QUIT your bellyaching and start SELLING

Have you said that to your sales crew yet?

QUIT your bellyaching
and start SELLING

Now, try it again with an Alec Baldwin'ish tone and thunder:

QUIT your bellyaching
and start SELLING

That's not the point friends.  I'm going to share a REALLY big secret about sales:

Your behavior doesn't change
therefore you sell more.

The Hunkster Hubster and I have enjoyed our wonderful, beautiful stay vacation in Calgary this season, and it has been absolutely great!!

With the icing on the cake being our purchase of a 1964 FORD Falcon Ranchero from the proceeds from selling our 1979 Porche 911 - dubbed "The GETAWAY Car" by me.  [ I'll have to write memories of our beloved 1979 Porche 911 -- the year we both graduated from high school].

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