Knock off JOBS!

“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.”

I certainly was expecting that sooner or later someone would start bashing Steve Jobs, as most, if not all, icons have their weaknesses, nor are perfect.  I'm respectfully ascertain that most have even done the appropriate amount of research before publishing their article.

What I despise and would expect is "professionalism".   Meaning respect for those that knew him personally (wife, children, inner circle, colleagues) who loved him intensely, warts and all, and allow them time for grief ….   Before having to face the ugly side that was sure to emerge.

To assume that anyone of us is perfect is naive.  Give people credit.  The wide world of web means access to a ton of information, opinions, truths, and lies.  Very few faced with so much information, believe everything they read.  About Jobs already?  All I know, is very little is accomplished without a lot of sweat and tears.   Many of us have had teachers or bosses that seemed impossible, didn't always communicate in the best fashion yet we look back at them with respect to the degree in what they taught us.

My own naivity continues to believe in the best of people.  Yet, I would still expect grace to allow the mourners the time to reflect on wonderful memories before having to face those that want to be the first to “expose” Steve Jobs weaknesses.   I guess there is that notch out there --  to be recognized as one of the first to uncover the ugly side of Steve Jobs.   We all have our choices.  My choice is to think about the magnificent impact he did have on my life.  i.e.  a colleague sending me his “Stanford address”  around 6 months ago so I could pass it on to my 18 year old daughter who was trying to decide what to do with her life, what to take in university, etc.  I forwarded it to her, we discussed it, saying:  “don’t worry so much about figuring out your whole life, start by understanding what you are interested in, want to learn, and go with that”.  That is what Steve Jobs’ address inspired me to say to her.

Uncovering the commentaries on who, what, where the iPODs, iPhones, iPADs are manufactured.  China:  imagine that!   Look at what you wear, where you shop.  I could pretend that I’m brilliant to say that there is a pretty good chance many are “Made in China”.   I certainly hope those same authors are asking people to boycott places that sound like W-mrt.    Let’s see, 1 billion people, minimum wages unheard of in North American terms, an outrage!  Teens and younger having to work instead of going to school, that is beyond fathomable!   I have had teens who turn up their nose at washing dishes in my own home, never mind at a restaurant.  Who are we fooling here?  Give credit that there are people out there that respect, help out their families, placing others before their own desires, just to put food on their tables by everyone pitching in.   Those same articles and beliefs are where all this self-entitlement comes from.    We push our kids off to university, let them live at home, while their degree measures up to working at a fast food restaurant because if the job isn’t the CEO, then they’ll bide their time.

So those that do want to continue to bash Steve Jobs.  Continue.  I’d love to see you wrestle the iPhones and iPADs away from your kids.  Do you think they care who, what, where or how they’re made?  If you do, hats off.  If you don’t, I’ll root for the long climb ahead of you.  Those that say “huh?” well, ‘nuff said …. Perhaps controversial readership is where its all at?

At the end of the day … when my time comes to pass,  I would be thankful if people celebrate the good that I’ve done, respect my family and loved ones mourning.  Thinking about it, perhaps obscurity won’t be such a bad thing.  At least, there won’t be an “a-wake” to what I could have done better.

“Be a yardstick of quality.  Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”
Steve Jobs

Is Cold Calling Dead? Instead ask: "What if there were no longer sales pros?"

"It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up." 
Vince Lombardi

I have to give credit where credit is due.  A Google+ posted by my pal Gary Hart (Salesdujour) whom I respect and follow inspired me to write this Blog!    The same question keeps cropping up in several different ways, in several different manners, regardless of what forum I dip into:  Linked In, Quora, Blogs,  Facebook, Twitter and now Google+  "Is Cold Calling Dead?"  .... there is even professionals out there that tell you it is dead in no uncertain terms.

Cold calling is part of sales, like "prospecting" "closing" "objection" functions are. In my perfect world  everyone will join together to get on the same page, agreeing on a definition.  Instead, when you ask  what people feel towards cold calling you end up with a debate on whether it works, alive, etc.  If you "Google" cold calling, you may end up at Wikipedia that explains it to be:  "Cold calling is the marketing process of approaching prospective customers or clients, typically via telephone, who were not expecting such an interaction. The word "cold" is used because the person receiving the call is not expecting a call or has not specifically asked to be contacted by a sales person."   

