Social Etiquette advances ENGAGEMENT online

The following was just posted on Facebook:
Hey Marsha Collier .... Happy 3rd Frienaversary!! It's been a happy ride on the bus with you and together, we show how 2 women, from 2 countries, remarkable and steadfastness to the roller coaster of social media together. Interesting isn't it that this came from Facebook and not Twitter where we consistently interact and "engage" with each other

I declare: Marsha Collier to be my BFF friend online ... dated this 14th day of June, 2018. A solidarity that could not be broken nor can be split even though our country's politicians are both acting like elementary boys volleying to being recognized as the most popular boy at school.

Can you imagine?
If Justin Trudeau invited moi Jeannette Marshall to attend a mini conference with @MarshaColliers and Donald Trump -- I BET we'd have it solved in 3 hours if a glass of wine and a great conversation exchanged between two different ladies: setting a new curve in an upward arrow swirling into the stratosphere as a solution of "WE TOO" @WE2 #We2 ..... Read more ......... HERE>

If you have a good friend, go ahead and tweet at them or post on their Facebook timeline, something along how you met and their impact on your online knowledge quest or self development or communications command post.

Even better if you could scout out a great tweet dated back to the early days of "ENGAGEMENT".

What's the big deal about ENGAGEMENT?
If you, my new associate, have to ask: you are NOT a social media guru.

Sales supremacy & social media power share the same ideal quality that separates all the giants from the tiniest beings is ........ well what do you think it means?

Enter your answer here:
A) On a piece of paper with A) B) and C) ready to go!
B) Share the answer on social media channels with #PureEngagement hashtag.
C) Ability and desire to be responsive, enthusiastic and a positive connection.
Since I wrote this mini exam, I already know the answer but will include "Responsiveness" as I share this blog.

Responsiveness? Conscientiousness? What does that mean? I'm certain that if you were a fleeting observer of either Marsha Collier or me over the past few years, you would have noticed increasing dialogues yet inaudible communication between us.

And, as life usually unfolds, an increasing respect and champion-like exchange begins, ignited between the two. There can be a sprinkle of questions or comments on either party's tweet usually and Facebook post often.

I just realized, we have neither invaded each other's personal space by direct messages, leaving it as a save tool, if you really need to ask a favor or that sort of exchange.

Let's be clear in a mix up space that online is, "Social Etiquette" is the crucial way to be enveloped, acknowledged and supported by the majority online period including the self-acclaimed "Influencer" or compensated "Brand Ambassador" folks aside -- simple because it is complicated and more difficult to dissect.

It is near impossible to have unified agreement on the numbers since data is the new child of the universe that creates opportunity and differentiation.

So often I see one sided, one vantage point or one perspective streaming from social media identities, whether from a brand enforcer or personalized name.

There isn't any trick.
You can go to any of your mediums to see where your mentions are coming from.

Battle over Privacy is nothing compared to data. I said that in a blog a good four or five years ago: the race for gathering personal information, habits, posts that create algorithms that allow predictive answers based on the: NUMBERS.

What comes after numbers? Artificial Intelligence or, what I like to call it: "Automated Internet". That is exactly putting the cart before the horse. Intentionally so, because by being able to predict what "desirable audiences" want, want to buy, want to see, want to subscribe to, etc.

Back in 1997, I was on weekly conference calls with the best, strongest sales team mates from across North America. A handpicked sort who developed ENGAGEMENT with each other based on how easy it was to reach out, just say hi or talk shop about anything, for me mostly lands on publishing or digital media (printing, web, social) my chin flips up and my voice gets louder, with excitement and speed builds, momentum jumps. They didn't mind that. People who "get me" recognize that the speed in which someone modulates their language or story shouldn't diminish its value, yet often is .... mistakenly.

Like the finest athletes, who can usually excel at multi physical exertion (i.e. ice skating: technical, artistic, choreography and graceful or dynamic flow)... people who can exude and engage at the same time are skillful in either sales or social media.

