Social media matters starting with Twitter

Every day there are powerful examples of how quickly news fans out on social media far surpassing our traditional media:  radio, television and especially print.

A very kind gentleman named Ajay reached out to me on Twitter to ask me:  "How would one draw tweets to escalate influence?"

Like most twitter nerds ... I happily tweeted back a number of spontaneous responses, with customary #hashtag accompaniments. These were my responses:

  1. Great question Ajay! Draw tweets by articles that resonate with U, quotes, beautiful images ... likeminded will be attracted

  2. Plus using on specific topics you like may inspire those who gravitate towards same interests

  3. Be courteous, consistent, respectful ~specifically thanking those who follow or is a powerful law of attraction

  4. share your ~Udon't know how important what U know is until you start to share with others=positive reaction

There was where I did discover my own faux pas that I should know better:  not checking his bio first! I clicked on his profile on Twitter.  For folly's sake, this gentleman has over 11,000 followers to my mere 8661 (as of  today, January 22, 2015)!  And I'm giving him advice? Jeepers ....  

Ajay, has another rule I recommend:  an interesting bio that says who he is, succinctly while giving a glimpse of his interests:

Recently diagnosed with Parkinson's. Twitteraholic, I am on TWITTER to help, assist and educate the Tweeting population. Follows back all. Progressive Democrat

Once you start getting into the grove and accumulating followers, you may start to see notifications such as the following:
These are so nice to get.  The tweeter is recommending you among others.  Etiquette requires that you should retweet #RT thank the Tweeter (i.e. P.H.Solomon) and then you can decide if you want to follow the others (by reading their bios).  Some may have already followed you and beat you to the punch.  

P.H. had a #WW hashtag included, so I went and clicked on the #WW to see what it meant.  I was able to decipher from all the tweets assembled that it is all about writers.  By scrolling through the content in there, I was able to find some great nuggets on articles I found myself wanting to read.  A best way to acknowledge that you have read the tweet and compliment the person who curated that content - is by replying to the person - and most importantly retweeted (remember #RT) when you are suggesting others may want to read and #RT.

Another way this tweet became memorable, is the unique, cool image he included in his tweet.  Like all else, when you include an image, it will visually stimulate and draw viewers to click, #RT or click on the star.  The statistics show that the following was #RTd 20 times. 

 Retweeted 19 times

Another stat provided is who clicked on the STAR which means favorites with images of the people who did so.  What another fantastic way to find like minded who did like it.  Certainly, they may have done so because of the intriguing image, or because the content was valuable to them, or they may have wanted to keep as a reference later on.  I may favorite because I'm just buzzing through for a few minutes and I want to be able to go back and read more (i.e. bio, see other tweets, how many followers, or a multitude of other reasons).   Packing it under favorites can also be customized to where I want to keep tabs on certain topics, people, or whatever way I identify with.

There are a couple of rules of manners that need to be addressed.  If someone follows you, you don't have to automatically follow everyone that follows you, however, if you don't follow back, expect that you may be dropped down the road.  If you have been graced by the fact that they like what you share, they may follow you regardless.  Note, with bigger brands or personalities, the ratio of followers to who they follow may be tipped by a huge scale.  Some may get an ego boost by their numbers (anyone remember Piers Morgan @piersmorgan on CNN always referencing his followers on Twitter, or vocally comparing his following to his guests?)

By looking at someone like a Piers Morgan, who would be considered an influencer strictly based on his follower to follow ratio, you can learn from his bio (you already know who he is). Piers follows a principle of having his own witty quote:   

'One day you're the cock of the walk, the next a 
feather duster.'
~Piers Morgan

You can easily grasp that Piers is for anti-guns or more about gun regulations  based on his tweets.  You can also see his sources for tweets based on checking out who he retweets #RT 

Justice, gun-toting U.S. cop style > RT : Video shows Washington police fatally shooting man as he runs away

I went to check out Gawker ( +Andre Joseph on Google Plus) you can see that they are a media organization.  You can follow sources like them or traditional media outlets like the New York Times to source interesting articles that you can share to increase the likelihood that it will be retweeted #RT and/or attract followers that share similar interests.  

 You can also tell that Piers has a pretty large ego because he tweets about himself a fair bit:

Very proud just declared me one of London's finest exports to America - he forgets they don't get sarcasm out here....

