super STARS!

Today is my Friday.  Yip-e-DO~DA!

I had started to reflect on promises I want to make, and to really internalize it and strive to make it happen.  I have started to put into practice the great qualities are to succeed in sales into my own life.  Huh?  Well, think about it:  if you can't keep a promise to yourself, how can you ever find meaning?

I mentally rehearsed my practice, most likely several times, then I put it into writing.  What blogging allows me to do is put ideas to practice.  The ones that bloom from instinct, creativity and intelligence with strong economic value.  

It went something like this .... I treasure most of my really great mentors and friends.  They will instinctively know who they are.  Some could be someone I mentored to help others.   This particular friend who was not only a mentor AND A friend, they were and are a CHEERLEADER.  Most of my strongest connections are those that treasure my values, because they know that is my biggest currency in life.  Profoundly amazing, very often humbling by either an example to live by or someone very strong and mild.  

LOL, I could sidetrack about personality identifications, another hobby of mine, added to social media, blogging, and student of demography.  

This very great friend/mentor/cheerleader kind of asked me or told me, see how wise they are because I couldn't tell which.  Why ... DO...nt.....YOU....Blog more about sales again?  So, that's been brewing at the back of mind and decided to put it into practice.  Write more about sales.  Then I wanted the re-entry to be remarkable and outstanding.  Something of which only the greatest of sales man or lady could relate to:  What are the things that can be identified in characteristics which you would probably use to identify the biggest of super star (actuals or traits) to pluck out of the very narrow talent pool.  

So the theory will soon show through.  If applied, and it works WONDERbar! If it doesn't?  Go back to the START over!  What are some of the unique characteristics of only the SUPER STARS?  The audience can decide if it believable or the participators can verify if it is foolproof.

Kind of where your own answers, or experiences, or success are going to collect into a group of the super super achievers.  Or, a humble super achiever (sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself) is just getting these amazing results that is taking her or him really high in achievement and he or she starts to wonder if it is a stroke of luck, they're being imposters, or they actually can relate!  That is the test of social media and the #bestofeverything ... can a common voice push up one common trend among all the networking sites?  That's part of THAT experiment.

So, today to a) write about sales, and b) talk about, or start with, what defines a super star?  Exceeding the results of which the top 25 percent of the population have barely entered.  Another sidebar and thought process tugging to the left .... can it be defined with association by the most gifted in so many offshoots like music, artistry, writing, designers, imagineers, 

So, I'm going to start with some of the things that I come up with that would make me think in sales terms that may make me different than the molded corporate suit, adaptable and creative.  LOL, jumping ahead just a tad bit.

Here we go:  what are the most unique qualities about me (as it may relate to business, management, marketing, sales or social media; with an ability to launch new initiatives).  Besides those I guess, here they are:

1) FREAKAZOID:  Maybe one of the freadazoid things about me, and what may have happened to allow me to achieve success in sales is because I actually like creating a "TO DO" list.   (Can you imagine how thriving I am because it is my Friday, and I am going to lux in extasy creating this LIST).

2) LAID BACK or DRAMA QUEEN? For as lax adaxial as I may seem, underneath the bubbly, energetic and often wise demeanor, to the point.  Yes, no, I'll get back to you within _____ hours or minutes and tried to never miss that.  I can go from leaning in attentive to stand at attention and create motivation!  

3)  ENERGETIC or STOID?  If you ask people who know me or have met me, they're first description will almost always be to describe me:  ENERGETIC.  Then they sense this scrutiny, taking it all in and sounding it all back:  must mean a STOID!  Especially, when crafting a proposal or crunching numbers.

4)  HONEST TO A FAULT.  Okay, I was just cheating because if you read 3) you have connecting some other really great attributes among ENERGETIC or STOID, crafting proposals or crunching numbers.    But really great SUPER STARS seem to be trusted automatically.  These folks greatest indignity is when trust is given and abused.  

5)  TRUST< TRUSTED<TRUSTING.  Amazing if you put those three qualities behind a character, you will uncover one of the most uncanny talented contributions.  How many people in your life can you can identify by those three things:  trust+trusted+trusting.  I would challenge to find those three ingredients combined multiply in being a SUPER STAR.

Well, folks.  That is a start within the world of sales.  I am moving on to new goals, slowly being discovered.  The potential within me, and by that karma will attract the most remarkable people.  That are either a) identified as one or b) want to be one.

You may likely stay tuned.  I would be very appreciative if you subscribe, even if you hardly ever visit.  I'm not asking you for money, while I share my secrets to the world.  To demonstrate the difference between online editorial or traditional printed media.

There are more qualities I will share.  I just ask if you visit more than once, subscribe.  I won't force you to comment (never works anyhow except with the inauthentic "I'll scratch yours if you scratch mine" membership).  

I discovered this article on Business Insider  after I had written this post three days ago, and found it worthy to include this.  What struck me is its reinforcement of what I was getting at:  you can be competent and intelligent, however, if people don't deem you trustworthy, they may negatively perceive you!

Oh, if you know of anyone who may want a leg up online advertising:  share the link to my blog and let them know that I have a few spots available, at wholesale, not third party rates.  I haven't assigned any numbers, as I originally said before New Year's, that I would accept bids.  

You see, I am tenacious.  Another extreme quality that I'll throw in.  Those that are can identify with and others want those qualities, will tell others, that there is a fairly unique concept of blogging and sharing images that could be an advertisement (which is really a .jpeg) that I can upload as an image after I'm paid with currency or crapola in kind.

The above image was extrapolated from a long ago Google search.  I do that sometimes:  look for one thing and another one snaps into view so you save later and use.  That is the case of this caricature:  I think it is to resemble Cameron Diaz.  It isn't as much as the physical resemblance as the exuberance of attitude that grabbed me.  My vibe, my charisma, it captured in that image.  Thanks to the artist. (unknown)

Hey guys and gals,

If you like my sales, marketing, social media and business side, you may like to read about my more personal side of life in Meanderings about ... being a fabulous fashionista fighting her fifties.  I just share some of the things I like on the sidebars, which sometimes I update as I go along, or when it strikes me.

Or, the expulsion of my hobby about demography The inBETWEENers where I ponder, research and exude theories and fact about characteristics of those born from 1960 to 1965, neither Baby Boomer nor Generation X.

 Appreciate it.  Thanks to all my Facebook and Twitter fans!  You really are the #bestofeverything ... remarkable, talented, intelligent: who look for the #bestofeverything ... always.

If you want me to give you a hand, pop me a note to to see what I can do.
Happy New Years!
Continued success in 2016,

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