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How much skin is in the game? Know your numbers
People make sales complicated. “Jeannette, just target the delivery deadline and then work backwards every time.” — Roger Gran...
1 comment:
YANNO: The IMPLEMENTATION PLAN is the most critical part of any business relationship moving forward in agreement to pay or serve or manufacture or provide
Technologically, I'm ambidextrous [ had to spell check that one: thank you GOOGLE with its Blogspot for bloggers >> to be a...
When opportunity knocks: take a seat and be prepared to listen
This is where I will blog about a buying experience and the lesson to be learned extracted by defining how I want to be treated as eith...
BAIT and SWITCH: is NOT the RIGHT way to SELL
Since I began writing this blog 8 years ago (Happy Anniversary to me .... la la la LA LAAAAaaaa) I have written mostly on sales. That...
Defining a productive and successful business relationship
TRUST If you say you are going to do something either as the client or the service provider/vendor make sure that you do it! Most execu...
Habit, ritual or superstition: what belongs in a sales attitude?
The following question was answered on Quora, that I considered worthy of posting on a sales-oriented blog: Hi Harsh - thanks for y...
A childhood launch into sales
The following question was asked of me on Quora: What was your first sales experience? Jeannette Marsh...
Why do sales professionals use email?
The following was my answer on Quora: Follow up. Follow Up. Follow UP. Thank you Monica for asking me to answer this question. L...
MIND your business
If you have any online profiles under assumed names, pseudonyms, professional ID, identity, personal name, you are responsible for the impr...
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