If you are just hopping on for a few minutes to check if you have any new followers (remember to personally thank them for the follow), any #RT (retweets, that you should also thank personally) or simply to catch the news.  You've heard of news going viral.  How they go viral on Twitter is the key words are preceded with a hashtag #.  Well, one way to see what is catching everyone's attention, is by taking a look at the TRENDING box (this is today's February 12, 2015):



If you have a website, you should have Twitter -- it can drive traffic to your site and value proposition.  Likewise, if you have Twitter, you should have that identified on your website so that your customers, readers, following can follow you on Twitter:

Certainly, birds of a feather flock together, and you can #RT their articles or tweets as well ... reciprocating others loyalty is the rules of the social media jungle.  Unless, you're One Direction, with millions of adoring fans tweeting at them, that is impossible.  If you have someone handing your corporate Twitter account, ensure that your social media representative is  acknowledging, thanking and even #RTing those who #RT your content.  Don't fall short on engaging with your audience in a unique manner.  They could be customers giving you valuable feedback that should be acted upon.  A non response to a negative tweet could escalate very quickly if you are not paying attention.

 I've shared a few tips about Twitter today.  Hopefully, it will help you get into the groove and demystify some of the cool advantages social media brings, specifically Twitter.  At the very least, it can help you get started.

OPTIONEERjm NOTE:  All persons/parties referenced in this article were Tweeted at to let them know that I had included them in my Blog.  As a courtesy, I let them know and also that I would remove it if they ask me to.  No response will indicate it is ok, and permission granted.

STOP and smell the roses

  • "We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we are not alone."  
  •  ~Orson Welles

  • February is a month that is surrounded by love.  Centered on Valentines Day, it symbolizes giving, kindness, sharing and peace.  By examining what it means to me, I am able to clarify my goals and acknowledge that I am steady on the path of being surrounded by positive, talented, like-minded people, friends, colleague, and contacts.

We live in a world that is constantly on the go.  We have to keep pace to avoid being left behind or out of the loop.  How we accomplish that, likely determines our attitude and definition of happiness.   Even though I am not an analyst or psychologist, however, I often take stock of my own environment, influences and whether they compliment my goals or detract from them.  I believe that as adults we often focus and examine how we are doing by what matters internally:
  • attitude 
  • health
  • security
  • knowledge
  • talent
  • relationships
  • environment

"Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand."
~Mother Teresa

As children, we rely on external matters to gauge our happiness and determine our well being:
  • emotions (feelings, expression, innocence)
  • love (parents, siblings, friends, teachers) 
  • surrounding (safe, secure, nurturing, role models, idols)
  • responsibility (chores, roles, carefree) 
  • activity (school, outings, extra curricular)
  • discovery (learn, adventure, mistakes)

  • My purpose of late is focused on creativity and knowledge.  I continuously endeavor to fuel my spunky side and keep motivated, positive and filled with gratitude for all that I am lucky to have in so much abundance (family, children, friends).  I  strive to be identified by excellence, being helpful, knowledgeable and one who curates valuable content for others to enjoy.  I continue to develop my creativity -- to write and visual eye of  beautiful photography and art.

  • "You had me at hello."  ~Dorothy 
  •                                                                                                                                (Jerry Maguire, 1996)

Do you take time to just stop and appreciate what you have or take a look around you?   Or do you take stock and be bitter over the past or what shortcomings life may have?  Are you one of those score keepers? 

During the month of love, otherwise known as February, it is important that you love yourself above all else.  Not in a narcissistic self absorbed way (lord knows, there are plenty of those types out there), but in a kind way.  Remember your blessings and seek out all the good that you need to feel complete and happy.  There are enough things out there that can throw us curve balls.  If we are heart smart, they can't impact our health, our well being,  or our ability to love and be loved.

Whatever you do, I hope you have the time of your life!

"The best thing to hold
onto in life is each other."

~Audrey Hepburn

Orange you glad I picked orange?

I have implemented and included the color and fruit orange into my theme and as a key identifier or logo to be associated with @optioneerJM.  My blog is a bit behind my business cards that adopted the image several months ago. 

 I love the idea of the orange because it is so appealing to me and likely many others.  It depicts freshness, health, colorfulness, while being memorable.  I also associate the color orange with a positive vibe.

In my brief research, I discovered that in psychology, Orange is the color of social communication and optimism .... amazingly spot on to who I want to be associated with.  

Reading on, I learned that the color orange radiates warmth and happiness.  It relates to "gut reaction' or "gut instinct".  Orange also offers emotional strength in difficult times.  It helps us to bounce back from disappointment, despair and assists in the recovery from grief.  The color orange radiates warmth and happiness, combining the physical energy and stimulation of red with the cheerfulness of yellow.  

