.... or do or buy or compliment anything and everything to do with you.

REMEMBER:  I like to keep my promises
...  which was a shortcoming of your father who just wanted to make you happy

If you asked your dad to take you to the moon, he would have
...  and that was one of his most redeeming qualities:  how he treated you!

Your dad wanted to give you a family
...  I was part of the package.  A mother figure is important to every girl's lives.

Perhaps by now you are stunned to discover there is no ranting or raving
.... why so?  Unless I feel beaten or put in my place?

The one important quality I share with you
... because I was once someone's "Daddy's Girl" who passed on 10 years ago

I lost my father, there is never an opportune time
... so maybe, just maybe, I can actually understand what you are going though.

EXCEPT, my father is gone ..... AND your father is healing.
... you know how he thinks you treat me, just be who that means.

words i try to live by

Communication rules

There are often repetitive messages in my blog writing and it is rewarding when someone of superior intelligence grasps the meaning behind the messages.

Mike and I began our Social Media journey at about the same time (2010) ::... I was nudged a little harder over the cliff into the abyss slightly before him, and became what I thought as an unlikely mentor to someone who was highly successful and brilliant in his own right -- a successful book launch being a key metric that I recognized early on as a method to delve into credibility online among the endless noise and self-promotion of many self-described "experts".

Steadfast still, I am firmly entrenched in the belief that nobody can define themselves as an expert, no matter how many followers one has.  It is derived from how others describe you:  what do others consider you knowledgeable about is one thing, being credited as an expert quite largely another.

Mike reached out to me a couple of weeks ago via email, one of the few entrusted connections online that have never been derived from a face-to-face meeting at an event, social or association.  Not even a telephone conversation.

Having a virtual or personal conversation with a man who is not a relative, business associate is frowned upon as it can lead "to other things".  However, you can still be disciplined in having rich conversations and exchange of knowledge and learning from others regardless of gender.   There is an invisible line that should never be crossed.  

During a isolated time in my life when I was a regular church attendee, I still recall a message that resonates today from a wise Pastor:  do not be afraid to create friendships or be asked for advice from the opposite gender.  However, there are some areas to stay far from to keep it from falling into a downward, unethical spiral:

  1. Include others in the conversation so that it is not isolated, clustered by only two (the Pastor suggested that he invites his wife to any meeting or event that he wants to avoid falling into the trap of questionable conversations, particularly marriage counselling).
  2. It is okay to sprinkle in nuggets about your life partner, spouse, wife or husband, children, as a distinct flag that you are if not always happy, happiest with the person you are with and have no intention to stray.  Cheating is not at your core values.
  3. Keep it professional so that at any given time, the conversation may be shared with a sibling, friend, child, parent, spouse, partner without any guilt.
  4. Keep the topic off of relationship radars:  particularly complaints about your partner's shortcomings, dissatisfaction with your relationship in any shape or form.  That should be with your church minister or mosque elder or mentor (sibling, parent, etc).
  5. You can have a respectful, fruitful relationship with a person of the opposite sex, when your radar clearly signals "in a committed relationship with not a sliver of disregard or disrespect of your life partner".
  6. Any of these apply to anyone with leanings towards same sex or transgender relationships.
You CAN have helpful, rewarding relationships with anyone so long as you know your boundaries and it is clearly communicated by not so much by what you say but how you act.

FIGHT procrastination: turn thinking into doing

Quora invited me to answer this question:

I'm a thinker. How can I also become a doer?
I am creative, intelligent, innovative and philosophical. But I find it incredibly hard to actually get something done. 
How can I find a balance between doing and thinking? I want to become a doer. 

I am both a thinker and a doer and wouldn’t say that I am more one than the other. However, I also admit that I am weakened by procrastination.  Personally, I find the best way of resisting the temptation of putting off tasks is by creating a TO DO list, using tools like OUTLOOK or other relationship management systems when they are aligned with a customer. 

I adopt my TO DOs with actionable items that are not vague. Take into account that broad task statements are less likely to be completed if you don’t factor that there may be steps to complete the item. Be realistic as to the timelines that it should take to accomplish the almighty check mark on being DONE.

