I "GET IT" GOOGLE #brilliant technological call ::; a giant leap forward in sharing their knowledge of the data they have, to tell its stories


Have a listen along with me, 
headphones on, to the music of the dance behind Google, who has taken its time to assess me, determine if I represent the vibe of the tribe that they want to target, the largest TARGET MARKET:

The push from the BABY BOOMERS on the one side, growth measurements shoved back from their MILLENNIAL children the YUPPIES, the tribe I closely align myself to be under, are being squeezed from the other side.   

I love numbers, I love music.


I get it Google.

Factually or fantasy?

I've got goosebumps now.   Google is definitely progressively expanding its list of services.

Hey, not bad eh?

Canadian-ese expressors of opinions that resonate with a really progressive, cool tribe.

A tribe of bold 
who really

use social media as a

 positive vibe

yes, you think it gets busy as you 


build your on tribe.

WHERE "it" all starts with:

  what is your online 



Do you even register if someone other than you does a search of you?

I started a long time ago.  When I wrote about going all in on GOOGLE, the reason why I had chosen to GO ALL IN with Google, even though I'd observed such an explosion of APPLE obsession, that the Yuppy group had identified.

MOST Yuppies will eventually get paid to lend their vibe and become selected by them as you share with your online crew, believers of your unique brand.


They created their mark, studied it, dissected it, and went


On me.
The right vibe that appeals to two large demographic numbers -- Baby Boomers & Yuppies, 
the go to place for advice for the Millennial tribe
children mostly of the biggest bubble, the Yuppy generation of visionaries and leaders.

Where am I going with this?

I alluded to this in a QUORA.COM response I gave that imploded on


when I placed all my eggs in that one basket:  my website that is distinguishable, yet unique all ABOUT ME.  (I recommend that you set up a website under the ABOUT ME: umbrella that acts as a central channel to all your social media profiles are represented, with links that can take view directly to that blog, Facebook Page, Instagram account, and so on.

Now, I speculated what was going to happen with Google when I started freaking out when I heard that Google was pulling out of its Google Plus G+ social media platforms.

Knowing better than react to rumor before fact, I panic'd:

It was said by somebody, somewhere, that:

lies are already 3/4 way around the world before the truth even begins to respond. " ~Unknown

GOOGLE?  Have you identified me as to having a loyal following of readers, supporters, sharers weight by authenticity of followers. (Non spammers and true voices)?

One can lean towards suspicion when all of the sudden they have a surge in numbers.  

What you cannot
you cannot


TWITTER:  Was just starting to show me the numbers they were producing the results that I was consistently consistent message of helping others go beyond average to remarkable.

WORD PRESS:  Asked me whether I was using SEO services.  Why?  Because they were so impressed where I've been rising steadily in the online world.  They've been pushing things at me to try for my blog because I finally went web as an identity, like settling with where I wanted to be, what I wanted to be known for:  as that was being proven by a steady expansion of loyal followers.

A DEVELOPED TRIBE OF LOYAL collaborators who nod and cheerlead + some of the early adopters of social media.

REALLY, finally being rewarded for being the original hipsters of the 1980s, an original style with survival scars, escaping in bliss, creating an authentic voice.

I wrote a week and a half ago, when I've wrote about a question I had been asked at a job interview with an executive CEO who I really wanted to be hired by:  he asked me, after noting the numbers:  "that having over 20,000 Twitter" followers is an impressive social media presence.

I followed up with enthusiasm which I know demonstrates whether there was a spark of interest on my side.  I was promised to hear back in two weeks, and I've just hit week one!  

A week later, I am still pondering ideas on how I could bring value should the opportunity presents itself, faith that my birthday being this week featured with my youngest daughter flying in.

[I hope you are listening along to my channel that I am listening to now.  

A channel that GOOGLE handed to me.  OF COURSE, I put the headphones on and turned the volume up:  how did they know that flavor of music?  

No wonder, when we've been handing that data to APPLE for the past how many decades?

 Going on 40 years, pleasure to the Yuppies as they sailed through their years:

How is Google going

 all in with me?


Likely, because my brand "optioneerJM' was the best instinctive move I made when I began on social media, creating a voice online, 2010, as an identity rather than a name.  At times, I questioned the wisdom as I saw my first and last name sidelined because someone else beat me to the snap  or click.

A tribe is a group of cheerleaders that you funnel to share spotlight with and for each other into a base who rely on your quotes, blogs, following, demographic & psycho-graphic a vibrant and firm voice of the early adopters and risk takers and believers.


if you love what you do,

you will likely become great at it.


Jeannette Marshall 


AS LONG AS YOU COMMIT to assessing whether you are the best version of yourself?


How do I KNOW?