So, why do I put so much emphasis on the color orange?  It is because I read a long time back that the colors you select in your logo are important clues to longevity and success.  Imagine that? 

According to Wikipedia:  

Color psychology is the study of color as a determinant of human behavior. Examples include quantification of individual color preferences[1] and investigating the relationship between shirt color and match outcome in English football.[2] However, the interface between color and environmental stimuli is a highly complex interface and one which is open to the influence of a large number of factors. In addition, there are a number of key reasons why the principle of caveat emptor should prevail in regard to color psychology, especially in regard to information about colour psychology found in mainstream media and popular culture.[3]

The color psychology of orange is optimistic and uplifting, rejuvenating our spirit. In fact orange is so optimistic and uplifting that we should all find ways to use it in our everyday life, even if it is just an orange colored pen that we use.
Orange brings spontaneity and a positive outlook on life and is a great color to use during tough economic times, keeping us motivated and helping us to look on the bright side of life.

Here are a few more benefits of orange:

  • It promotes enthusiasm for life
  • Relates to adventure and risk-taking
  • Inspires confidence, competition and independence
  • Those inspired by orange are always on the go!
  • Those who love orange are extroverted and uninhibited
  • Orange lovers tend to show off
  • Orange stimulates two-way conversations
  • Orange gets people thinking and talking!

Well, I certainly hope my blog is uplifting, optimistic and spirited.  It is going to be an adventure to see whether it brings all the fun it promises.  Thank YOU for joining me on the ride!


Be a yardstick of quality.  Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.

 ~Steve Jobs

A guest comment on my Linked In post, bluntly asked:  "WTF is SEO?" What a great question!  You see it everywhere on pretty much any social media site and fairly often as an attribute by a company or individual professing to be an expert.  "WTF" is right!  Although that is best avoided in polite language (most people can probably guess what it stands for) .... or it could possibly mean:  "W-ith T-rue F-ondness". 

FYI (For your information): SEO = Search Engine Optimization 

My apology for getting caught in my own trap by using the SEO acronym.  What it really means is persons or organizations who can bump up your results in search engine query results.  Often they are ones who specialize  in web analytic.  

According to Wikipedia:  Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search,[1] news search and industry-specific vertical search engines.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience. Optimizing a website may involve editing its content, HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of backlinks, or inbound links, is another SEO tactic.

SEO is often linked with advertising, marketing, events, blogs, promotions, email campaigns, social media -- whatever it takes to drive traffic to an organizations website.  

The top in the craft of SEO is when there are key words commonly linked with that organization or web site, is set to attract the web crawlers or virtual robots who scroll through millions of content to determine who/what/where you appear in  ranking results.  i.e. Page 1 or page 10 (not including paid banner ads).  

Design is a funny word.  Some people think design means how it looks.  But of course, if you dig deeper, it's really how it works.
 ~Steve Jobs

 Most consumers today will not buy anything without first doing research:  reviews, media, etc.  How they do it, is typically by random searches by product, name or questions that lands them on a website to navigate around to find what they came looking for.  In fact, according to Hubspot:"55% of visitors spend fewer than 15 seconds on your website." 

Savvy web masters, have laid the trap to snag those searches on behalf of their organization or clients website.  This potentially leads to more inquiries, calls to actions, limited time deals, generated by the website.

There are other ways to get around the crowd and get in front -- quick fixes for those who don't have the time to wait for organic results.  Organic results, are from slow, steady, concentrated, consistent messaging out in the social media world.  Quick fixes, are paid banner ads through Google ad words or Facebook campaigns, keyword manipulations, buying followings, likes and the works.

Before you seriously consider hiring an SEO, marketing or content guru, ask yourself, what makes them so special?  I know I'm pretty darn tired of reading a bio or boast by someone wanting to take your money to "help you" increase your results, then go to Twitter and they only have a few hundred followers or even better, look them up on KRED or KLOUT to see how they rate among peers and it is dismal, not even noteworthy.

I would suggest you leave those "selling ice to eskimos" SEO, web analytical and Social Media self-proclaimed TOP of everything to their fooled customers who believe they are spending money to gain some hidden holy grail.   The truly gifted and ones you should be hiring are actively participating in it, not just talking and blowing steam at everyone.  They have results on KLOUT and KRED and have their own following.

Do your homework before you part with any money.

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.
 ~George S. Patton