As a thinker, you may want to start off by specifying what your desired outcome is. You can do this by framing the ultimate outcome with bullets on the steps to arrive at the final destination. For example:

I found this to include after I wrote this article/answered question

Complete 2016 taxes (desired outcome)
  1. Purchase accordion file and label according to tax filings:
  • Income
    • Invoices
    • Pay statements
  • Investments
  • Expenses
    • Home office (square footage divided by total square footage=percentage of expense
3. Retrieve government forms
  • Update mailing address
  • Employer forms (received by mail or retrieved by company HR intranet site)
  • Benefits (awards, trips, recovered expenses)
4. Organize receipts by allowable expenses
  • Home office
    • Percentage of square footage x mortgage
    • % of insurance
    • % of heating
    • % of electrical
  • Internet
  • Home office telephone
    • long distance expenses
    • monthly fees x percentage of business use
5. Automobile
  • Track usage throughout the year:
    • Beginning of the year/end of former year auto kilometer/miles
    • Business trips
  1. Miles/km to client office from starting point
  • Purpose of visit/meeting: (i.e. introduction, networking, proposal, presentation)
6. Capital costs
  • Computer purchase: financing, payments, cash outlay
  • Automobile:  deposit, financing, lease payments

  • Identify what it will mean when you have completed the task
  • How will you reward yourself when you are finished?
  • What reward will you reap when you are done?

Hopefully, as a thinker, you can map out what needs to be done starting with the final destination in mind and then itemize the detailed steps.

Imagine the sense of accomplishment you will have as you tackle and check off those items. You can keep editing as you go along. Keep in mind to be flexible and fluid because it isn’t unusual to have new items  surface as you are drilling down to finish a task. The beauty could be a template to follow for the next year: doing the tasks as you go along and when the time is right!  That would be considered being proactive!

don't be a NINKOMPHpoof: practice the Golden Rule

Sometimes I really do find my fingers shake a bit to restrain myself from joining in and ranting like a lot of other people do when on social media. 

Other times, I sit back, I read, I click on links to read more.  I'm in learning mode then.  That can certainly settle me down a bit.  

However, one person I know very very well, and love very very much, in real life, knows that I'm not always so poised and restrained.  I did go on a flurry of reTWEETs earlier today.  

It could be virtually conceived by my reTWEETing I was reacting to what I was reading.  I was.  It upset me.  I had a "poor me" reaction.   The subject would know who I am talking about.  

Yet likely that person doesn't read this blog, or any of my blogs for that matter.  Doesn't read my Tweets, unfollowed me on Instagram, Facebook ages ago.  

Aha!  There was still a way to make connection:  I sent out a series of reTWEETs of that person's.  That was after finding out that this beloved RELATIVE (yes, it is a family member, which makes it more sensitive you'd think?) UNFOLLOWed me on Twitter too!  I did whine by sending one previous tweet to a Twitter notorious person who was one of my first influencial follow backs on there had just unFOLLOWed me.  

I was a lot more calmer at that point.  Although I was perplexed how someone with almost 300,000 followers on Twitter actually takes the time to unFOLLOW someone who you had been side by side for almost seven years with.  

You think they're ticked off after that much time?  Well, hardly since the last interaction I was supporting something they were working on.  Granted, that had been quite a number of months ago.    

Maybe they figured out that I had found a great APP or social media tool that helps me better define my audience, they would be right.  

That I'd written a little bit more about takers on social media who take, ask, want, post for you to like or reTWEET and then basically ignore you any other time.  That goes with the territory.  Just because someone follows you on any of them, there is no small type agreement that you are signing to promise that you will read, like, share, comment, rePIN, rePOST or reTWEET everything that individual does.

Can you imagine the drastic plummeting of following if that were the law?  If the reversal of these images were true and it was social media that became cobwebs and tumble weeds?

Imagine the loss of blogs, books, ebooks, audiobooks, pages, websites dedicated to telling people how to use social media for their greater purpose, regardless of what that is, for example:

* More readers
* More viewers
* More consumers
* More buyers
* More applause
* More followers
* More hashtags
* More page views
* More subscribers

What would happen if you could only follow someone that you promised to endorse, support, champion, read, share, like, comment 100% all of the time.  Who could keep up?