Now, there are a lot of anti-sales folks out there. For good reason for sure: usually being oversold something or paying more than necessary or break in promise on productivity, service, timelines. <Heed this advice < always under promise, be realistic to build credibility on expertise > over deliver don't over commit resources, people, tools, equipment, materials, timelines.

If a topic appeals to someone, regardless of stature in life, they will respond.

So think of a topic that you are enthusiastic about, interested in learning more about and then look (it is not hard to GOOGLE: "online+influence+gardening". Where Google likes to show independent opinion by using the numbers at their disposal: what is the number of clicks on a topic or identity? Then they display.

It isn't surprising that Facebook and Twitter are trying to build their engines: like the two kids on the first day of school and how it ends in the following June (around now: best friends, frenemies, etc.)

Facebook had its hand slapped after as people keep digging for more conspiracy theories online more than ever: not only evaluating the numbers that they have at their disposal and how they can leverage that as an enterprise wants to increase cash flow.

The best way to wrap this up would be to increase your online responsiveness wherever you have an identity, regardless of medium: Twitter, Facebook or InstaGram, etc. Look to see who "Mentions" or "RT" or "Tags" you and then acknowledge it with Social Etiquette, with "Thank You" being the easiest.

Post art source: Vogue
Iman Raad, Eye (Left), 2017, acrylic on raw canvas, 34 x 40 inches
Photo: Courtesy of the artist and Sargent’s Daughter Gallery (March 18 to April 23, 2017)

This is the New York debut of this breakout young talent from Iran, whose brightly colored paintings and installations allow fruits, flowers, butterflies, animals, and other nonhuman subjects to get a life.

When opportunity knocks: take a seat and be prepared to listen

This is where I will blog about a buying experience and the lesson to be learned extracted by defining how I want to be treated as either a consumer or a buyer (corporate or entrepreneurial).  Foot for thought on starting at the bottom and working your way up the food chain.

My Editor:  Oscar the Pug is a no nonsense taskmaster who does not heed excuses, nor does he rely on warnings, he wants to be objective and come to his own conclusions.  Thankfully, he reflects many of the qualities I like to think I have or continue to work on.

I did set up a website so that I can help others create their own online social media personality, whether by authentic name or invented character of charm.  It is called  I did launch a Blogspot blog for this graFX > see right sidebar link by scrolling.

I have to practice what I preach by setting up, executing and successfully launching a self-sustaining identity.  As always, I share my learning and leanings along the way.  Shortly after I launched this blog 8 years ago [ March 2010 ] I caught on to the numbers that there seemed to be some nibbles on the stories where I used social media experiences and education accumulated from trial and error.

I've used some blog space to opinionate on how current world events are in line with demographic trends based on numbers, which are based on hard facts.  

I've used another to exhume frustration and avoid rantings on meanderingABOUT singularly focus on my generation of inBETWEENers (those born 1960 to 1965/69 inbetweeners born after BABY BOOMERS and faded as GENx boomed and how those hitting 50+ are facing some events unprepared for:  YUPPYdom; family dynamics, blending families, being a mother, wife, daughter, sister.

I started using forwarding technology to customize my relationship with followers as normal day to day life or life threatening crisis happen, tend to interfere and hamper.

BAIT and SWITCH: is NOT the RIGHT way to SELL

Since I began writing this blog 8 years ago (Happy Anniversary to me .... la la la LA LAAAAaaaa) I have written mostly on sales.  That is what I know best and if I had to be honest:  my sweet spot.  I was only good at the whole thing because I could juggle a lot of things at once, more than just multi-tasking.  Juggling rapidly while balance with one foot on a big rubber ball!

The other thing has been honing in my judgement skills.  For the most part, I've been optimistic, naive, and too trusting.  There might be more things others would call me that would ruin the positive spin that I try to churn out:  believable, honest..... to ... will she ever shut up?  To a talent at being able to drown people out (my husband).  

