20/20 Vision in 2020

Good riddance 2019

Hello 2020

Let's start by being more proactive in 2020:

  • Help by sharing content that provides proactive suggestions that focus on the positive.
  • Be transparent on your hidden agenda.

    • Be it raise money, brand reputation or build awareness
  • Define your Goals

LinkedIn culture demands that you use it as a brag book:  what are you doing differently?  what awards or recognition has your organization has achieved.

Your online messaging is your key differentiation.

If you fail to use that right, you should expect to eventually be in damage control, wishing you had built a better reputation.

ref:  @MarcBenoiff CEO, Salesforce
ref Canada:  @DarrenEntwistle CEO Telus

*^* jm

Let's start by being more proactive in 2020:

Help by sharing content that provides proactive suggestions that focus on the positive.

Be transparent on hidden agenda.

Be it raise money, brand reputation or awareness.

@LinkedIn :UR brag book~what are U doing differently?

Your online messaging is your key differentiator

If you fail to use that right, you should expect to eventually be in damage control, wishing you had built a better reputation.

ref: @MarcBenoiff CEO, Salesforce

ref Canada: @DarrenEntwistle CEO Telus

Information is on everyone's fingertips. The power to exploit information majorly huge.

What people share is the currency.

It doesn't matter whether it is based on fact.

If it appeals to others, shared with a tribe of followers who it resonates with, it can and will likely be re-shared, commented upon or liked.

LIKE Is a bigger endorsement now.

KEY to currency.

A person or entity do not have to follow an identity, be represented by a person, company, brand or method.

The ability to attrack clicks is where it's at and will distinguish between real influencers (those that are trusted with a loyal following who trust clicking on the content, it to be sincere, thought-provoking or inspiring).

That is the next decade's currency.

Predicted back in 2010: that content would be king.

* authenticity
* transparency
* articulate
* poised
* logical reasoning
* unique perspective

A dance of Algorithms, creating a voice.

A voice can be a brand, company or person.

People want to be inspired.

The rubber-neckers are left behind.

>those who dwell in tragedy, violence, war, hate

People want fairy tales happening from real life.

Inspiring heroes, motivational moms, millennial angst, sustainability, empathy

If you can convey those qualities, you will become what you think.

*Practice the #GoldenRule of treat others as you'd wish to be treated thine self.

Be mindful.

Be respectful.

Appreciate the difference of opinion.

Challenge thought, where logic outweighs emotion, fact-based

Recognize those who are making the world a better place
>regardless of whether they have recognition
>it all starts with a click+a like+comment+reshare to catch fire!

The most logical is the most likeliest of outcome.

Humanity will always prevail over evil.

For at least the next decade.

I aspire to be blocked by @realDonaldTrump
wanting to be the voice of reasoning
based from afar, yet intertwined peacefully, loyally, respectfully for dozens of years.

Regardless of TheDonald's antics, the numbers do speak loudly.

My take: Americans are embarrassed with their President, whom they'd pegged hopes upon a great slogan "Make America Great Again" with dreadful proof.

The political gloves are off, and the boxing match begins.

I began watching CNN's portrayal of the political drama constantly unfolding in America's governing Amendments advocates. THAT turned out to be fairly obvious leaning towards Hilary Clinton, and anything Trump was filled with ridicule or scorn.

I perplexed over Anderson Cooper.

My senses told me he was in a downward spiral.

Abusing drugs or facing addictions.

My bet: alcohol.


From prohibition to acceptance.

I ask why?

Enter weed.

Considered the "gateway" drug to all else.

At 58, I resisted during the 1970s period of experimentation. To 2020 where it is legally and a way to take some of the heat off.

#branding #culture #leadershipvision


SHARE what you know, FOLLOW what fascinates you, delights your senses, or brings childlike wonder

Keep your sanity

I recommend you start out, or continue posting on what you know about.  It is the easiest way to launch your vibe.  It lets people know what you are all about.  Similar-minded folks tend to gravitate and find each other.
I'm not talking about race, status, education, love interest, career, notoriety, controversy, religion or beliefs.    Be about you!

I interviewed with a real executive a few months ago.  The hairs on my arms are fluffy but they still stood up.  My spidey senses were on full alert.  Usually, it indicates a strong sense of doing well in the interview.

I got a charge out of the interview.  Especially a humane chief executive officer.  I walked away thinking that I REALLY wanted to work for this gentleman.  As often is the disciplined case, I had scoped out the website on the company, scooping tidbits of information as an overview of the company.  I had not examined anything at my disposal to check out the man whom I was interviewing with.  Dumb, I know.  I did do the usual of adding the person on to LINKED IN so that I could see what kind of career they had, not academics, but real experience being key.  His fit in with 99.9% of all the other CEOs:  bland.

The more I think about it, the more he didn't measure up in person.  Yet in practice, he is exactly that.  Someone who can easily be identified as unique, in a very crowded world.  I think that's what made me take exceptional notice and do a little bit more digging afterwards.

The intellect was apparent, what was said was insightful while calm.  The authenticity was classy and firm.  

What he presented, was a shambles.  It screamed inside:  he needs me!  He really needs to clean up his act.  Not that he is doing anything harmful or addictive, unless you consider his +Instagram posts:  a very fit man, dedicated to mountain biking, cycling, and being put to the test.

Why, I wonder, would his @Twitter profile indicate that he is sarcastic and opinionated?  Apparently, that is the view he wants others to see him.  When I started out on social media, there were so many of those types:  loud, obnoxious and opinionated.  

Probably, 10 years ago this March (2020), when I joined Twitter, super sarcastic personalities were the norm to shoot up on the stratosphere, being catapulted to online super stardom.  So often, the real person couldn't measure up.

Some folks still stand out.  One was a professional DJ, on the radio, homed off the west coast, he used his personality, his advocacy and his philanthropy to the max on Twitter to fill his local food bank.  He certainly didn't make any money off of his efforts.  Ending up in a city across Canada, doing what he knew best:  being a DJ.  I see the number of followers he has.  They are certainly impressive.  However, not indicative of how much he has used the internet to spread good cheer and bring something back to those in need.  

Pay it forward

Evolved from acts of kindness on social media.  Those who inform others on whatever the imagination can conjure up:  technology, science, environment, humanity, mental well being, health, beauty and knowledge.  Giving to others in spirit, inspiration or motivation.  

Humanitarian causes, issues, controversies are the new norm.  Not the obnoxious, they've mostly moved on to You Tube to rant and rave:  very conducive to reposting videos, and a word for the wise.  

This blog has evolved over the last 10 years.  The topics dispersed on spin off blogs.  In fact, when I tried to consolidate them, I got comments about how scattered and I had a blog for just that:  when I wanted to meander about something.

To be continued .......

Why do my Instagram followers keep dropping?

A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind ~ Albert Einstein

When I was at my peak performance in sales: winning awards ..... my desk was a big huge blob of paper. When I became a leader, I kept my desk sparse and turned off all devices when someone came to me with a problem. When I took a job to pay the bills: I ensured I was surrounded by art: art of beaches, boats or light hearted sayings to keep me motivated. People need to stop trying to be a square peg in a round hole. You are you and your desk habits are your own: * pristine (conveys no nonsense efficiency) * cluttered paper bomb (disorganized scatter head) * lively & personal (keeping things light & disassociate from surroundings) When in fact: * spotless can mean you are organized and efficient * a MESS says: whatever you're doing is more important * tasteful art and super slogans means you are balanced NOTE: I am not a doctor, educated in human behavior, nor am I a psychologist. This is my own take.

Michael McCool - the sales guy

Art by Jeannette Marshall (c) 2019