Possibly the takers, because they are already conditioned to taking without offering anything in return.

I'm not saying both of my Twitter twitches today were like that.    Only one, because of the long term following compared to the actual number of followers this person has, how could they have conceivably singled me out to unfollow?  I thought I was well within the positive engagement radar.  

I have preached a lot about the Golden Rule:  treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.  In the world of karma credits, if you unfollow someone for some obscure reason, you are not treating others as you wish to be treated.  In fact, you may want others to feed your ego, tell you how fantastic you are, share your stuff, like it, subscribe, repost and share.  

For that I may have been guilty.  Maybe I haven't been as "engaged" lately as this person had decided.    I hadn't been rude, or annoying either.

Well, maybe I have been annoying.  I have used this fantastic social media service that has allowed me to be better engaged with those reaching out to me while revealing who is just a taker.

Know where to start from

Where is the magical button on social media where you just press <enter> and off you go into the stratosphere?

There is none.
There were none when I started either.  Any new social media corner there were signs with advice on which turn to make.  LEFT or RIGHT ..... which could end up being RIGHT or WRONG.

Right it is
To assume right as the likely choice since we use the same word in both situations.

There are so many more resisting factors, fears, concerns time 100s to the ones who are actually on here.

Where is here?
Where you are when you read this:  at home on your PC, laptop, tablet?  Scrolling around sensitized and on high alert for something interesting to appeal to you in that split second it takes you to react to that magical CLICK.

To journey
To arrive here, you will have had to be comfortable enough to have an internet connection and at the very least an email/service provider.

The starting line
Would be your interpretation of how you will use that device:  to chill out, to search for something, to check something ... whether it be a fact, a source, a resource, a review, a picture, a story.  

Reach out
That is when you reach out:  when you are looking for something.  Somehow, somewhere somebody (I'd bank of Google) is amassing all those queries or search terms and dividing and conquering sourcing that one top reply.

Replies to multiple
Within that algorithm, there most likely dwells a key identifier that would suggest which ones are the most popular responses by site.  In other words, which one of the choices is clicked on most often.  An from that, extrapolate which ones held the audience the most captive the longest.

That's the sort of information 
Anyone who is a knowledge junkie or fact checker to support their blog would be found.

I'm a big fan of numbers
Which I just really recognized by self-discovery by examination of answering this one question:  What do you want?

What you want
Is not one singular thing.  There is no magical way of blinking here one moment into time travel and advancement to a now where you've arrived at that answer.

There are steps
Whether you are climbing a Mount Everest metaphor-like obstacle in life, you don't just go *poof* and you are there.

Even in the movies
There are steps to creating a movie.  Without an idea, there would be no script that is needed to create a vision, where there are phases from pre-production to assembling the team to arrive on location, are numerous intricate steps.

I could define
how to answer that one question.  What do I want?  Too many offshoots of questions and avenues of learning needed to be gliding around before I could answer that.  You see, there are four words there that you are answering and need to be broken down:

What is the end point, best that could happen if Utopia were uncovered by being able to say confidently, that you know what the WHAT was, is, or meant.

  • WHAT would it look like?
  • WHERE would you be?
  • WHAT will you be doing?
  • WHO will you be doing it with?
  • WHO will you be doing it for?
  • Is there a WHY you include as part of WHAT?
  • WHEN will you be doing this?  
  • NOW? What does your picture look like?
  • IF NOT NOW, WHY not?  This only means that you are procrastinating, lacking the confidence, or lost your sense of belief in what you are able to accomplish.

