Writing a blog can be cathartic

A new following on Twitter with a goofy portrait - I've asked him if he did it himself and what mediums he used - he hasn't gotten back to me.
ENGAGEMENT is really being interested in the person or entity you are following.
Asking what appeared to me as an obvious question, is a way to remember who you follow, their quirks or academia or business savvy or political views or commentary. 

I hope he answers me so I can rightfully link his Twitter profile here: INSERT ID

I've written a lot over the last 10 years.

It is cathartic really.

Not keeping ideas stifled or bottled up.

Writing about what you see, how technology and social media are evolving.

A little ESP:  mentioning a recognition of The Donald as an egomaniac who people follow to only encourage it more.

See what I wrote in 2011:


Make note of the comments too!

WHAT they're NOT informing you under PRIVACY

Hi John,

Hope all is well.

Unfortunately, one of our hoses inside the cement wall split and we have a flood in our basement on our hands.  When the representative from INTACT, A*****, came by on Friday your ears may have been ringing as I was singing your praises and she asked me to send your contact information -- I will only do that with your permission.

You and your bride should stop by for coffee over the next few days -- so you can meet Rob and I can see the foundation behind the business - your wife :o)

I think you may want to consider a winter business:  reclamation and fix up after property damage:  aka basement floods.  You are a very strong communicator and efficient project manager -- so even if business is slow during the winter months, you could help fix others' disasters.  Similarly, to your roofing business, you don't do the work yourself, you just tee up the right people since you have the right processes already in place:  quoting/proposals that are very comprehensive and leave no questions what it covers or gaps where interpretation can run amok.

The company whom the insurance company forwarded as their preferred vendor (they will not guarantee any others if you use your own company) .... well, basically, they are a joke.  I hadn't begun working with their guy (aka company but is all the company and its reputation upon staking who they put in front of their customers and your guy or their gal.  I really think INTACT will like your style:  professional & representing your own services, acting as your own sales representative and then customer service (pre- and post-work), supply chain, personnel, etc. falling under your own responsibility as though your word is your golden sword:  it is solid.

That's what is missing in this fiasco with the insurance companies' "preferred vendor" is Bahn Projects (good thing you didn't limit your name when you chose your company name, someone visionary could see that as a no brainer and build able upon without limiting potential).

I will forward your email to A***** so you may connect, and even get on as a PREFERRED VENDOR because you GUARANTEE your work and stand by your team - great leadership and entrepreneurial talent -- best of all, you know your numbers:  you know how many man hours it is going to take to do a roof, add/source the materials to do the work plus an administrative markup, per industry standards, take pictures and provide diagrams in your elegant, professional proposal.

You've done your homework:  you know how your competition works, or how the industry tends to behave, and just brought it up many notches with your class, intelligence and personable character ::... people CAN TRUST you in doing what you say, when you say it, in the manner you describe, at the cost estimated, minus any surprises since you are the ultimate professional expert in your field of service.  I hope INTACT will hire you as the golden ticket to continue to grow your business, upon the foundation of your TRUSTWORTHINESS. 

To help your business build credibility and set failure aside, you've followed THE GOLDEN RULE :[ treat others as you wish to be treated ] as well as IN YOUR WORD others can trust.

I hope this makes up for my earlier blog?  I will be posting this on every YELP or recommendation sites/venues.  Unless you object by responding immediately by November 30, 2018, I can consider your permission granted.  However, if you would like to write back and describe to me the "PERFECT CUSTOMER" because that is where you recognize where to put your eggs: to a giHUGE bin in the driveway with your LOGO clearly sprayed from every angle and vehicles always impeccably clean, making that a cardinal rule in the culture of the team you select:  the tradespeople who have great work ethic, personable and friendly interactions with customers by your entire team, along with workmanship and pride of quality their own work means.

Let me know if you would like me to forward to Amanda.

Continued success,
@Jeannette Marshall   E V E R Y W H E R E +optioneerJM                               


OR bankon nobody reads PRIVACY?

to be continued/written


Make me great again: Donald Trump

"Make me great again." Seemingly pleads May I suggest makeover? How bout perm UR hair w natural grey-no hi-lites. An 80s look. No more fake n bake spray tans: U look orange U silly bastard! Look in mirror! Have someone video tape U during speeches *^*jm