Hunter or Farmer: What type of sales professional do you want?

Clever people will recognize & tolerate nothing but cleverness.

I am often asked how do you really find a top performing sales professional?  What characteristics or qualities can you readily identify that will ensure you’ve got a winner?  That takes me back to what my own sales manager advised me when I was replacing him and asked to a top performing sales role to my first “gig” as a sales manager:   “Hire’em, train’em, send’em out, then watch’em like a hawk!”

I wish it were as simple.  Looking back now,  I can clearly see what mistakes I made when I started and find it easy to identify new or bad managers based on repeating those same mistakes.  Good and bad managers will be left for another blog while I tackle this weighty question:  How do you reduce your risk of making a bad hire in sales?

Initially, you have to understand what type of sales professional you looking for.   Most organizations will say they're looking for "Hunters" and not order takers.  What they mean is someone who can drum up new business.  They can be titled “Business Development Representative” or simply “Sales Representative”.  They are more easily identified when you take the time to understand the Hunter mentality:

  • Short sales cycles
  • High call rate/activity (they will look and sound busy)
  • Transactional sales:  Find’em and Close’em and Move on
  • Someone else takes care of the follow through (deliverables, implementation), follow up and customer satisfaction
  • They should be armed with lots of marketing pieces and tools to sell
  • They will rarely make formal presentations or get involved with RFPs
  • The call types are usually small to medium-sized businesses
  • Networking to them is to gather as many contacts as possible
  • They don’t need leads, but appreciate being fed leads once in a while
  • They tend to turnover quicker because what attracts them to hunting may also go hand in hand with becoming bored with doing the same thing over and over again.
  • Hunters aren’t as respected amongst colleagues because others tend to have to do clean up from the “sell at all costs” mentality.
  • Make sure they are base salary + commission – reward based on results
  • They will thrive in a competitive environment – post stats or sales scoreboards – that motivates them to see themselves on the top
  • Don’t expect them to be a team player in the office because their game is winning sales, not fans
  • They excel at “feature dumps” and may be more technically savvy with every gadget known to speed up sales
  • They may be annoyed by too many meetings or impatient with training that takes them out of the hunt
  • What paperwork?  You want them to make calls right?  Enter information into a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system – yeah, right, whatever you say … then back out they go.
  • They may drive you crazy when you have to constantly remind them to complete administrative tasks.  On time?  When’s that?
  • There will be several fish stories and a few whales that got away
  • Research for leads is scanning newspapers or web Career Section
  • In when the boss is, lunch with "prospects" and out of the office at 5
If you’re still gungho on taking on a Hunter, you should have a plan on how you will take care of existing customers or new customers once they’re signed.  For the sake of clarity, we’ll call them Customer Service.  Here are questions that should be addressed:
  •  Are these personnel trained to handle complex issues?
  • If existing customers are your bread and butter, should they be left in the hands of someone who may not be your most experienced employee?  
  • Is there an elevation process to move up quickly to solve issues?
  •  Does someone proactively call on customers before issues come up?
  • Who monitors your company's service level agreements are being met? 
  • Does anyone personally call on the your customer's place of business?
  • How do you promote new product offerings to existing customers?
  • Do you identify customers levels?  By revenue?  How they do business? Or frequency?   i.e. Business to Business (B2B),  mid-level, major accounts or enterprise.
  • Who can keep track of whether competitors are swimming around your customers, low-balling to get in the door, and you only find out after they've already left by the donut crumbs (zeros) on the revenue sheet?
  • If you bog your sales reps down with administrative tasks, writing their own proposals, composing RFPs from scratch, doing their own estimating, etc. etc. is it fair to call them a Hunter?
What often paralyses organizations is when you point out  “take care of your customers and your customers will take care of the bottom line” ...  or,  it takes 85% more effort to attract a new customer than it takes to keep existing customers happy.  This is where there is a disconnect.  Organizations want to pay someone commission to find the new customer and then have them move on to find more.   That is fine as long as you understand:
  • How do you define new business?  New customers or net new revenue?
  • Who manages the relationship with the customer?
  • How are you going to take care of new customers once they sign on?
  • Do you know whether the customer bought the person selling them just as much as the organization, service, product?
  • At what stage or how do they transition from the rep to someone else?
  •  How complicated is the sales process?  
  • Is pre- and post-sales support required?
  • How long are the sales cycles?
  • Is your offering transactional business that churns quickly?
  • Do you support sales efforts with captivating marketing or sales tools like brochures, samples or demos?
  • How accurately are the territories aligned?
  • Are you giving kudos to a rep who carries a $750,000 territory and increases new business by 10% and not to another rep who carries $1.5 million but only increases new business by 5%?