Phew.  We're only on the second of four words.  Bet you didn't realize that, being so caught up in the pauses between questions and definitions above.  Hard word.  You bet.  Wait till you have to bring out a pen and write it down, with your answer right after.  No pushing off, procrastinating, avoiding or not DOing.  What are the questions you can think of that merge with DO?  Give it a try:

  • DO you believe in yourself?  If not, what is holding you back?  What needs to be done so that you will?
  • DO you have emotional support?  A loved one, a family member, a mentor, coach, cheerleader?  OK, write down each one and then name who has that role in your life.  If you do not have someone in that role, then it is your responsibility to find someone for each one.  You may as well stop until you have a few people in your corner, be your guide and cheerleader cheering you on.  You need these people if there are obstacles.  Obstacles seem insurmountable unless you are able to divide and conquer.  Break it apart one boulder at a time or as a dynamic explosion, or smashing the bottle of champagne against a boat, cutting the ribbon to commemorate the opening.  You need to know who will be there to help you celebrate.  OR, at the times when you feel failure or have failed in some way.  Who is going to pick you up, nurse you back to health, inspire you to get back up again, or motivate you because of one reason or another?
  • WHAT will you DO?  What are you doing when you are at "what do you want?"  Sailing the Caribbean with a captain and crew to navigate to sunny waters, catch lobster and cook it for you?  A bottle of champagne for cocktails after refreshing in classic evening attire with elegance.  Responding to emails here and there throughout your vacation called life, to keep the other part of what you DO continually working on your behalf.
  • DO you work or do you work at not working too hard?  
  • DO you have plenty of love and attention in your life that negates risk, risky behavior, risky thoughts?
So many of us have a hard time defining ourselves.  Not too difficult to describe our physical selves with something to reference our every single waking moment.  Can you write a bunch of questions or descriptions that would allow you to define who YOU is?  Is there more soul searching required to examine what makes you jump up in the morning and seize the day?  The great news is that when you know how to answer that important question:  "what do you want?" you will very likely be quite comfortable, confident and objective on who YOU are.

Can be often misguided to material things like houses, cars, boats, travel homes, clothing, jewelry, toys like electronic devices, smartphones, computers, gadgets, tools, and anything that is an object defined by ownership.  

How do you want to see your life will present a much more satisfying way of answering or describing the WANT.  Do you see yourself surrounded by a lot of immediate family with a spouse and kids and even their kids, grandchildren?  What is the setting or event that got you all assembled there?  Or are you alone because that is what satisfies you:  seeker of peace, quiet, mediation and prayer.  

In a subconscious fashion, this is about a journey of my own.  Stopping to smell the roses.  Take a deep breath and take the next steps in the uphill climb.

There are many ah-ha moments that can pop out from the core.  Letting go of tension and fear.  Allowing yourself moments of pause that allows you to embrace appreciation.  Then, express gratitude and thanks to all who have joined you throughout, or stopped in once or once in a while.  Thank YOU has such a widespread benefit.  It is free.

For the past number of months, my statistics, kindly provided by Google because I am steadfast in using their Blogspot platform, learning more and more about the advantages.  (See comments at the end).  I have been shown, time and time again, that my most loyal blog readers are from Brazil.  

Attached to a Tweet that said:
"Gracias to #Brazil and #Mexico #Argentina #Spain  

Give credit to where it is due.  In this case, I see how having my blog is a much smarter move than the obvious.  I am on Tumblr which posts like you are a blogger however more picturesque, but I am also on Word Press and I had thought originally a much more close knit, collaborative crew.  That is warm and fuzzy for sure.  But how about Google's translation GADGET?  What other blogs have the capability to translate into other language?

Bouncing beyond the obvious to the revolutionary.  Google is way ahead of the pack by allowing bloggers to allow their readers to translate into their own tongue.  If I wanted to read a blog that was not caught up in politics and news, there may be fewer to chose from in the Latino language?  This is don't know for sure.  It is only a guess.  Whatever the specific reason, I do know that I have had a great number of Latino supporters hailing from those countries like Brazil.  Even nicer when they're all working together with Spain, Mexico and Argentina.  Quite the powerful sources for a Latino engine.

For whatever brings you here.  Appreciation and respect for making it this far.  The end of this blog.  Leaving lots more thoughts for another day.

Without you, the reader, the clicker, I would have no reason to write.  Other than to exude demons that surface more readily once you hit 50.  You know you lived a fairly charmed life, that was not perfect, with its own doses of rejection, betrayal, hurt, disappointment, aggrieved, cheating, unfairness.

It is the ability to bounce back is what sets some apart.  A resilient coping super power! 