Maybe there is some loneliness that is escaping in bubbles, where every day seems to be like climbing Mount Everest, in slow motion, more tiring the next day than the day before.

For entertainment while I am doing some dreaded chores, I'm releasing a zest of battling so much negativity and worry in my world to a more peaceful and calm one.  

The rollercoaster I knowingly and if not completely willing to the wolves of sales people (my ulter ego) to do a few of the things that Rob would have on his HONEY DO list.  Since he has passed 9 weeks of remarkable progress, I have given myself permission to write a little and express myself so that I don't keep everything up inside or explode!

Looking at the opportunity to purchase things as a responsibility, when you partner is out of the picture in more ways than one, left solo to buy things that I would push and he'd try to push back on his domain.  We'd compromised by having our home tactically divided, evacuated by four, now adult [Millennial] blended family children.  Too big practically for two of us, but easily filled up with our respective and joint treasures.

So I tippy toe into trying to get the roof fixed on my home.  Something that I had thought I had signed off on almost two weeks ago.  Sending an email yesterday after visiting Rob at the hospital, a 6 days a week devotion.  I asked the insuror if their company was taking their business for granted, because to make my life easier, I had said to whomever that had called that I was not going to project manager them, just let me know when they will be here, what do I owe, and when will they be done ETA.  John left a card tucked into my door jam, along with the Census Taker's postcard.  

I took it to meaning that John was from the company that the Insuror had designated and I'd excepted.  It wasn't until halfway that I figured out where both John and I were puzzled:  I explained that I had assumed he was from the contractor to do the roof sent by the insurance company.  John was puzzled, because he usually had really great, efficient records, even able to produce a print out of all the homes he'd done in the area (this was a follow up from his cold call because I thought he was really from the Insuror).

Call it fate.  Regardless.  He sent me his quote.  I sent him my answer, which I am transparently sharing.  I only used John's name .... no privacy was infringed upon.

I'll let you know how it pans out.


Hi John 

Nice to meet you earlier today.  Apparently, confusion on my part pending completion of our roof stumbled you into the opportunity.  As I mentioned, as a sales gal by heart, I'm a big fan of giving people a shot just by the fact that they do a face-to-face OR telephone cold call - really, a lost art. 

One of my former bosses eventually figured out after a few years when I was in sales, that part of my skill had nothing to do with what was coming out of my mouth (which usually is exhausting enough) or how I was able to configure or negotiate a deal.  I became skilled at reading upside down.  So usually I can remember something that is being said and what had been coming out of my mouth resonated in some way, thus the note.  I just began to read upside down.   

Your whole proposal and Compliance Information is superb and REALLY nicely done - where did you come up with that idea?  I'd love to create one for my brother-in-law's business because when he does well in his business and my sister is happy and he is sending us to Mexico together ..... he has a furnace cleaning business with 15 as an entrepreneur -- you'd actually find value by networking or having a coffee in your MAN CAVE -- I'm pretty certain you'd find synergy and pockets of knowledge each other would learn mostly because of your shared interest of living a quality life and doing what you have a passion for, which is far more rewarding than the baZILLIONs you made a stock broker.  That IS amazing! 

I was wondering ..... I saw you wrote the number of Insuror payable $5600 dollars down and $2600 what my contribution should be for a total of $8200.  Did you factor these numbers into your equation when you came up with your price?

  I did really like the bait and switch technique:  give me comments that hint of a better deal from you with less out of pocket expense and a better product.  I do have a sharp memory when it comes to numbers and the visual of what you wrote down. 

That is why I was wondering why you would come in more expensive or whether this is a negotiation technique of barter ready response? 

Sincerely, Jeannette 

If you want to resend a new estimate, that would be fair for another 24 hours -- it is 1
 a.m. MST Calgary, April 27, 2018.