in real life LIFE

RIGHT ON reddit

I never blogged about it, seeing the error of my ways now.  Professing to be a social media cowgirl (nudge to the Calgary Stampede that began today), I haven't really discussed or shared opinions lately on what is working on Social Media for me these days.

It is worth noting mostly perhaps because I juggle a "in real life LIFE" yet continuously drawn to the heart of social media:  the talented people who do make a difference in our world.  They may inspire, they may motivate, they may minimize stress, boost confidence, entertain, or lend a chuckle:  those people who are committed to making our world just a little better every day and any day you need that kick!  (keeping within the theme of hometown Calgary's famous 10 days of rodeo bravado and attendees who envelope their favorite pair of jeans, beaten up s**t-kickers ::... as reference to cowboy boots).

I should be more dedicated to sharing the tips and tried and trues I've discovered over the last 7 years as a younger maverick, willing to experiment, learn more, and become more open-minded.

It has been a journey of sorts.  Without a definitive beginning and unforeseeable (and hopefully much later) end.

Stampede Barbie

I know I should give more hi-JINX to the baddies, but focus more on the hi-FIVEs to the stars (as in sheriffs and in my case, Marshalls) out there.

BTW:  thank YOU once again #Brazil !!!!!  You've far surpassed the United of States for highest readership locale.  #Bravo!  Gracious.  Merci amigos.  

There you have it.  A hodge podge of random posts from across the universe.  Even as I work full time to collect a pay cheque I insert and post sporadically that enables me to claim a KLOUT score of 71% consistently.  

It proves that you don't have to spend hours a day or week to maintain connections on social media.  Some days, I only spend about 10 minutes -- like one would by checking their email.  Except, I log on Twitter and Facebook (mostly) to acknowledge those that include me.  

The mastery of social media finds its roots from who you are connected to (talented professionals) and what you like, share or post.  I like creating customized quotes and images that I personally identify with.

In fact, that is what encouraged me to launch my website  I struggle with the appearance and interactive value of the website.    It has allowed me personal insight into myself:  a perfectionist of sorts who knows what she likes when she sees it, yet lacking in website design skills.

It is all a journey.  Experimenting, trying new things and creating unique messages.  I want to create a website that captures those moments yet take it a big step further:  creating a central repository of online images and branded messages.

Political cartoons: a walk down memory lane

MIND your business

If you have any online profiles under assumed names, pseudonyms, professional ID, identity, personal name, you are responsible for the impression that it gives.  

I certainly have many facets to my personality, as do most of us.  Therefore, I write prolifically now on different topics that I am fond of or digging for more knowledge on, wanting to express myself on.  Here, on optioneerJM, my first blog, I've dappled in social media along with my tips on sales and leadership examples.  I had someone [that is not an online person or personality, just a very good lady] read my MEANDERINGSabout blog first [ weird part is she said she found it via LINKED IN which is connected to optioneerJM].  Her words of advice seemed to indicate that I was a bit of a crackpot.  Now, she is an esteemed professional, not someone whom would be called a friend.  

That sucked.  I was a little bummed out about it to be honest.  Now, after four days off work, spending the better part of the day at Kananaskis Park, just 45 minutes from Calgary, after a hearty breakfast by 9:30am at The Chuckwagon Restaurant [ featured in "You gotta eat here" realized once we were there!].  I went with my beautiful, talented daughter whom I shall not name and whom I am ABSOLUTELY forbidden to show photos of ANYWHERE.  It's this promise that I have such a hard time keeping, but I'm doing pretty well, no slip ups accounted for [ just confirmed spies of her's that keep on eye on me on all the social networks that she has since BLOCKED me EVERYWHERE.

A Virginia G. "Brain Fart"
Virginia was the most polished, professional businesswoman I've ever worked for.  That would include my first sales manager and my former colleague who is now the CEO of a very favorite institution.  Out of all the questions ever posed to me, she was the "Barbara Walters" of my life.  She could ask a question in such a way that you could never not answer, but want to answer in a very concise, articulate way.  Because she represented the same.  She had survived this extraordinary brain decease that very few survive.  The fallout was one eye askew.  It danced when she laughed but it peered right through you when she looked at you and asked you a question.  Now that IS an art!  Some of my best teachings and guidance came from Virginia.  She WAS the art behind the deal.  She made it masterfully simple.  Being able to ask a question that was concise and got to the heart of the matter.  She had boundaries, was relatively private [ if that is possible living and ongoing renovation of a historical heritage site in Edmonton, while centralized career revolved around Vancouver ].  Yet she had the uncanny ability to ask a question that was borderline ethical while said in a caring manner.  I may describe myself as inquisitive, flexible and willing to look at a number of situations but when my homework is done, I'm steadfast in my opinion formed by dedicated research and knowledge quest.  However, when Virginia G. asked a question, it was said with an authority that couldn't be missed, communicating non-vocally, that she expected an immediate answer.  Her bullshit meter on high alert.  You knew that, so you didn't even bother to try rolling any excuses out or avoid your own blame.  Accountability with an iron fist and a feather touch.  Thank you notes were always personally penned in her beautiful, flowing, script handwriting.  When you got one, you knew you had earned it.  Out of all the people I've known in my life, Virginia G. would be the last person one would think of where the term "brain fart" originated from.  That were she.  I use it often.  

It means I don't take myself too seriously even though I sound firm and attached to my pride at times, I'm considered too personable by my immediate family.  Where my daughter asked me at one point today:  "why are you so trusting with people and start talking with strangers?"

It would seem that she got the Virginia GIFT.  Me taking the question, absorbing it and turning it around to examine all the sides.  Wanting to come up with a perfectly logical succinct response.  What a great question.  I'll have to mull it over and give it some time to ponder, reflect and figure out the reason.  It's not just a matter of not being shy.  There's something more.