WARNING: Old Geezers Are Taking Over Social Media

Age is an issue of mind over matter.  If you don't mind, it doesn't matter
~Mark Train

As I was going through my e-mail this morning, I came to the realization that I probably should encourage my 76 year-old mother to try Google+ since Facebook bombed miserably (she didn't seem to grasp that the grand kids photos and messages were directed at their friends and not her).

When my son introduced her to the web and e-mail about seven years ago, little did we know he'd created Mrs. Frankenstein.

One thing we failed to realize was what should have been obvious: seniors have more free time on their hands than all of us combined in one day!  I must get at least five e-mails a day, ranging from:
  • Catastrophic warnings to my health
  • The inevitable computer crashers
  • "if you don't forward this, you will have bad luck for the rest of your life"
  • Unite for this cause by signing this petition if you have a conscience
  • "old geezers" sex jokes

Honestly, I didn't even want to imagine my parents doing anything other than cooking my dinner or giving me my allowance when I was young, why would I want to know anything besides words of wisdom or new recipes now?

If I can get my Mom on track with Social Media, starting with Google+ because it's so user friendly, it could mean she'd still be satisfied that she's sharing under the "groove" with her kids and grandkids ... then I can read her posts in my own time and my own head space. 

I love my mom, bless her heart with all her good intentions.   Did I fail to mention English is not her native tongue?  That in itself presents a whole different matter under the umbrella of
“what not to say in an e-mail”. 

The fact is:  “Geezers” are taking over Social Media.  Don’t believe me?  Watch this:

Do your senior parent or grandparent a favor:  show them how it’s done; that way, you can help them navigate the web-sphere.  Like it or not, they’re taking over.   Don’t say I didn’t warn you!  At the very least you should help them to minimize the level of embarrassment they can cause themselves (of course, not you). 

Then again, perhaps I should be content that she’s still in e-mail mode.  At least that way there is still damage control.  Or, most likely, I should call her more often to see how she's doing ... the "old fashioned" way.

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
~Chili Davis

RRR REcycle REuse REnew

Ok, so I may be switching it up a bit.  After all, I tend to focus on sales tips, with the a couple of sidebars.   Call me behind, or having a gigantic job underway, but I want to touch on one of my other passions – sustainability!

No, I don’t own a pair of Birkenstocks -- not that I knock people that do because I’m one in a million who are not comfortable because of a high arch … many friends would ah hem point out that it’s due to being vertically challenged, I’m accustomed to wearing heals.  Nope, I haven’t chained myself to any great tree … if you don’t count the chain link fence surrounding my yard facing a beautiful pathway to allow people to freely admire my garden as they cycle, walk, jog by.

My mother is coming to visit!  Seriously, I’m not a bad housekeeper (boy, do I miss my nanny/housekeeper) but compared to mom, who was married to my air force father for 54 years gets me cracking!  As we moved from Canada to Europe and back, there was always an inspection of our house because it was rented through the military.  Yes,  they did come in with white gloves.  The only time my mom ever got dinged was while waiting for the inspection she had a coffee (maybe it should have been whisky?) while waiting and it left a ring mark.

Everyone should have a mom like mom come visit so they can clear the clutter and clean.  Beats waiting until you move.  While prepping for the inevitable, I realized that there were quite a few items around my home that signified that I walked the walk, not just talked the talk about sustainability … from a unique angle.  I had a couple to share.

I accessorize, accessorize, accessorize!   I have more jewellery, most of it costume, than a bohemian boutique.  A few years ago, frustrated with always untangling necklaces, never mind being able to match with earring,  I came up with, what I think pretty clever idea (at the time, I thought I could retire by mass producing)  I had this old bulletin board limping from its glory days as a command center for schedules, art work, and “to do” lists.  I painted the wood around the bulletin board (please, don’t drink and draw).  Secondly, I applied leftover wallpaper to the cork board. 

Since cup hooks to neatly hang cups within cupboards were passe’ (yeah right, in your dreams I’d have anyone in my house hang cups when they can throw them in the cupboard – yup, teenagers).  I screwed the cup hooks on to the bulletin board with the wallpaper as my artistic backdrop.  Voila!   I hung up the necklaces with matching earrings looped to them and it formed almost a piece of art.