Oh, oh.  The last business development role I was involved in, they would have hired "Telemarketersto do "cold" telephone calls, which some are asked to schedule appointments for sales people.  What they wanted was a warm body in front of customers that they weren't reaching by advertising, marketing, etc.  Most bosses I know who have sales departments consider hiring telemarketers an overhead cost.  More often, that falls under "sales" on the balance sheet.  Even more, would say they don't need telemarketers if they have sales professionals to do their own telemarketing.

My first take when I see the question asked is that not cold calling means you be handed engaged buyer-ready customers.  Perfect, all you have to do is "close" them. I want a million dollars and a second home in the tropics too. Doesn't mean I'm going to get either.  In fact, if the world agreed that cold calling is dead, then sales pros may just be killing their own careers!

Seriously, if companies want order takers primed on the ready for warmed leads banging down their door, a sales career would become obsolete.  If marketing could bring in new customers all nice and neatly tied up in a bow that just needed to be written up, would they need sales professionals?  I think not, they would be called "Customer Service Representatives".     In fact, if that were the case, I'm sure most executives would pour more money into marketing and be talking to accounting more about what to do with all that money.

Sales professionals are one of the toughest groups to manage.    Each brings in a set of tools, success strategies, and war stories that would make even the most notorious war generals blink!  Asked why sales aren't improving, you better sit down because that may take a while.  

One of my first Blogs ever, written last August 2010  "When the Going Gets Tough The Tough Go Hunting" What I said then and say still is when the economy softens and revenue streams dry up, people turn to their sales professionals or even some stretch resources to hire sales professional(s) to offset declines.  

Now, if we start talking techniques that take the "Cold out of Call" and devise solutions on making it seem less intrusive to people that are too busy to stop for a call from a customer, never mind a sales pro that somehow got through, then we're getting somewhere.  

The great part of these debates, they fuel my passion to write more!  That is why so many sales Blogs like mine are alive and doing well.    Well folks, you won't find any excuses NOT to cold call on this one.

"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go."
William Feather

Walk a Mile in my Shoes ... FIX your Organization's Dysfunction

"We are in a race between cooperation and catastrophe, and the threat is outrunning our response"

Why do organizations hire sales training? To help their sales pros be stellar? The underlying, hidden agenda is maximizing results.  Many concur that most sales training programs, books, etc. fall short.  I asked myself why?  I then deliberated about the challenge amongst all the distinct agendas within organizations. 

Pondering, I took a look at the CEO, along with his team at the C-Suite:  challenged by meeting shareholders expectations.  Those expectations typically fall on making a profit which translates into dividends or ROI (ROI=Return on Investment).  That oftentimes equates to operating revenue.

Operations is faced with meeting deadlines, goals, targets, with the resources that they are given.  Always, always, ALWAYS with a critical eye on the bottom line geared towards profit, or making do with what finances they have to make it all work.

What about marketing?  There is a responsibility to convey brand and attract new customers who will buy today.  They are tested to understand and anticipate the customer’s wants, needs, joined by what they expect to spend, their budget, their industry, their critical criteria.

Afterwards:  What customers can sales deliver based on the C-suites promises, operations requirements on deliverables while meeting marketing’s brand?

Most organizations state that their best interest lies within meeting the customer’s expectation, having happy employees, and being stellar at what they do.  Many are successful at what they do.  Many more fall short on customer’s expectations, having happy employees, can provide an excellent marketing outline, human resources mandate .. while still failing to meet financial goals:  increasing revenue.

Interestingly, this REAL example is typical of most organizations.  Do you see what I see?  They are all operating under silos within goals, trying to meet goals and agendas that are disconnected.  I’m sure they all have convincing business plans.

Disconnection breeds ineffectiveness.    How often have the sales team heard from the C-suite how important shareholder confidence is?  (Translation:  the organization’s ability to delivery on what returns on their investment that has been promised)? The closest communication typically is disgruntled operations complaints that sales has to sell more in order to justify the resources that they are asking from the C-Suite to meet the existing customers, never mind increased customers’ pressure. 

What about marketing?  They’ve taken the time to develop the brand, deliver the message and, in their eyes, deliver ripe prospects that all the sales folk have to do is “close” the prospects that they have brought forward on a silver platter.