My faith and hope is being tested.
My true self trying hard not to be ignored, shoved aside or silenced.

We try to stay calm and cool online.

That's the type of respect we give our followers.  Knowing that in the vast super globe of the internet world, we haven't even tipped the iceberg on the influence about to unfold.

INFLUENCE is a combination of reach and audience.

QUALITY in what we love and love to help promote.

DEDICATED more to reputation in the long run which will be ever lasting your best currency: your online identity, established by your words, your shares, your blogs, your posts, your channels, music, your playlists.

PRIVACY is becoming dicier and dicier.  Where does the content of the information have value?  If you can create really good content, using the skills, which are matchless to your ideas.


was the song that just came on -- love that song by Bruce Springsteen:  if I had to admit, it is a toss up for this song and Freddie Mercury & Queens song.


I have commented on YouTube - on the Bruce Springsteen site, admitting my crush, somewhat.  Back in the day.  And yes, me tweeting at him:  @BruceSpringsteen -- on Twitter.

(I think I had a like to my comment by THE BOSS on YOU TUBE:  I'm going to have to fact check to avoid fantasy and factual at odds)

I was that office corporate sales girl and he was the soft,rough voice that was just so crush-worthy.
Then the song where he grabbed a very cute young Courtney Cox onto the stage to dance with HIM in the Dancing in the Dark.

"If you didn't have that vision of supplanting Courtney Cox and giving @BruceSpringsteen a run for his money, you weren't a YUPPY!"

~ @optioneerJM
Jeannette Marshall

I just know how I think.
I know who I've worked for,
who was great,
and who were horrible.

I've never used social media as a means to serve myself, first.  That has been my discipline and goal back when I began blogging:

GIGGLE:  My first blog was my VISION:  I will have to insert it and the date here.  (SIDE NOTE:  My vision is to have a virtual assistant, someone who can do the fact-checking and proofread my blog and insert links)--

"If you write it down

 it begins a plan,

 if you share that plan,

 it becomes a completed 

~ @optioneerJM
Jeannette Marshall


So as I've gone on in with my optioneerJM blog with BlogSpot, a Google Service (free like GMail), who became my email server as well.

I noticed the tremors that had yet to be felt.  

The battle of the brands.

Who really is the best?
* MicroSOFT?

I think the longer I've been a loyal Google user, they like what I have looked for, the information I used, how I used it, and where, and who was clicking on it.

That's the CLICK TRUTH

Those who have experimented
and been authentic, 
forming a loyal crew 
and tribe as a unique 

~ @optioneerJM
 Jeannette Marshall


A BRAND will have new meaning.
It will not be about what marketing wants us to think.
It will be the identity the online public has assigned to it.

your currency becomes 
your words.

from jumping in
hiding behind PRIVACY
excuses when maybe
they haven't liked 
what they've done and
don't want the truth to emerge.

study the numbers.

FIGURE OUT the story being told.

WAS THE WINNER because he/she was what the majority needed to hear?

WAS THE LOSER a failure because they tried a unique approach that just doesn't resonate at that time.

YOU CAN'T JUDGE what you haven't known or experienced.

IF YOU RISK your reputation and online brand for what you believe people want, then you're back to being all in.

Hey, it's not a bad thing:  GOOGLE has put together an extraordinary music playlist.  I pressed play while I was waiting for APPLE's website to redeem a smart card.  

The vibe with my tribe

Have a listen while you read.

Jump on over to www.optioneerjm.COM /website:  Wordpress power



Message List

    Paul Poscente
    Paul Poscente · 1stCEO and Chairman at Backwoods Energy Services
  • Jeannette Marshall sent the following message at 7:26 AM
    View Jeannette’s profile
    Jeannette Marshall
    Jeannette Marshall 
    Good afternoon Paul, As you are aware, my consideration is in the works to add value as a project manager for your organization. I look forward to meeting in person to review the opportunity together and moving towards next steps: being hired for this great opportunity. Sincerely, Jeannette
  • Paul Poscente is now a connection.
    Paul Poscente
  • I've discussed and shared examples of why #LinkedIn is the best profile for ANYONE who thinks controlling their own personal brand is taking responsibility of its voice.

Who you're connected to online creates your own voice of your brand.

Who follows you and for how long, is what those in the know see:  creating authenticity merely by reading numbers.


