"If you are not preparedto step out of the BOX~don't complain thatyou're squared in."~ Jeannette Marshall
No, the quote wasn't the main purpose of writing this blog. I am always fiddling around in PAINT ..... or I'm looking for something, like you do when you have a recipe in front of you, looking to see if you have all the ingredients you want to place in your writing. Or, something just pops out and I think, that is a quote: I should go look for an image to use to create the environment to host the quote. Then, I store them for rePOSTing later on other social media sites like Twitter or Facebook or Google. I'm not a celebrity so they won't be famous or anything. If they catch on and are used more than once, I'm humbled. I plant them on Pinterest too. Pinterest being my virtual storage of sorts. A collection of "stuff".
The experiment I was on to was trying something different to see what happens. It is as a result from not finding a source for checking in with my followers: on Facebook. I had over 500 views of my blog today, which is a nice jump, thank YOU! I like to see if I can understand what people may like, what posts they're reading and what they're sharing, liking, reTweeting and from where? The numbers showed me against a surge from #Brazil .... thank you BRAZIL!! I'm trying to figure out where this surge originated from or by whom.
HINT HINT: Facebook or someone out there should create a follower algorithm based service that tells you who clicks, likes, comments, shares your content: in other words: who are your supporters. (Only someone famous can call them "fans").
I think this does source back to my former talent in sales: I like to hunt. I became more strategic as time progressed, depending upon what I was selling or to whom I was selling to. That was something that was learning in the strategic sales arena, consultative selling, or selling to executives. You really can't peddle your wares to important audiences if you don't get who they are, what they may be interested in or looking for. Writing a blog or blending in on social media is kinda like that. Your following will tend to gravitate towards things that matter most to you. In my case, they would be:
- social media CONTENT to share that others enjoy
- CURATING beautiful images, art, photography
- WRITING, blogging, growing audience
- networking, MEETING others with similar interests
- eventually PAID for what I am learning or writing
I scale social media sites as a Queen does her empire (ooo, yeah, that's a quote to describe me that I will have to remember to fall back on and create an image to go along with it for sharing).
I started to go through doing clean up. Since Facebook gives Google its money's worth by sometimes leading in driving viewers (and hopefully readers, rarely subscribers sadly). I've talked about it before. Sometimes it shocks me when people I would have just assumed would follow my Facebook Page haven't.
Let's just say the ones I'm more shocked by are the ones I faithfully share their stuff. It is like a nudge aside. My stuff isn't important enough. Or, they may assume that if I post it on my Facebook stream, I would also on my optioneerJM page. But I don't. I don't want people to think I'm spamming.
Which reminds me of my few blocks on Twitter: the guy never said anything to me, just tweeted at me with his own blog. Grrrrrr, he doesn't get it: if you want people to notice you on social media: share their stuff. If you want to really connect, comment. Geesh.
Well, to begin my experiment, I am going to carve back a bit. In time for American Thanksgiving. I want to give thanks to those that support me all the time and don't just acknowledge me when I'm doing the same for them.
Klout indicates that your influence rises as your ratio of following to followers ratio widens to a hearty gap. We shall see. I'll let you know if the opposite happens or a few people scaled back on will notice. The reason is a positive one: I want to be more focused on helping those that support me.
I'm selling my words here. I'm not making any money. At least yet. I trudge on firmly in the belief that eventually it will mean something and even pay off.
I loved this cartoon shared by a connection on Linked In (name withheld because "she" is a PhD and unlikely keen on having her name shared .... if she did, I'd know her on Twitter, G+ and Facebook .... right?
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