If you want your sales reps to do the hunting while the organization takes  care of the business they sell, that is completely fine.  However, depending on the answers above, sales cycle, ongoing involvement required, you may hire an Account Executive or Account Manager.  They come packaged looking like a  “Farmer” with most or all of the following attributes:

  • Builders of strong and lasting relationships
  • Not as high activity as their Hunter counterparts; there is a balance between hunting versus taking care of existing customers; more of latter
  • They will be thorough because they care about their reputation
  • They can be annoying by being actively concerned and want to be involved during any implementation process
  • They will do follow up, know everyone and everything about the customer
  • They’ll research a prospect, understand who’s who, what’s before they pick up the phone or enter the premises
  • Networking to them is within the context of their customers' industry so they can attend their events, see them in their own environment, with their peers and learn more about the customer's business
  • Yes, they appear to spend time doing pretty power points customized to who/what they’re presenting
  • They rely on referrals more than cold calls, because they’re warm and a testiment to their hard work and reputation
  • The new business  may not be from brand new customers, but from brand new individuals or departments within their customer base
  • There will be little clean up from over promising and under delivering
  • They will have  ideas on how to make the life of “their” customers easier
  •  They won’t turnover, as long as you recognize the value they bring
  • Don’t criticize their sales efforts, new business means new revenue 
  •  Paperwork will usually be detailed, updates whether you want it or not
  •  CRMs are conscientiously updated because they want to track and remember each customer as though each one is their only one (that is how they will be treated)
  • They won’t mind meetings as long as it is discussing their customers, resolving issues, coming up with innovative ideas to manage customers better.
  • You may wonder if that rep leaves if that customer will leave with them?
  • They will be more of a team player because they’re open to learning better ways to retain their customers or new avenues to create revenue from their warm pool.
  • Chances are while everyone else is sharing whale tales or discussing sports scores, they're at their customer's office or working at their desk; they'd rather not discuss it until its done
  • You probably don't notice what time they start in the morning, unless it seems late, failing to notice dark circles under their eyes
This sometimes circles back to organizations rethinking the original complaint that they want hunters.   Many sales managers fall short on this area.  Especially new sales managers.  Ask yourself:  as long as revenue is growing, what is the problem with feeding off existing customers?  The predisposition is to expect new customers.  Many executives love the war stories of Hunters and think that they must be doing extraordinary. What is wrong  with new revenue channels from existing customers?  Aren’t the results the same?  The challenge being, you can't rely on existing customers in the long run.

As a matter of fact, most end up with Farmers because they actually prefer the behaviours of a Farmer.    They are easier to manage.  They don’t turnover as much, nor do they strain the organization resources as much as a hunter does.  

By now, you may be irritated.  What you really want is new revenue.  Well, then you have to decide what that new revenue will look like and how it will be managed once it arrives.

Often times,  the people doing the pre-screening are not sales people.  Unfortunately, the mediocre sales pros are sometimes better at selling themselves than producing results.  The Hunter is who HR tends to gravitate towards if they're pressured to hire someone that can sell.   In some circles, Hunters can be stereotyped as “bottom feeders”.  From my perspective, if you're not careful, they'll tell you what you want to hear then afterwards eat your bottom line.

Personally, I’d opt for the person who is attentive, appears to be somewhat humble, and asks great questions.  I understand that high turnover in sales actually detracts from creating revenue streams.  Many short-lived sales people result from being fakes, not being able to add value or deliver results.  I get it that there are ones that may actually look like a Farmer but still have the Hunter instincts.  That's when you have  found Utopia.

How does Social Media fit into the traditional sales funnel?

"Success doesn't come to you, you go to it."
                                       ~ Marva Collins

Q:   How does social media fit into the traditional sales funnel?

