A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind ~ Albert Einstein

When I was at my peak performance in sales: winning awards ..... my desk was a big huge blob of paper. When I became a leader, I kept my desk sparse and turned off all devices when someone came to me with a problem. When I took a job to pay the bills: I ensured I was surrounded by art: art of beaches, boats or light hearted sayings to keep me motivated. People need to stop trying to be a square peg in a round hole. You are you and your desk habits are your own: * pristine (conveys no nonsense efficiency) * cluttered paper bomb (disorganized scatter head) * lively & personal (keeping things light & disassociate from surroundings) When in fact: * spotless can mean you are organized and efficient * a MESS says: whatever you're doing is more important * tasteful art and super slogans means you are balanced NOTE: I am not a doctor, educated in human behavior, nor am I a psychologist. This is my own take.

Michael McCool - the sales guy

Art by Jeannette Marshall (c) 2019

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