Happy New Year

"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose."
~Lyndon B. Johnson

I admit that I haven't written for a while.  Please forgive me.  However, I doubt that many readers, followers or clickers have wondered why or what I've been up to.

It goes almost without saying, that I have had bolts of inspirational lightning, then I backspace and erase the thoughts .... after all, what may be important to me, may not be for others.  Right?  

Social media is a great way to be a creative thinker or a curator of interesting thoughts, beautiful images or thought provoking quotes.

A blog is a wonderful way to share your knowledge with others.  The compensation is the amount of comments, likes or shares it inspires.  I can't say that my blog has ever caught on in a big way.  Although, I am thankful for those that have loyally read my new posts, subscribe or share the content.  It shows that it isn't a complete waste of viral space.  Fast approaching 100,000 views is no small accomplish!

Switching gears a little.  This past year was one of constant change unfolding a new phase in my life.   It was not always easy, yet the challenges continue to inspire how much there was to learn from.

"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful."

Often, we can't wait to say adios to the year passing and rush towards celebrating a clean slate.  If there is any a time of optimism, it is the clock's stroke of midnight to signal yesterday is behind us ... while tomorrow promises everlasting love, richness, happiness and health.

To close the door on yesterday, we must do it softly.  Not dwell on failing, disappointments, pennies short or dreams broken.  If we are to embrace the excitement, optimism and inspiration a clear beginning offers, we should be thankful for life's lessons and applaud that we have endured. 

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is with mixed emotions, not the exuberance I thought would unfold, as this new phase in life joins "empty-nester".   Gone are the days of being ATM, banker, boss, cheerleader, collector, cook, curfew setter, disciplinarian, event planner, feminist, janitor, lecturer, listener, loan shark, matriarch, mother, nagger, preacher, soccer mom, taxi driver, teacher, referee,  role model, travel agent, VISA holder and watch.

If you play your cards right, you can still be many of those things.  If you lived your life right, others will be thankful that you did.  If you think positively, you will look forward to the many things to do again.  You should realize that they are not all so bad.  If you are wise, you will embrace what you discovered about yourself.

As a newly crowned empty-nester, more realizations unfold: 
  • if there are dirty dishes in the sink, they are your own;
  • if the laundry is loaded on top of the dryer, it isn't because someone else tossed your's up there to make room for their own;
  • if you can't fall asleep, it may be from evening coffee, not waiting up for anyone to arrive home late for a lecture and stern expression. 
  • if the leftovers in the fridge mold, it isn't from doggy bags brought home never to be eaten.
  • if it seems too quiet, it is because there isn't an entourage over playing music too loud or strumming banjos or guitars
  • having a few come over, may mean more pillows, covers and sleepovers.

"I want my children to have all the things I couldn't afford.  Then I want to move in with them."
~Phyllis Diller

There are many joyous discoveries in store:
  • Watch others grow into characters of substance
  • Be amazed at the knowledge uncovered
  • Find joy in the love, peace others discover
  • Cherish every moment as though it will last forever
  • Your clothes, shoes or makeup won't secretly go missing
  • Leftovers are because you made too much, not to worry about having too little
  • The change in your wallet or pockets, will still be there
  • If the phone rings, you don't brace for bad news, smile and say hello
  • You may not have grandkids, you treat your dog as if he were one
  • To someone, you may be the world's best - cook, listener, or talker
There you have it:  taking a chapter from my own philosophy.  Reflect on the positive, find those nuggets buried within challenges or obstacles.  Smile at what you enjoyed, hold on to the memories.  Be thankful for what you have learned from others or about yourself.  Look forward to doing and having what you want.  Be wiser to avoid the people or things that bring you down.   Every day you live, is your happy new year!

Happy New Year (and warm wishes) !!!
~ Jeannette aka +optioneerJM @optioneerJM

"In order to carry a positive action we must develop first a positive vision."
~Dalai Lama

Are you on the outside looking in? What are your thoughts?  What do you have in store for 2015? 