A:   Social Media has not evolved far enough to help sales, other than being used as a tool for communicating, networking, gathering knowledge and at the bottom of the ladder -- generating leads.   Unfortunately, far too many misuse Twitter or Facebook to spam, broadcast, a deal or sale.  That was my initial perception and can turn someone off immediately.  However, social media pros are using it to learn, promote, educate, and/or communicate.  

When I ask executives I know professionally about their social media involvement, most say that they are on Linked In but rarely on Twitter.  A few are on Facebook  for friends and family.  Others claim they have a Facebook Page for Business, under someone on their team's responsibility, usually IT or Marketing.

Blogs are a great way to drive "return" traffic to one's site if it is done as a way of educating customers, establishing expertise.   The following chart from Nielsen Research illustrates a 43% increase in Social Media:

I  had a long conversation with my sister recently whereby my brother-in-law has a successful furnace cleaning business (for our Canadian igloos right?)that has expanded to air conditioners and humidifiers.  My advice was to develop his company website, include a blog where he can write about what he is a walking encyclopaedia on.  For example, here were a few ideas I gave:

·        How furnaces can impact your clean air;
·        What happens to health if you don't clean your furnace?
·        How often should you have your furnace cleaned?
·        What are the best or safest ones and why?
·        When should you replace your furnace?
o   When it breaks down?
o   Every 5, 10, 15 years?

VOILA!  If that information or blog happens to be on a site that sells the type of service or products people are researching before they buy, chances are they will trust that expertise greater than another that simply has a "Testimonials Page" and should generate a lead.   Sadly, most organizations don't include testimonials never mind White Papers or Case Studies.  You probably get my drift by now.  Use Social Media as a conduit to “share” information, communicate and educate.   

Today, the best use for Social Media for sales is to network with other like-minded tWeeps or to access knowledge.   One of the most critical steps in sales that rookies don't understand or others cut corners on is the research phase -- what you do before you pick up the phone or approach a prospect or inherited customer.  Social Media is an excellent vehicle to source information. 

HR Professionals no longer simply “Google” you.  Now, they will look you up on Linked In and check out your Facebook page.  You should always have this in the back of your mind: every single day you are online, you are selling yourself.  What you put out there is open to scrutiny and will determine whether a prospect will do business with you or if you will get hired.

People often misunderstand that Social Media’s primary purpose is not just for those looking for work or consultants broadcasting their know-how.   Take time to learn how you can sift through the clutter to find ways to use it to your advantage – selling or otherwise.   There are multitudes of on-line webinars and networking events available.  Most are free (with a sales pitch somewhere, the weak ones more obvious). 

Promote your Customer Appreciation, Open House, Product Launch event using Social Media.   Invitees can see who has been invited, who has agreed to attend, who has declined.   It requires more innovation and creativity.  I wouldn’t suggest you forego printed invites – they’re still important the higher up the ladder your invitee is. 

Face to face will always be best!  Just don’t ignore the fact that Social Media does make it easier for people to hide.  Those prospects may decide whether or not they will do business with you or meet with you just by clicking your name!   

How far is too far in sales ethics?

Q: In competitive sales, sometimes work ethics take a backseat... you are compelled to do "certain" things. Would love to hear ur view on this.
 Kaleem, UAE

A:  What a great question Kaleem, thank you.

Just by having to ask the question may indicate that you are not comfortable with the "certain" things you are being compelled to do or address with your prospects or customers. 

Wouldn't I love to sit in on your sales calls to understand the hidden message or what you are being asked to do to make a sale.  I joked with one of my favorite managers once, as a woman, that I would fall short of prostitution to get a sale.  It was always good for a chuckle because he was male and also thought that was funny, adding that I was one of the few that didn't need to.

While I can certainly empathize with your question, you most likely have your answer.  If you have to ask yourself the question, never mind someone else, chances are your instinct is telling you it stinks.

I speak from experience in the past 24 hours, I hit a landmark sale,  up 1300% year over year in this particular segment.  To emphasize this discussion, while we were doing the paperwork I asked this customer if they got freebies based on their position.  The answer was no.  It was a fair sale, there was more negotiation than I would have liked (every sales pro prefers a smooth close) but because it was also big, there had to be some give and take from both sides to "seal the deal".