Now, you are thinking … the loyal readers that are male are tuned out.  Sigh.  Sadness settles in.  I definitely have changed tactics on sales.  Then again,  I’m passionate about coming up with ways that someone like me – a shopaholic in green heels – can do my part by making toss-away items into innovative ideas.

But guys .. this one is for you.  Sort of.  What about bras?   Did you know that bras with padding are great utility items?  Cut around the cups and you now have a silky smooth cleaning buffer!  For your vehicle!  Don’t tell me, someone “else” does the housework?  Come on .. if you can use a bra, you may partake in household chores more often.    If you use those old bras on rings around the bathtub, imagine the other instances your hand could be on a … well, never mind. 

One of my best forms of recycling that I learned from my teenage girls.  Thankfully, they limit their high cost items are their jeans.  In my day (ok, sounds old), we never paid $200 for a pair of jean!  They love excursions to Goodwill or Value Village (in Canada) second hand stores.  At first, I’d let them scour the clothes while I focussed on the book section.  Then, it became a mission.  Can you find the most expensive designer clothes at a fraction, or a fraction of a fraction, of what they’d normally cost?  I love a challenge.  Hooked, you bet!  The best part is I donate to those same stores.  Now, shopaholics, unite, you can say you RECYCLE.

In case Mom reads this.  I do have another tip.  Instead of just tossing the fabric softener into the recycling bin, I like to tip it upside down to drain the last bit of fluid, add a bit of water, then soak the sink wash cloth with the residue.  In my house, if I don’t put it into the laundry, who knows what it smells like!

A relapse from a business sales blog.  Perhaps.  Gotcha thinking?  Double the bonus then!

Canucks No Longer Schmucks. My take on the American Debt Crisis

Believe you can and you're halfway there ~ Theodore Roosevelt

Q:  VinayKG of Bangledore via Twitter DM (Direct Message):  Hey, Can you give me your expert opinion towards US recession towards end of this year? I heard there going to be recession again.

A:   Whew, what a question Vinay!  I am not sure I would consider myself an expert on the US recession, however, I did ask readers to post questions and I will answer.  Thus, I can certainly give my personal opinion on what I see from the northern border, Canada, as cousins to our US neighbours and friends considered by most in the world.

I certainly can relate to the question in the first place.  Many countries, businesses and people rely on the United States to be a strong country.    In Canada, many head offices are located in the United States.  I remembered an advisor several years ago recommend that if you want to predict what is going to happen, just watch what is going on at Wall Street.  Some would say from that advice, I have accurately predicted the domino effect for dominant leaders like Quebecor in their print division shortly after 911 based on reading about all the catalogue cancellations written up on Wall Street.  A couple of years later, they were shutting down successful operations.   It seems to always come down to money, interestingly.

Since I do a lot of driving travel, I’m glued to CNN, Fox News, etc. on Sirius Satellite.  Why not listen to what is going on than just empty space music radio?  It’s my idea of multi-tasking since I’m interested in what is going on in the world.

Think of Canada and the US relationship as that of siblings …  the United States has been like an older brother to us, who we look up to and rely upon for many things.   All of a sudden, the younger sibling starts to grow up, form opinions of its own after absorbing everything that they’ve learned and applying unique ideas, stretching itself, spreading its wings and soaring to new heights on its own.   Canada has a dollar, the US has a dollar.  The Cdn dollar has been below the US for several years.  Fast forward, through numerous events, our dollar is stronger than our cousins and our banking system is one of the strongest is the world.   Sounds to me like the younger sibling learned a lot from its older brother, made some improvements and moved on.

But, this isn’t answering Vinay’s answer …. yet.

I like President Obama.  I think of another President that I truly admired even though I was probably at a self-absorbed age when he was in power and read/learned about him long after because after leaving politics he has had the opportunity to allow his true character show through … Jimmy Carter.
I wouldn’t want President Obama’s job.  You couldn’t pay me enough.  In fact, sidebar thought, what is it that even Donald Trump who has fame, power in his own right and wealth doesn’t have it all until he has what is considered the ultimate prestige of being the President of the United States.