  • Jeannette Marshall sent the following messages at 1:45 PM
    View Jeannette’s profile
    Jeannette Marshall
    Jeannette Marshall 
    Thank you for the "AMERICANA" coffee at the spectacular #brewsters (not sure if that's a legitimate #hashtag or not, I'll check it out. I hope you see the value in the following article I wrote to not just broadcast but also to recognize,  on social media, the value this First Nations lady has. In fact, I might start a campaign to have her appointed to the post of Ambassador to the United States.  I'll tag good ole Justin, shucks, so he'll have a look.
  • They say that if you post from the heart, it increases the chance it will resonate with others. In a sophisticated, yet elegant way. I got the practice by being mentored by a great Calgarian @theladywiththeironring > may not be exact, she goes by Natalia Leah who discovered I was going to Toastmasters and kicked me in the pants to introduce to a crowd of upwards of 200 or more speakers tribe of distinguished business people from the community in Calgary, usually the far out funky [for example, the MAYOR of Portland (I think, need fact checker) to brag and talk about their inroads on sustainable cities.

  • Today, I'd coach that tactic can be made stronger online.  Natalia has created her own vibe, which as a creative intellect where there are no female equals, or men, regardless of race, identification or online VOICE, with the subtleties of her uniquely her own.  Exploding like a million brilliant stars with fireworks celebrating across the horizon.

  • I too, wish her only the best.  The difference between offline and online is that need to reach out face to face, in the accompaniment of a sport event, hockey or The Jubilee Auditorium in Calgary.  Where the last concert we attended was with Eric Clapton.  Following Rob's lead to the return tour of the -- what's the heck their name?? -- fact checker OR me checker??

  •     That act in itself catapulted to me being true to myself, as a Branch Manager of a technology-based organization using old school best practice. I have been very fortunate to be among some distinguished business executives within my group of followers on LINKED IN who are mostly cheerleaders in disguise. Not quite sure how to dabble in Social Media when they hit 50, the fading YUPPIES is where I identify with most.
  • Linked In information provided to me to guide my online journey.  What I clicked on matter.  It produced and cultivated information or stories that resonated within my own unique voice.  Now, it allows me to have an unbiased voice.

    Because I read what the numbers tell me from Linked In or Google or Pinterest >> providing numbers is the behind-the-scenes-no-longer-the-best-kept-secret-of-2019

    If you cultivate numbers into stronger vibes together, you are quite brilliantly seeing the domino before its about to fold.  Often the CEO who has the vision and the commitment to follow it through with his heart, soul, intellect and following on social media:  @PhilipeTribault << insert link on Twitter and Linked In.

    I make recommendations like this one:  get Philip and @SocialFace on your watch list everywhere after you've exchanged friendship on Twitter, more difficult perhaps he's pushing www.socialface.com and rightly so.  His product via website is the central spot to exchange and network online.  It determines your influence, organically, just by your authentic engagement because there is no other way to be signed on if not a singular person.

    Twitter, has several steps now to authenticate its members.  I badge of honor with the blue and white twitter emblem beside your name.  Which, essentially, tells the world that you ARE WHO YOU CLAIM.  Another notch in your belt or buckle if you can be identified as authentic online.  Which is essentially determined by the influence you have within your own tribe:  those topics or hashtags that readily identify your online STAMP, a road map of where you've been and what you read, then beyond to where you read and what you tend to share, and by those shares, how many clicks evolve from it.

    That is an example of how the online currency is evolving quickly.
    It is crypto and bitcoin lingo from here on out.  I'll dive in and share my findings, trying to make sense of it all.  Then translate it back in how I interpreted based on my own unique footprint of clicks and points and shares

    The more you develop your own uniquely DNA'd persona, the stronger it becomes.  If words is the currency, there is an attitude adjustment in store.  No more tricksters or hicksters who try to trick the system.  I'd imagine that GOOGLE is really embarrassed which to the online world is deciphered as OUTRAGE that their biggest online tool is building the trust of its members.  For, without those numbers of trusters, GOOGLE would falter and stumble a long way down from its perch. 

    The reason GOOGLE PLUS G+ was dismantled was because they had a major data breach.

    In the world of online trust
    there is no greater catastrophic
    downward thrust
    after the release of a public relations nightmare.

    Your value
    incinerates  the longer you ignore it.

    Regardless of your age.
    Regardless of your race.
    Regardless of your family dynamics.
    Regardless of your love interests
    Regardless of your academic achievements
    Regardless of your heroic feats


    in the brave new world of



    are your words.