I share this because it is that old saying:  people buy from people.  Remember how they say that you tend to be attracted to a lifemate that represents the gender of the parent they represent?  It is my firm belief that people tend to buy from people or organizations that they share similar cultural and core values.    

I've never "done lunch" to win business.  In fact, many customers I don't do lunch with.  The rare times I do is because something has been earned, you share common ground with.   They're someone who I want to spend time with outside of the office in a more social setting to get to know them better.  That doesn't mean I will invite them to my next family BBQ.  There is that fine line between business friendship and friendship ... you can have both yet far nicer when you can distinguish between the two.  I do agree that informal setting encourages information to pour out.   I do try to test the limits formally or informally, on what information I can access -- i.e. the health of the organization, its culture, how happy employees are, what the real chain of command is, who their boss is, what role they play in decision, how long they've been there, their career, their background, education, family .. it all tells me what I can expect from the relationship.  You have to earn the right to ask deeper questions mind you!

At the beginning of each day, before you even put your sunny sales game face on, it is you and the mirror.  Ask yourself what limit those "certain things" are.  Granted it is easier to have your organization set those limits for you.  That way, you can blame your boss or company policy.   Each and every time you sit before a customer, you should have a clear understanding of what your own personal limits are to make a sale. 

I've had organizations that I've sold for that encourage this and that.  However, it is myself that decides which limits I will engage.   I'm a decent golfer, so I've done that ... but only after a relationship has been established aka a sale.  The best piece of advice I ever received in this corner was "spend their money" .. don't spend "our" money to win them.

Call me seasoned, but I know that my biggest and best customers have high integrity and wouldn't expect me to compromise my values because they see the value in what I offer.  I won't share information, other than generic, on competitors I work with to each other.  Often, if I'm asked a point blank question, I will simply state that if the tables were turned, they'd appreciate I uphold their own confidentiality.  You will find that this builds trust.  Trust is the number one attribute buys want from their sales representative, miles ahead of product knowledge.  I stand behind the belief that the best customers in the long run, and end up being the biggest sales, are from the ones that don't compromise my honesty or integrity.  I want to look at each great customer square in the eye, like I do in the mirror every morning, and not blink. 

Those same customers that make unreasonable demands are telling you something.  There is a reason for it.  Your job is to ask a ton more questions to figure out what it is.  Some cultures perhaps will only feel satisfied if they've bartered.  However, those that are savvy, appreciate all the hard work you've put behind presenting a propsal that appears to fit like a glove to their needs.  They'll forget about the bargaining because they'll want a sales pro that understands their business more.

The customers that don't operate that way, enjoy toying with you until the next victim (er, sales pro) comes along.   Chances are they don't see the value in what you are offering, only in the fun in the bargaining or toying.  It tends to signal to me that I'm not dealing with the decision maker.  Some can smell a new sales rep a mile away.  That sales rep may not be new to sales, just new to them or to the organization they are representing.  They are going to test how far they can push.  If you have to give in, it could be a free lunch or tickets to a football game.    Be sure you use that to your advantage to get as much information out of them because chances are their guard is down, you're in a social setting.  Turn it around and put it to good use ~ ask more questions for goodness sake!

For the past 10-15 years, any organization I've worked for has had me sign Code of Ethics and Confidentiality Agreements.  That isn't surprising because I work for organizations that take their own core values seriously.  If you work for an organization that compromises your values, and wants you to win at all costs, it may not be the best fit.  The one executive I did work that who disguised shrewd business savvy with unscrupilous business practice, causing me to move on, does not maintain the relationships I still have long after those contacts ceased to be clients.

I will repeat myself .. based on my own experience.  My biggest sales and best customers are those that recognize a win/win relationship, compromise when there are hurdles, and actively participate in resolving issues.  After all, you worked hard to address their business needs, you want them to succeed, they're your cheerleader, in your corner, rooting you on.

Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.
 ~Albert Einstein

Hope this helps somewhat Kaleem .... I wish you well, JM


Do you have a sales situation or business question that you'd like to ask?  Drop me a note under comments and I will do my best to answer.  Until then, Happy Selling!