I relate to President Obama what many, thousands, millions of us go through.  You apply for a job, you’re given a job description, a salary yet it isn’t until you actually start the job do you REALLY discover what all the challenges are.  Oftentimes those challenges are the budget is a lot higher than you thought, or you were so mesmerized by the company or title, you didn’t really anticipate what was in store.  Then, there is this and that employee or boss who has this or that influence in making your job a living nightmare.  On top of it all, it is a bigger mess than you realized from the incumbent that you have to deal with before you can even go on to doing before any of those great ideas you presented at the interview.

It gets worse.  Your team doesn't play well together!  Your management has its own ideas and its own agenda.  Then, there are all those promises that you believed in, that vision created to get the job done ... all before you had any idea how dysfunctional the group was.

Matters are much graver than you imagined.  Your budget is blown, you’re up to your eyeballs in the red (i.e. China), you’re competitors are ten times more aggressive than you realized (Republicans), and your employees (Nation) are restless, while confidence has nose-dived from your customers (voters).

Do I think that this mess is going to be cleaned up anytime soon?  No.  Why?  Because as an outsider looking in, it looks to me more like positioning for the 2012 election is more important than cleaning the house.  Metaphorically speaking that is of course.  Or maybe not.  There is a crisis at hand and everyone seems to be more concerned with taking a stand than fixing the issues.    I like Obama.  He made “compromises” and that still wasn’t quite good enough.  A leader who makes compromises in corporate worlds is called a leader.  A President who makes compromises (think back to Jimmy Carter) is considered weak or possibly waivers. 

I’m getting closer to answering Vinay.  Perhaps I already am.  If the US cannot fix this problem, how can they move back to being the power it has been?  It is starting to look embarrassing to its cousins to the north.  After all, we are used to bickering and lobbying and disagreement because we’ve had a minority government until now.  It’s amazing how much smoother things go when the people “vote” confidence in its government. 

The power to fix the mess seems to me to be in the hands of the party who made the mess to begin with.  Is it just me, or doesn’t everyone else see it that way?   The corporate bail outs, lifting the debt ceiling, fighting competitors (foreign countries) is like giving marketing or research and development carte blanche spending power.

In the corporate world, you would not be allowed to squander money away fighting the competition.   In the corporate world, accountabilities skyrocket when profit isn’t being made.  Usually, those that spend more time pointing fingers than fixing the problems are fired.    Most corporations would love it if their customers could vote for them to stay in their jobs.  In the corporate world don’t the shareholders truly overpower customers because they look at the bottom line?  Don’t they analyse whether or not they’re getting return on their investment?  Who are the shareholders in the US?  Could it be China who finances the corporation?  I doubt it, because as long as they get their payments and earn the interest, it could continue to rack up for all they care.

Vinay, you’ve been patient … and so have the readers if they’ve stayed with us this long.  Will the US go further into a recession by year end?  Absolutely, definitely, you betcha if they continue on the path so far!   In many instances, the questions get asked in the same context as a department employees asking its manager if they should pay attention to rumours that there is an impending merger or takeover that may risk their jobs. 

In a corporation, or even a divorce, they bring in mediators.  That is what the US needs -- an objective third party who has no hidden agenda whatsoever.  Better if it’s someone who can look at the financial and the operational side of things.  Like Canada perhaps?  However, as in many dysfunctional environments, admitting there is a problem is the first step towards a solution.   In the current US climate, it appears to me, as a humble, non-expert, nobody is willing to admit there is a problem.  Until then, we will all watch in dismay, the decline of a great nation.  Not by any other person, corporation or country’s hand but their own.

My friend, Vinay, even if the US can get it together, it doesn’t mean they won’t go into a recession because there are too many elements going against them.  However, it isn’t a guarantee.  Yet, one thing is for sure.  If they don’t, it is more than likely it will go deeper into a recession.