Helping others go beyond average to remarkable :: in business | leadership | sales | social media
Let's talk about nail polish
. Here heralds a story about nail polish. One of the first things I did when we moved into our new area, was be friendly with local busine...
Thrilled with Twitter's new MAJORITY shareholder: Elon Musk of SPACEX and TESLA fame
The Power of One
Not everybody can be number one YET anybody can be number one. _______________________________________________________________________...
Don’t treat customers dumb
If you have any APP or service, it is imperative you remove any team members who interact with customers that come off horribly with the peo...
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Good riddance 2020 :: Hhheeellllllllooooo 2021
Make it a good one As if 2020 was so horrible. Well, it was. Let's see, the greatest pandemic to hit the world's human populati...
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