The "goodest" of intentions pour from these fingertips.  No direct malice towards anyone inclined.  Just the freedom of expression.

I watched something on TV the other night that has lingered in my psyche:  about this woman from New York who was committed passionately about making urban cities all about its people, neighborhoods.  She wrote a lot about her misgivings and projections and recommendations.  So much so, CITIZEN JANE [ yay I remembered ... my "sometimers meter is set to high" ] I will get her name and come right back to insert, even find a trailer to share.

What was remarkable was her commitment to her belief.  Or, one could evaluate and extrapolate their own theory:  that tenacity is a wonderful quality and character trait.  Far more uncommon in a female than a male.  Making an encounter with this extraordinary lady, you may become immediately intimidated by how smart she is, or at least so knowledgeable about her trade.  

Qualities that are the best to start from while growing and blossoming (geez, not two m's and one s).   To reach deep inside yourself, through meditation or deep reflection with piercing observation, to put out there your great intent.  Solve a problem, serve people, create things, capture things, share things ... and so on and so forth.

FACEBOOK friends

If you really want to start to categorize and ultimately decide which is your favorite platform, you need to take a look at your surroundings.  I reached out to my Facebook Friends to ask them that earlier this evening.

If you really want to ensure you have engagement with your friends on Facebook, use the "TAG" feature.  Don't worry, it is completely fine and acceptable.  Except if you have a giHUGE list of friends.  

You can scale back on TAGging those friends who express displeasure at being among your TAGs.  Yes it generates a lot of notifications, that would be for sure.

You can't possibly know whether your numbers are increasing or decreasing without examining your stats.  Each soME provider, from Twitter to Google to Facebook, offer free stats to decipher and relate to those numbers in a way in which they communicate.

I started this blog 6 years ago, diving into sales and talking about some of the habits, outlook, observations I had while enjoying the acclaim, compensation and recognition with awards and rewards.  You're right, I love(d) sales.  I enjoyed the strategy and the figuring out "what will it take?"  I've realized now, past tense times 10 that the real secret was being able to communicate:  in written form, in presentation pizzazz or bellowing oration injected with enthusiasm.  

Is far more contagious than a positive attitude.  Someone can have a fantastic, positive attitude.  However, it takes communication to make an impact.  Some managers feel threatened by a gregarious nature.  Heck, they should embrace it.  Discover how easier it makes their life when the team spirit is channeled collaboratively in such a fashion that nobody really knows who is creating it.  Except a few, perhaps.  Maybe ....

My Facebook Friends are the most engaged in all the networks that I belong to.  If I share a post or an image or a quote, I can always guarantee of an acknowledgement of some kind.  In fact, Google's kind analytics show me that Facebook referrals are the highest.  I've yet to figure out who my champion from Brazil is because Brazil likes the most, if the traffic audience data shows me the where, I just wish I knew who the who was?

Is an easy thing to express.  It reaches all ages, income bracket, age group, interest or demographic.  It is the first thing you learn to say when learning a new language.  If it falls after yes (oui) or no (non) that's okay.  However, MERCI I learned after danke, truth be told.  If you only post once in a while or once a week, at minimum, you can express thanks for nice service from a particular brand or provider.  

The cause of championship is by leading by example.  Demonstrate how nice and peaceful and easy it is to be a person who consistently gives thanks.  

Barriers are minimized or eliminated with gratitude because most people across the globe can say thank you in more than one language.  

Is the most common language in our world.  But for that to be true, I will have to detour for a fact check.  After all, it could be Chinese by now or even surpassed by Spanish.  Latin is a forgotten art.  Does anyone study it anymore?

Are a great way to motivate oneself, but it has far more reaching benefits when it is shared.  Finding an image to accompany it can POP for attention.  People love to share great images with craftily, gracefully embedded text within them.  Art.  Photography.  Chicken scratch.  All accepted.

Can portray moods.  Seriousness, somberness, sadness, moodiness, depressive aura is often considered with black and white images with a strong grey force.  Yet so is high fashion.  We can define our moods or our interpretation of a meaning by the colors we choose to accompany them.

Thanks for stopping in *^* jm xo