Excusemoi, Sales says:  While the C-Suite is promoting the organization to shareholders, we’ve memorized our value proposition, mission statement, and are out pounding the pavement!   Before they’ve even have a chance to take a look at the leads that Marketing brings forward, we’re looking for new customers, filling in CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) systems, providing forecasts and Business Plans (in pretty power point presentations no less).  Furthermore, half the time the leads Marketing brings us aren’t qualified and even a quarter of the time just tire kickers (price shoppers).  THEN, when we do finally bring a new customer forward, unless it fits into a certain profile, operations is challenged to deliver.  Ohmygod, if the customer happens to want a unique, customized application, service or product …. Operations response is “show me the money”.  Sales expresses their concern that customers (which really could be them) are losing confidence in the organization’s ability to deliver on what they’ve promised.

If you’re selling widgets, the issues may be easier resolved.  However, if you are trying to sell solutions or services, that becomes a different challenge altogether.

I’m exhausted already.  All I have done is drawn all the silos in the organization.  Ahhh, the bright observers say:  it’s easy, all you have to do is collaborate and cross-section all the silos to a joint effort.  Brilliant!

OK, fair enough.  How DO you do that?  Duh:  Communication!
Wouldn’t it be easier if all silos within the organization came together to map out what needs to be done?  Ultimately, it is to expand upon existing customers isn’t it? 

A credentialed expert you've hired says:  “Well, no.  One cannot survive on customers alone.  You have to drive new business or attract new customers.”  There are several charts and excel spreadsheets backing how quality improvements, operational excellence and process re-engineering will meet or exceed your goals.

The C-Suite folds its arms:  That is what I have this operations, that marketing and this sales force to do!

Hhrrumph, says operations.  I told the executive if I had this widget, software, budget, personnel I would have be able to deliver what sales “supposedly” tells me the customer wants.

Alas, marketing has their back up.  I’ve done the research, compared amongst peers, created the brand, engaged an agency (or something), produced the best website (social media, campaigns, sales collateral, etc. etc.) and delivered this ROI and that statistic, don’t look at me.

The sales department, who happens to be the front line to the customer, hasn’t heard much of any of this until now and much later and usually once they've heard "OK, this is what we're going to do".  Why?  Yet, they are in front of the customer, translating most of this ever-changing message, asking for the business!  Imagine that.  Certainly, the turnover in the sales bullpen may not look good.  Several sales pros have left because they are frustrated by looking like a fool in front of the customer.  Seriously, we convinced them to give us a try and we can’t deliver on our most basic value proposition, never mind their customized requirements.

As the organization turns … who is really listening to each other?  From this scenario, I imagine that everyone is concerned with saving their own bacon and facing their own challenges.

What results, and I have no crystal ball, is everyone starts to finger point.  The higher up the chain you are the better it is for you to have someone to be “accountable” (aka blame).  However, in this challenging economy we live with what tends to happen: everyone is looking for a fall guy.

Seriously, how more dysfunctional do I have to draw out for you?  Sounds like a nightmare to me, and I’m the one writing this all down!

From the perspective of a sales professional, as a manager and after being on an executive management team, I’ve seen it from several angles.  Sometimes each silo engages outside expertise, i.e. consultants, marketing agencies, web gurus, sales trainers … hungry sales reps who spill their guts on what your competitors are doing ….. still sounds like everyone is still working in circles and covering their butts!

As the economy becomes more of a challenge, less customers are simply walking in the door, and a serious marketing campaign just isn’t a role, you need traction …. What do you do?

Communication.  Appreciation.  Understanding.  Collaboration. 

MOSt Important of all:  Desire to succeed!

Get everyone on the same page.  You all have to respect, understand, where each area is coming from.  What do you have to gain?  Hmmm, let’s see … your jobs, your respect, your security, your pride for starters.  Check your agenda, pride at the door.  Start a true collaboration.  Don’t ask the manager of this department or that supervisor to be the voice.  Trust me, they will sugar coat it to save their own hides.  Ask the folks in the trenches.  

If you are going to engage an expert from the outside, I’m going to suggest a communications expert with a round table.  It may be amazing what you all come together with.  You ALL have an important role to make the organization successful.  If you truly understand what part you play, be humble, open your ears and eyes … you just may get there!

Until you all truly understand what it means to walk a mile in each other shoes, you will keep running around in circles.

The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them."
~General Colin Powell