It is time to stop the madness

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”                           ~ Albert Einstein 

Read the headlines:
NEW YORK TIMES: http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/12/04/new-york-today-dissent-and-demonstrations/ ... The city is relatively calm this morning after a night of protests followed a Staten Island grand jury’s decisionnot to indict a police officer for the July chokehold death of Eric Garner.... (photo credit)
DALLAS NEWS:  http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/2014/12/fired-dallas-officer-found-not-guilty-of-official-oppression-assault.html/ .... Fired Dallas officer found not guilty of official oppression assault ... 
CHRONICLE HERALD:  http://thechronicleherald.ca/metro/1251865-retired-halifax-cop-found-not-guilty-of-sexual-assault Retired Halifax cop found not guilty of sexual assault ... 
CBC NEWS:  http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/police-officers-found-not-guilty-of-assaulting-homeless-man-1.1991160  Ottawa police offers found not guilty of assaulting homeless man ... 
CTV NEWS:  http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/canada-will-never-be-intimidated-harper-says-after-shootings-in-ottawa-1.2065443  “This week’s events are a grim reminder that Canada is not immune to the types of terrorist attacks we have seen elsewhere around the world,” the prime minister said.  “We are also reminded that attacks on our security personnel and on our institutions of governments are by their very nature attacks on our country, on our values, on our society, on us Canadians as a free and democratic people who embrace human dignity for all,” he said. ..... 
It hardly matters where you look:  our world seems to be falling to pieces all around us as brutality, murder, retaliation, terrorism, demonstrations are breaking us apart.  Don't be naive that the police are the root of it all.

Just because an apple looks nice on the outside, does not mean that it does not have some rotting on the inside.  Even we Canadians can no longer feel smug and disassociated by distance, as events unfold across our border to our cousins to the south  Distrust, racism, violence, imploded our own candy colored glasses as we recently witnessed our country shaken by violence at the head of our democratic state in Ottawa just before we celebrated our heroes and fallen soldiers on November 11th.

It brings me pause.  It also underscores my philosophy that instead of just talking or writing about issues that we proclaim are plaguing our society, we should ask ourself what we are doing, personally, to make our world a better place?

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”                                                                             
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
I realize how important my upcoming volunteer training is for Junior High aged kids on "Diversity" on behalf of Junior Achievement of Canada next week.  It isn't just because my only kids have flown the coop and evolving nicely as great citizens.  For me it is easier to lead by example because I am continuing my principles to work by facilitating learning at an influential age of our kids -- while at middle school or junior high. We can impact how our kids react to diversity by firstly, leading by example; secondly, mentoring and guiding them on what is right and wrong; and thirdly, by not just sitting back and broadcasting our opinions.  We need to be backing up our values by action.
“Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time; the need for mankind to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.”                                   ~ Martin Luther King
Granted, it is far easier to sit at a keyboard and proclaim injustice, or preach about how to correct a horrible situation, or lecture on how misguided others are. Activism compounds chaos by demonstrations that often lead to more violence. Don't just talk or write about it.  You can do something:   how we guide our children, express ourselves, teach in our schools, show by our actions (or lack of) every single day.
That, and only then, we will truly make a difference.  It is time to end the cycle of madness.  Stop just talking about it!  What are you going to do about it?
“Imagine all the people living in peace.  You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.  I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one." 
~John Lennon


VISUALs attract clicks

I've written on the topic before:  why you should use visuals to capture clicks by drawing attention to your article, quote, post or social media profile.  Why?  People love looking at beautiful, funny, lovely images.

One great advantage for viral sharing is its ability to have a domino effect.   Spin offs abound from it, just like "Caturday" instead of Saturday for those who want to be in the know:  just tweet or share an image with a cartoon or cute cat or kitten with the #hashtag #caturday and watch it roll ... reTweet, Shared.

Google Plus (G+) is, in my opinion, the best social media avenue to share images.  There is no clutter, the images are shown in size larger than Facebook or Twitter.  In fact, in Twitter, you have to click on it to see the image.  That is perfectly fine because words are your ammunition on Twitter.  Enhance your words or quote with an image and hashtag it and you will likely have it RT'd and shared even more.  People tend to like to philosophize when they are surfing social media sites and visual stimulation attracts the eyes and then the heart.

