The Godfather of Social Media: Josepf Haslam

Some folk still are of the opinion that Social Media is a time waster, for the lonely hearts, social animals or narcissists, while others are knowledge junkies who embrace it as a vehicle to subscribe to information at a speed they control how much they want to absorb.  Then there are the exceptions.  Those that are in “the know” or the ones who “get it”:  a world in which information, networking and socializing that break down barriers such as location, intelligence, color, religion, corporate, private, interactive, passive or active participation.  No matter where you sit, most everyone agrees today it a force with which resistance will leave you in its dust.

Once you break down your personal barriers or bias, you discover that there are some people that appear at every turn in the social media phenomena.  One such person is Josepf Haslam.  I coined him the “Godfather of Social Media” simply because he is an expert, personable and willing to lend an opinion, always.  Josepf Haslam is at the heart of Social Media.  Luckily, I was able to squeeze in time with Josepf while he “ went from Montreal to Kingston NY to Philly, last to see my girls 13/15 and then back to Kingston on Monday and Montreal Monday night”.  Whew. 

1.      How did you get into Social Media, why, and when?

 I have been involved with Social Media since 1979, we just didn’t call it that then!   As an early advocate of Social Media,  I helped implement a global infrastructure at DuPont along the way.  To me the reasons are obvious, collaboration, connections, relationships, and speed.

What’s in, what’s out? 2012 Predictions

What the heck, everyone is throwing their hats into the ring by forecasting predictions for 2012, I may as well.    My predictions do have a fine line between prediction and a wish list with a twist of sarcasm.





  • Visibility on Google products (Blogger, G+) will influence search results on its search engine.  That being said, Blogpost will nudge out WordPress popularity.
  • Mini skirts will be consider superfluous and replaced by ultraconservative maxi length while Jennifer Aniston tresses will be replaced by pixie cuts.
  • Klout rhymes with “out” as more savvy, user-sensitive influence measurement tools emerge learning from mistakes on ways to find more unique ways to attract revenue.

Advertising Boxes Out Social Media

According to an article on Media Post:  "Social networking now accounts for one of every five minutes spent online, making it the most popular online activity worldwide, according to a comprehensive new report from comScore. What’s more, it leads all content categories in the number of display ads delivered, accounting for more than 1 in 4 U.S. display ad impressions (28%). " 

My Commentary:

After spending over 10 years working with magazines, including launching a national inflight magazine for a major airline, my take why social media is a distant cousin in advertising spend is because the actual people who allocate advertising budgets are simply not involved in Social Media themselves.  

Social Media is relatively new, limited by few metrics, sceptics abound  and partial resources to quantify ROI.  From my days in magazines, justifying budget expenditures were and still are compared by readership, reach, audience, demographics and so on.  It tended to lean still towards coupons or call to action ads.   It is far easier to rationalize after someone walks in or inquires after newspaper or radios generate the response.  Marketers have had years to validate traditional advertising.