    ~Jeannette Marshall

  • Marie, was such an honor to write about. Her words and her poetic use of her intellect is really magical when you read this blog. I write from the heart and I get cheerleaders clicking. Those dabblers in social media who like to be far away from the attention, but watching the thermometer of WALL STREET. At the time, it was the best advice I ever got: if you want to know what people are looking for. And share it. MY blog that launched me into Social Media was www.blogspot\optioneerJM.com https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/conversation-dr-marie-delorme-recipient-order-canada-marshall/
  • View Jeannette’s profile
    Jeannette Marshall
    Jeannette Marshall 
    I want to demonstrate to you that I would communicate your brand beautifully, if given the chance to speak from the heart. COMMUNICATOR In whatever form:  Communications. Period.  Or this or that of COMMUNICATIONS, or brand creation of brandcommunicator social media brand. I would be an effective communicator that would possibly resonate with the heartfelt wisdom of elder crowds.... loving to read about the wisdom that didn't come from tried, scarred, true authenticity, I may help navigate those waters. Imagine, if I could appeal and write to those peoples through the power of social media, it could inspire other MILLENNIALS who are the TIDAL WAVE of public opinion and words are their currency.  The power of the click. I appreciate you have to decide if I would have the right chemistry and charisma as you, just bottled in a petite woman who represents another HUGE tidal wave of public opinionators, could be inspired by just paying me a royalty for this story to place it upon your site(s) in the form of a BLOG with links to the origin of the blog originally. CLICKS are WHAT MATTER I like to think I've learned a thing or two as a hobby.  You asked insightful questions, and they included numbers every time. I believe you got my vibe online before you met me in person, what I wonder is whether it matched up in person? PLEASE INSERT VIOLIN MUSIC <>  Regardless, I would value your feedback on any improvements to be made to facilitate the match up of my online vibe with my in person personality? I look forward to hearing back from you, sincerely.   I could be your Mary Poppins with COMMUNICATIONS being the umbrella in which I lead:  a catch all name within a well respected tribe of online voices, mostly by word, often with great content, curating beautiful images, imagineering incredible quotes, art, music by the very tribe in which you say is key to the whole pursuit in the noblest fashion of the beauty, success, heartaches among the ALEXEI- tribe, linked to its website in all of its social media platforms, portraying a consistent and classy voice to the accomplishments to inspire others, regardless of race. Sincerely, Jeannette Marshall p.s.  COMMUNICATIONS umbrella: * website * social media platforms * online voice * marketing brand reflecting BACKWOODS ENERGY:  A new type of energy company in an ethical and humane way. Sincerely,

  • Sometimes, technology fails us.  It should only be embarrassing if you don't learn by it.

  • Jeannette

Building a business love affair falls on the shoulders of the sales executive, keeping it in love falls under the account manager

A very bossy affair
original art by author, Jeannette Marshall

I keep opening my mouth and I can't shut up!

Online, I get tap tapped tapped out.  Then I go under cover to regroup, take a deep breath, and then set on in out.

As all that hot air that I'd kept in, builds up to a momentum that makes you on the verge of IMPLODE.   

However, like a balloon needs hot air, so do we all.

Not having a place to vent, or trusted confidantes of the olden days.  Long before my time.  Folks were actually called "Confidante".  It signified trust.  

Unfortunately, today, we live in a bullish world where so many soldiers strive harder to raise above the increasing astronomical numbers.    They get clumsier and more aggressive.   Too much sizzle and not time to talk about how they'd like their steak:  those piranha infested waters  we dwell in online, we become too geared to 140 characters or less.

Global selling is a hard nut to crack, I would believe.  Without hard facts or knowledge yet.  Maybe I can find some information from my curiosity, would my approach really work in a global selling world.

Yes, I realize, I have watched BITCOIN and CRYPTO CURRENCY sail by, like sharks.  (SIDE NOTE:  watch "MEG" if you like movies that make JAWS look like minnows in the ocean. Great new movie out on digital streaming.)

This poor fella was being nice by asking me whether I would be interested in delivering course material for ITIL to a very large corporations' employees.  I agreed, gave him my personal email to follow up on.

See who is doing the following up here?

If you want to create a global presence, you rely on your word.

"Words are the largest revenue generator online.  Bypassing streaming, brand messaging, or any other kind.  Don't swing it like a sword.  Ignore it at your peril."                                                               Jeannette Marshall @optioneerJM

I would need the course material to review and prepare to communicate in any course hosting.

You should start a bio page on your web page that showcases your partners with their link to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, minimum.

If you want to act like a credible global organization, you have to begin behaving like one.  

Local customs aside, you have to fit in to the surf curve in the social media hub vibe.  Glide in and elegantly fit in.

Bulldozing your way only hurts your credibility and potential for trustworthiness.  What you do, or do not do,  as you have promised, you will be taking a huge pay cut!

Trust is your only way in.

To opening a buyer's mind.  Be aware that trading services is a practice that has been going on in the advertising world for decades, those folks call it contra.

You trade a bargain for a bargain of equal value in either goods or services at the agreed equal value at the onset, and it is tracked and assigned to a marketing expense in your entrepreneur or business accounting.

Selling services is like being a conductor of an orchestra:  you aren't playing any instruments, and yet the tone, beat and vibe is matching your swaying movements, as leader of the vibe.