Pinterest is THE place where people go looking primarily for stimulation -- whether it be a tip, trick or treat -- the images attract the viewers attention and pretty much guarantee it will be clicked.  The better the image, the more likely it will be shared.

The following are top picks from my viewers .... certainly, I chose them because I liked them ... but the endorsements that others shared them are demonstrated by the number of likes, rePINs or shares:

Animals are always a great idea to emphasize an attitude, just like this tiger has been popularized.

Babies and kids illustrate cuteness.  
Even the most  skeptical hard noses, can't help be drawn into the innocence captured by others who share in adoration.

Stunning expressions, faces and humanism are popular amongst viewers.  In fact, my FACEus board on Pinterest has one of my largest following.  People are drawn to humanity, especially life's experience etched with wrinkles and profound expressions:

Doesn't a quote on wisdom just beg to go with this image?  People love this one.  There is nothing beautiful or fancy here, just mesmerizing eyes that speak of laughter and weariness from life and experience.  The next one is popular for individual people's reasons, if not for the beautiful photography and capture.

The secrets of talented, seasoned photographers may be guarded while we all get to participate in the experience simply by gazing upon a marvelous visual interpretation of the mystical innocence of youth.

Mothers with children or babies are significant in their contribution towards society.  However, a father who sheds his masculinity in his embrace of the sheer wonder of holding his child was identified by many who loved this.

Magical moments where the subjects are oblivious to a photographer capturing the essence of feeling and enable the viewer to participate as though they are there is a wonderful way that images appeal to many.

Flowers, beautiful objects and stunning photography evoke a sense of peace and inspire love for our world.   Lucky for many, it is captured to be shared for others to feast upon in its gorgeousness.

Scenery abound: trees, bridges, buildings, fields, forests, pathways and hidden gems are applauded by those who appreciate seeing new places and landscapes virtuall.  This is as good or even better because it lingers in our eyes and reaches our souls.

A burst of color explodes to grab our attention like nothing else.  I hazard to guess that the photo manipulation software "PhotoShop" was used to enhance the colors in this photo.  I think that is cheating and offensive to Mother Nature because often she doesn't need any help.

For many, who have not had the chance to touch or feel snow firsthand, the pictures of snow wonders are popular among all viewers.  Thankfully, without the cold, others can relish the sereneness and quietness that untouched nature invokes in us profoundly.

We love the sun, especially sunsets.  Waves of joy cascade over us when we visually embrace them all at once.  Visions of water attract viewers in their quest to impress.

All seasons and events are celebrated visually with stunning creativity as though we are in the pumpkin patch ourselves and allowed to pick the biggest and best one for ourselves and others to enjoy.  Our giddiness and excitement for Halloween while we scheme our costumes meant to amaze or amuse. Imagine being in this pumpkin patch in a field of orange.  We cannot quite feel the bumps and creases, yet we can conjure memories from days past where we took our time to choose the best pumpkin.  For others, it reminds us to be thankful as the time surrounded by family, friends and good cheer with great feasts upon which we bowed our heads together in prayer.

Sometimes there is no event, mystical reason or plain purpose for something to be so popular.  This is the most recent image that has been rejoiced and shared, as though the splashing is cause for a festivity or the merriment we feel by this fun image and graphic appeal to so many. 

I hope you have enjoyed the combination of creative images that I have enjoyed along with so many others who have embraced them or shared -- thank you ALL!  

You are welcome to join me on PINTEREST http://www.pinterest.com/optioneerjm/ to gaze upon wonderful images.  I have simply compiled the favorites from those who have agreed with me.  Photo credits are found there.

Discover your own wonders and underscore your message, blog, post, comment, quote, share, tweet, G+ with an image.  I'm confident you will be amazed at how wholeheartedly others will nod in agreement by their share.

Comments encouraged, shares applauded, subscribers rewarded and questions answered .... do you have something you would like Jeannette to answer?  You may be surprised when she devotes an entire Blog to it.